Jay/ex-poBreccan from Arx, GarouMUSH, CoH, Far Too Many Others
I’m going to make this as short as I can. At one point this player commonly went by “Jay”. I know he played on Lion King MUCK a long long while back. He spent years playing on GarouMUSH, bounced to City of Hope after ragequitting, then eventually came back to GarouMUSH, much to the detriment of all, claiming he’d turned over a new leaf. No. Once he was genuinely banned from GarouMUSH, he apparently went back to City of Hope for a while, until he was banned there. Eventually he made it to Arx, and once we knew it was him, we banned him there too. Here’s why:
He’s a fucking sexual predator. I’m not going to mince words here. He preyed knowingly on underaged players, abusing the trust of already vulnerable children, hounding them for TS, personal contact information, nudes, and worse. He stalked them across games when they tried to break off contact, repeatedly lying about his identity to try to get close again. At least once, he stalked someone in real life across the country (this person was thankfully(?) not underage). He did this to several friends of mine, and I can only guess in horror at how many fucking others. He should be in jail. As he’s not in jail, he should be chased from this hobby and from any hobby for the rest of time.
This is why he was banned from Arx, and this is why I’m making this thread.
Going any further feels inconsequential, because given the above it doesn’t matter what kind of a player he is, but since we’re here already, I might as well. He’s a toxic asshole, and he will always eventually out himself as one because while he’s capable of masking or muting his behavior for a little while, he’s entirely incapable of changing it. He cannot keep IC and OOC separate. He will metagame as much as he can get away with. He will (shock of shocks) abuse the trust of other players to get what he wants. He will abuse any power he’s given, IC or OOC. He will be verbally abusive to players where he thinks people won’t report him for it. He’ll lie. He’ll shittalk people behind their backs, then turn around and shittalk the people he was just shittalking to. He’ll attempt to manipulate people he’s abusing into not reporting him, both by trying to convince them it’s not a big deal, and that staff can’t be trusted and might punish them. He’s pushy as fuck about TS, and possessive as hell. He misgendered people on purpose. He throws tantrums when not given as much attention as he feels he deserves. And so on. Name a toxic behavior to be found in this hobby, and he probably engages in it.
He’s had tons of characters and been on tons of games, I can only provide these:
GarouMUSH: Jeremy, Brom, Briari, Alecia, others I know I’m forgetting
From his City of Hope banning post: Brigette, Danielle, Diana, Izayah, Logan, Sonya, Troy, Justin, Andrea, Fogwalker
Arx (obviously): ex-Breccan (sorry any future Breccans)
Fuck you, Jay. You’ve hurt far too many people, I can only hope this helps prevent you hurting more. If any game runner/staffer wants help with identifying him on their game, they can DM me.
Considering the discussion of receipts in the other thread, I’ve thought about adding to this. There aren’t going to be any receipts about the actual, literal crimes that are the reason this thread exists, because of-fucking-course not, and I’d take the dimmest possible view (to put it politely) of anyone who insisted on them. Not that I have any reason to think anyone on this board would do so, nor do I really think people on MSB would either (at least I’d hope not), but just in case for some unfathomable reason people don’t consider that enough of a reason to avoid this player like the bubonic plague, I do indeed have mountains of receipts as regards what an incredibly toxic player he is.
Mountains. I’m happy to provide what I can, but frankly, I’ve got one particular exchange that might do well to sum most of it up. On GarouMUSH he got into massive trouble because after years of wanting his character to ICly know a secret he knew OOCly and trying to weasel and/or browbeat his way into having people tell him, after leaning really hard on an OOC friend to have their character tell his character (and being refused, as that character had made a promise that he wouldn’t), one day he decided his character just found out this secret that could get another character killed (that this character had kept for real life decades), confronted this character in a scene about it, and then after the fact pressured his friend into just agreeing that their character had told his character anyway, and, when they still turned him down, decided she used magic (which doesn’t work this way), to go into their friend’s character’s head and retrieve the information without their IC consent, and without consulting staff.
I think it’s perfectly fine to share these screenshots, because he gave them to me to prove he was innocent of this shit. This is the best light he could put it in. Real life names removed:
This is not an isolated example of his non-go-straight-to-fucking-jail-offenses, just the one he provided for his own defense.
But also he’s a child predator, so none of that should matter at all.