Update on New Star Wars Game - Pax Republica
Hey all,
Just an update that Pax Republica - A Star Wars MUSH is now open for both new character apps and play.Regarding the prior discussion about age restrictions, after discussion the decision was made to limit player and character age to no younger than 16, and to ban explicit sexual activity completely. We have also made many quality of life changes as well as overhauled the Traits system. Visit the wiki linked below in our new ad for more information.
If you have any questions, please join our Discord server using the permalink invite below, and post in the Questions forum. Thank you!
The Republic is expanding, and is actively seeking to forge alliances with planets in the Outer Rim, as well as scout out hyperlanes to new worlds and systems. The Jedi work diligently to maintain peace, establish Temple outposts, and keep crime caused by marauders like the Nihil on the ever expanding galactic frontier to a minimum.And yet, a dark power lurks. It was first unleashed on Jedha, and then on Dalna. Little is known about this monstrous being that so easily terrorizes any Force Sensitive. Not only this, but the Jedi Council has decided to keep what little is known about it a secret.
Will you join the Republic in expanding its influence, or will you seek to undermine and tear it down? Or, perhaps you will be an outsider who is somewhere in between…
Hostname: paxrepublica.net
Portal: 9999
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