Discord for MU* players and staff of the past, present, and future! If you’re looking for somewhere to connect with fellow players off-game or looking for an old friend, this is a great place to start.
Best posts made by EDI7078
Pax Republica: A Star Wars MUSH Winter 2024 Update
NEW PLAYABLE RACES - Echani, Gen’dai, Miraluka, and more! Plus, if your desired race isn’t on the list, just pitch it and we’ll consider adding it just for you!
NEW PLACES - Nar Shadaa, Bracca, and Batuu (Black Spire Outpost), to name just a few!
NEW TRAITS - Nine new Traits, plus updates to add more passive bonuses and penalties. These help make your character unique!
FIXES & QUALITY OF LIFE - Many bug fixes and quality of life changes, such as faction-owned ships for the Jedi, improved sheet views, and porting between the IC & OOC world.
Check us out at:
Address: paxrepublica.net
Port: 9999
Web Portal: https://grapevine.haus/games/PRM/play
Wiki: https://paxrepublica.net/index.php?title=Home
Discord: https://discord.gg/p6v5ecQwAK
See you there!
Latest posts made by EDI7078
Pax Republica May 20245
New Archetypes:
- Nomad
- Merchant
Check out the Archetypes page for more details.
New Specializations:
- Melee - Flail
- Melee - Whip
Check out the Melee skill page for more details.
Questions? Interested in joining? Drop by our Discord! Or just jump on the game at paxrepublica.net port 9999.
Pax Republica: A Star Wars MUSH April 2024 Update
Two new Archetypes:
Swoop Racer
New Specialization:
- Perform: Visual Arts - Skill in drawing, painting, sculpting, or other forms of visual artistry.
Interested? Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/ysa6H94wUb
Browser link: https://grapevine.haus/games/PRM/play
Or point your favorite client to paxrepublica.net port 9999.
Pax Republica March 2024 Update
NEW REWORK POLICY - Having trouble deciding which direction to go with your character? Or maybe you’ve found yourself wishing you’d chosen different skills. No worries, you can make changes after approval if you change your mind! One free rework is available for all characters, plus additional reworks at the cost of 25XP.
NEW ARCHETYPES - Three new archetypes are now available:
Entrepreneur - An entrepreneur has taken a bold step into the business world by striking out on their own. They are usually the type who enjoy the challenge of high risk, high reward situations and the thrill that comes with great success against overwhelming odds. Running your own business typically requires one to wear many different hats, and have good management skills.
Scavenger - One man’s trash is another’s treasure. Scavengers are experts at going through others’ refuse and salvaging up anything that might still have value, sometimes even fixing up equipment that might need some love to get it operational. Not exactly the most glamorous job, but can turn a pretty good profit, especially in the less hospitable corners of the galaxy.
Senator - Senators are individuals who represent the many planets of the galaxy in the Senate of the Galactic Republic. They are excellent negotiators and are often smooth talkers. Being a Senator usually means having excellent ability in navigating and understanding of the world of politics, as well as some degree of leadership and knowledge of history and culture.
Interested? Come check us out!
Connect now! -
Pax Republica: A Star Wars MUSH Winter 2024 Update
NEW PLAYABLE RACES - Echani, Gen’dai, Miraluka, and more! Plus, if your desired race isn’t on the list, just pitch it and we’ll consider adding it just for you!
NEW PLACES - Nar Shadaa, Bracca, and Batuu (Black Spire Outpost), to name just a few!
NEW TRAITS - Nine new Traits, plus updates to add more passive bonuses and penalties. These help make your character unique!
FIXES & QUALITY OF LIFE - Many bug fixes and quality of life changes, such as faction-owned ships for the Jedi, improved sheet views, and porting between the IC & OOC world.
Check us out at:
Address: paxrepublica.net
Port: 9999
Web Portal: https://grapevine.haus/games/PRM/play
Wiki: https://paxrepublica.net/index.php?title=Home
Discord: https://discord.gg/p6v5ecQwAK
See you there!
Update on New Star Wars Game - Pax Republica
Hey all,
Just an update that Pax Republica - A Star Wars MUSH is now open for both new character apps and play.Regarding the prior discussion about age restrictions, after discussion the decision was made to limit player and character age to no younger than 16, and to ban explicit sexual activity completely. We have also made many quality of life changes as well as overhauled the Traits system. Visit the wiki linked below in our new ad for more information.
If you have any questions, please join our Discord server using the permalink invite below, and post in the Questions forum. Thank you!
The Republic is expanding, and is actively seeking to forge alliances with planets in the Outer Rim, as well as scout out hyperlanes to new worlds and systems. The Jedi work diligently to maintain peace, establish Temple outposts, and keep crime caused by marauders like the Nihil on the ever expanding galactic frontier to a minimum.And yet, a dark power lurks. It was first unleashed on Jedha, and then on Dalna. Little is known about this monstrous being that so easily terrorizes any Force Sensitive. Not only this, but the Jedi Council has decided to keep what little is known about it a secret.
Will you join the Republic in expanding its influence, or will you seek to undermine and tear it down? Or, perhaps you will be an outsider who is somewhere in between…
Hostname: paxrepublica.net
Portal: 9999
Join Discord -
RE: Non-AoA Star Wars Games
@Warlander I know someone else already posted about this but just an update that Pax Republica is now open for apps and play, and things are going pretty well.
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Hinotori I don’t think Liberation has an official, dedicated server. I believe this is referring to the general community MUSH Discord server MuHaven. We are currently discussing the matter and should have a decision this week.
Discord for MU* players and staff of the past, present, and future! If you’re looking for somewhere to connect with fellow players off-game or looking for an old friend, this is a great place to start.