Wuff's Been There, Done That
Might as well do my own name drops.
There’s a bunch of places I’ve played and can’t remember names so these are just the ones I do.WORA/MSB: Dizzy
Cajun Nights: Dizzy/Dionna Shadow Lord Kin turned Ragabash.
Metro: Miki the Nezumi Ratkin Hengeyokai
Windy City: Mackenzie the werewolf. She who forgot to switch out from a nude desc in a big crowd scene while riding a motorbike. And Randi the wereleopard that won a wet T-Shirt contest.
Serenity MUSH: Holly, perky pilot of the Bonaventure. Halo, gunslinger runaway from a life of Companionship.
City of Hope: Ronni, Spiral Ragabash, specialised in wounded gazelle gambits. Grew mushrooms in the basement of the funhouse crashpad. Dixie, demon ex-cheerleader. Miki, just are rehash of the Metro character minus the Hengeyokai stuff. Sheridan Ahroun Spiral.
The Reach: Miki, Winter Manikin robot hacker borg girl stuck between being cliqued out and landing in the radar of that creeper who had the hunting lodge but I can’t remember the dude’s name. Noped rright on out. Dizzy, Werecougar, Wannabe bass player. RL’d out sadly. Reina, same basic concept as Dizzy, but stripper. Kicks, Adamantine Arrow Thyrsus Cheerleader. I had a Union Hunter there too but I really couldn’tremember her name but she was mad skills behind the wheel.
Reno: The Pinball Era! Erika, Iron Master Irraka A couple vampires cause I just could not get a concept working but since dying game did it really matter? Had a hunter agin same as reach, different name I can’t remember. Also staffed as Twoup.
Fallcoast: Beatrix/Beat Same hunter driver mechanic copncept. This gal god mad traction and judicious abuse of bad math building her car’s stats that staff missed. Bless them! Tamara, Angry ass Rahu. Shanna, less angry construction worker Rahu.
Fallen World: Staffed as NannyOgg, Piper/Trap-Zap Mysterium Obrimos. a few other mage alts cause headspace never clicked and didn’t fit their orders and stuff. Carter and Shina, Rahu and Irraka.
NOLA 2. Sabine and then Lita. Blood Talon and Iron Master Rahus. Hedda was an Old West soiled dove turned bounty hunting Daeva. Sheena was an elemental manikin winter cour robot haxxor thief type.
Tabitha Smith on most of the Super Hero games in 2022. BOOM!
There’s still a bunch of stuff I played elsewhere like City of Shadows and a few other games that didn’t get traction. But the above are like the ones that stand out the most to trip memory.