Somehow, Kissinger is still alive…
Somehow, Kissinger is still alive…
BRB making a few alt accounts to upvote all my own posts, since all you cowards refuse to give me enough microdoses of dopamine.
(:Public:) Ax (A) is curious what Kasia/Zephyr did that was bad enough to have not only her, but those people associated with her get their alts destroyed and their primary characters (some of who were on vacation) sent to the Old Guard Lounge and @passworded? Is that the new standard of dealing with people who investigate claims of sexual harassment here? Burn them and their associates? I’m just curious
(:Public:) Cujo says, “Ax, you don’t care about any of those things.”
(:Public:) Cujo says, “If you did, you’d put in a request to talk privately.”
(:Public:) Cujo says, “But you didn’t do that, you posted it publicly because you want to make a huge show of things.”
(:Public:) Cujo sayz, “So now you’re banned from this channel, well done.”
@Pavel said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@SqeakyClean said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@DarthSmegma said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
The staff just imperiously announced ‘We’re skipping ahead fifteen years so that Rey and Ben Solo can have lots of babies! If you don’t like it, leave!’
Actually, it’s Rey and Poe’s babies on Age of Kora. Poe, played by Sumi’s player.
Still a better match IMHO.
Since Derp and Ghost keep bringing it up, I’ll repeat a point I’ve made before:
People are going to keep talking about the community being hijacked, because at the end of the day, before any of this happened, any of YOU who feel the need to talk about bullies being mean - YOU could have made your own board, and made it however you wanted.
Instead, you decided to change the rules of the board we were all on and throw anyone who disagreed out. Which is the root of it all. And you know it. Because you keep bringing up how we went somewhere else and made the rules we wanted.
And it’s pretty fucked up how you keep rewriting history to justify the decision.
Another person banned for person attacks, despite making fewer personal attacks than Ghost. Maybe it was the big words?
Of course, they had to ban @Kestrel. You showed up with receipts about their hypocrisy. 12/10. Would also upvote if I could.
The new argument that this is merely the result of wanting more moderation and people are just mad that they are being moderated (because they’re super hypocrites and are now getting theirs), sure is a take.
People wanted moderation to fork threads or move them to different boards, and to ban the rapists or that one guy who sprouts up every couple months and tries to set everything on fire. So technically yes, more moderation was wanted.
But it is an extremely bad faith reading that the logical conclusion is ‘ban everyone who dares to speak out’. Pretty against the spirit of the job that was asked to be done, you might say.
I do care that VulgarKitten lied to those people, and I feel for them, particularly one who I personally admire who was really hurt by the lies. More importantly, she is sorry about it.
If she is actually sorry about it, perhaps she should admit that and apologize, and not pretend to be a totally different, literally new person, which fits the profile of the issues in the first place?
@helvetica said in Bannings:
I didn’t know who Hella was. lmaoooooo
Yeah, she literally changed her username and started pretending to be a new person right after the banning- spree, and nobody has called her out on it.
@Roadspike said in Bannings:
@farfalla Ares logs are system-created and (to my knowledge) can’t be edited. I would probably take a regular log too, but that would mean I was playing on a non-Ares game, and ain’t nobody got time to go technologically backwards.
Yeah, they can’t be edited unless you’re a coder, because they come straight from the database and not a player’s computer.
Long have I wanted to do an Exalted Drams of the First Age (vibes not mechanics) L&L game.
@Pavel said in Games we want, but will almost certainly never have:
Whenever someone mentions The Magicians I get it confused with The Librarian(s) and I feel the urge to watch those movies (and the subsequent TV series) and then make a game out of it. Somehow.
This is literally just nWoD Mysterium, and it’s great.
@Raistlin said in Games we want, but will almost certainly never have:
Batman and the Turtles dealing with Gotham’s rogues gallery while maybe facing off against Shredder and the Foot Clan would be amazing
My only problem with this is that Daredevil is right there, conveniently also in NYC so the Turtles don’t need to move, the chemical spill that blinded Murdock was the Ooze that mutated the turtles, and Foot Clan and the Hand are both part of the same ominous ninja-body.
Though it is a different group of baddies, to be sure.
Double post, but obviously solution is to yeet different sphere rules, and unify them all into a singular system with 1:1 powers, so Dresden Files +strength is +strength, no matter if wuff or vamp.
Alternatively, Exalted lulz.
@Roz said in WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?:
@catzilla One splat, or a VERY limited selection of splats. Basically I think that your whole staff should always be able and willing to handle all splats that you make available, or else you’re going to run into the inevitable issue of how you continue support when someone needs to dip.
Depends on how in-depth you want the knowledge of other spheres. Enough to handle scenes? Great! In-depth knowledge of all rotes or something?
You can always just ask the players to explain shit, with the caveat that more knowledgeable staff will be double-checking, and if they’re cheating or something, CONSEQUENCES.
@Roz said in WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?:
Also, an uncomfortable thing that I’ve witnessed on kitchen sink games: abusive or predatory people get left in charge of shit because there’s no one else around to run the sphere.
Beat them up.
@MisterBoring said in WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?:
While I’m thinking about it, one thing I really dislike with multi-sphere WoD games is where there’s just an arbitrary “binding ultimate magick ritual 9000” that prevents any sort of conflict, and also permanently makes it night time in the entire grid and lets anyone go into the Umbra and all manner of nonsense.
At that point, it’s just goth supers.
The ultimate binding magick is more to prevent infighting for people who want to ignore theme/approach games with the default ‘must genocide all other spheres’ mentality that oWoD books were originally written with. I do think we need some day zones, to counter the night zones. Instead of something that stops it, something to undo fuckery if/when folks show up to troll could be an alternative.
Non-sphere cultural ties are another way for things. TR and FC had families, maybe something like that… but with a way for players to potentially form their own? I dunno, I’m just the ideas girl.
Kitchen Sink, but designed specifically to cross sphere. Let’s take a brief CoD example. Combat threat? Have the Axesworn Ordo team up with Summer Fae and Adamantine Arrows. Yeah anybody could fight, but these are the specialists you send in to deal with shit. (This does work with other things, too, I am just being lazy to type them all out).
Give the spheres a reason to unify instead of isolate.
@Prototart said in Games we want, but will almost certainly never have:
@Jennkryst said in Games we want, but will almost certainly never have:
@Jumpscare I have, at one point, looked intensely at the Genesys code for Ares, and bought different non-Star Wars Genesys books, including the Android: Shadow of the Beanstalk setting book.
but consider: a Sailor Moon/Mummy crossover MU*
This is easy. You don’t even need Princess: the Hopeful to do it. Mummy: the Curse 2e is where you have all your Immortal flavors of Mortal+… your Blood Bathers, your Imbued, your Reborn…
@Jumpscare I have, at one point, looked intensely at the Genesys code for Ares, and bought different non-Star Wars Genesys books, including the Android: Shadow of the Beanstalk setting book.
@MisterBoring who needs megamek when you have THUD
Re: Mechs in general - Eldritch Automata sure looks neat and has ways to incorporate literally all of the mech tropes. Like there is even a ‘get in the fucking robot, Shinji’ thing. Where it is beep-boop lever controls, a battletech style brainscan helmet, or a G-Gundam/Exalted Warstrider style suit you wear to control the thing, all interface methods are possible.
Lancer is also neat.
Battletech Specific - BTMux is still around, kind of. There is a discord and they boot up the game for simpods, it’s no longer a week-long thing where people login whenever to do their thing, which is a shame. A proper Battletech Lords & Ladies game would be hilarious, dibs on a mischievous wizard character (Comstar Agent)