No-Google Zone: Secret Society
Hi, guys:
Knowing that some posters wish to engage in discussion where their personal identity is relevant, but don’t want their posts to be widely searchable for reasons of personal comfort and safety, we’ve created Secret Society.
This forum is only visible if you have joined the Secret Society group. It is not visible to guests or search engines.
It is:
- A place to talk about MU*ing as it relates to your personal identity if you don’t feel comfortable doing so in other parts of the forum.
- A place to chat with others about the kind of randomness we have everywhere, just with additional freedom to be yourself.
What it IS NOT:
- A political forum.
- A place to gatekeep or interrogate others about their identities.
- A place to seek medical, psychological, or legal advice.
- A place to discuss subjects that are too heavy for this forum and that give forum participants fear for your personal safety or well-being. The level of content should remain the same as the other parts of the forum - this is solely to help provide an additional layer of identity protection for those who need or desire it.
This forum is OPT IN to keep it from search engines, and it is a privilege not a right. Mods will be keeping a close eye on it.
As always, feedback goes here, please.
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