Looking for MU* Recs
Looking for someplace fun to play that’s generally active. No Arx please. Thanks!
@jujube City of Shadows!
http://cityofshadowsmux.com/wiki/Main_PageStaff has been super nice, the RP quality ranges from ok to amazing, I highly recommend if you want Chronicles of Darkness 2E stuff.
You’re welcome to check out Keys if infinite realities-style modern fantasy is your thing.
I’m a big fan of The Network (https://thenetwork.mugames.org/), although the people-living-in-a-dome-and-the-parts-they-play-in-TV-series theme isn’t for everyone.
@Roadspike Dammit for a moment I thought it was a nexus show where a bunch of ‘real’ world characters meet without realizing they are just actors, and I thought it’d be such a hilarious/awesome concept.
Peter Parker trying to perform a heroic landing off a balcony and falling on his face because he’s just Tom, then going to a hospital to be treated by a Grey’s Anatomy fake doctor who doesn’t have a clue how to reset a broken nose. I want that now.
@Arkandel That idea sounds a lot of fun. Though, I would avoid using real people as the… er… ‘real people’. But, I am someone who doesn’t really like the idea of using PBs of actors. I go for artwork instead.
Also, I do recommend Atharia for a game. We’re small and casual but at a semi-standstill atm while I make big theme changes after discussion with my players. So, I don’t know that it would fit activity levels and such. Especially right now while I make changes. Though, we do have light RP stuff going on still, sporadically. The plots I have just aren’t quickly pushed.
Shameless plug for Seven Nations. It’s a slower paced game designed for players who don’t want to feel compelled to be online at all times.
I have about three plots in mind once the current lull is over, which should be happening relatively soon.
@Arkandel It’s… not far off of that if the timing works out so that you don’t have much time in The Dome before your first Season. Not -quite-, but close.
I think what you suggested would make a great ‘miniseries,’ but not really sustainable in the long term.
Shameless plug: There’s a lot of really cool worldbuilding and premise and so far I haven’t been annoyed by a single person I’ve dealt with.