Don’t forget we moved!
@GF I know for sure there was some fuckery about Geist/Sin Eaters.
People complained that Possessed were to powerful, yes. Because there are some players who abuse what Possessed can do. However, if you read all the different spheres they almost all (maybe all) have ways to easily disable possessed. What the plan was for Possessed was to house rule a bunch of their vestments and limit how many vices they can take before visible indications of being possessed started happening. So, they were, technically, not ‘taken away but not allowed to have new characters until changes were made’. I, personally, didn’t think the possessed really needed to be reigned in because not too many people had interest in playing them. I’ve never seen more that 15, most of the time they didn’t even make 10 players, Possessed on any game with them. Most Possessed powers were limited by the 3 Inferno Willpower they got and willpower. Mainly Inferno. Their Inferno can not be increased beyond 3. They could also only use Vestments of vices based on the Vice level. So, if someone had Lust 1 they could only use level 1 Lust Vestments. And so on for each level. If someone has Lust 3, Pride 2, and Sloth 1 they can use up to Lust 3 Vestments, Pride 2 Vestments, and Sloth 1 vestments. Except for certain Vestments saying otherwise buying Vestments, outside the free one you get with each dot of the very expensive Vice raising, costs 10 XP per. All that is why I don’t really believe Possessed needed to be ‘nerfed’
Regarding Sin Eaters they were actually reigned in because Sin Eaters are also stupidly powerful if you combo the right stuff. However, some previous staffers were adding ceremonies, keys, and Sin Eater only merits that basically were intended to to negate the negatives of being a Sin Eater. Sin Eaters were pulled back into being ‘balanced’ with the other major spheres and the stuff that was getting ‘wtf?!’ reactions were pulled. Like there was a ceremony that was literally a way to use their powers without the proper keys. So, the fixes, to me, made sense for sin Eaters. I should haver screen shotted some of the crazy that was created for Sin Eaters.
@icanbeyourmuse Sin Eaters win because they all trigger off social/willpower win/lose effects, because nobody ever uses social/mental damage tracks.