@SpaceKhomeini Go big enough to be annoying but not get sued? Depending on what someone does, it can have very serious, and expensive, legal repercussions. With back-ups and cloud these days its hard to really do much damage other than causing outages and delays. Though, depending on your business that can get expensive fast if a web site is down for even a few hours.
RE: Liberation MUSH
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Polk You are literally the reason when they fire or lay people off at some jobs they immediately lock your access and escort you to your desk to pick stuff up. And hey, if you are that guy, then you are that guy. I guess respect for owning it?
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Polk You done messed up man. Best you can do is think about what you did, realize it was wrong, apologize, and hope that folks accept it.
No one argues your right to host/pay for the game or not, but just don’t take your ball and go home when it puts out 100+ others.