On Dragon Wings
- Address: pern.gaslightswitch.com port 4201
- Portal: https://pern.gaslightswitch.com/
We’re a relaxed canon game set in the world of Anne McCaffrey’s Pern during the 9th Pass. The game has been running a few months, just moved out of beta as we finished our first on-camera Hatching event.
Rather than hit you with an ad, here’s some character concepts we could use. Our general Open & Closed Concepts page is here: https://pern.gaslightswitch.com/wiki/concepts
As the time approaches for the new Weyr to open, Wings will be divided up, some staying at Fort, some moving to the new Weyr. Wingleaders will have (off-camera) influence with K’bert in making those decisions, but will also get the fun of agonizing.
Read more here: https://pern.gaslightswitch.com/forum/4/134
It’s weird to be in need of Goldriders, but here we are.
Mature goldriders, please! They’ll have the same uncertainty over where they’ll be headed in the future, with the benefit of even less say about it. You also get to wonder/worry about who will be the new Weyrwoman, whee! (NB: The plan is to keep the Weyrleaders as NPCs.)
Healer Pursuing Something-Leaf
An ambitious apprentice or journeyman looking to distinguish themselves by figuring out how to turn a re-discovered Nabolese plant into a useful salve. This would be a long-term, self-contained story for someone who wants their character to have an achievable end-goal.
Read more here: https://pern.gaslightswitch.com/forum/7/223
Our first on-camera Hatching saw 23 Impressions, and we’re open for weyrlings of all colors (except gold). It’s well-known around Fort that there’s nowhere to put these weyrlings when they move out of the barracks, with every weyr full already. Plus the question of whether or not they’ll get to (have to?) stay at Fort or be assigned to the new Weyr right out of weyrlinghood.