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Secret Society


  • RE: MU Peeves Thread

    @tsar said in MU Peeves Thread:

    No call, no shows to stuff. RL comes first, but your GM or RP partner is also a real person.

    There is a certain degree of lateness for online that I will ignore or not worry about too much whether I’m the one waiting or the one running late, but like…

    In the last few months, I’ve sat around waiting for an hour while trying to figure out if the event scheduler hadn’t adjusted for the time change or if people just weren’t showing up to scenes they asked me to run for them. Or waiting for them to come to their own events, where a half dozen people were like, “Are they coming? Is this moved?” and then the player didn’t even acknowledge they’d blown people off.

    posted in Rough and Rowdy
  • RE: MU Peeves Thread

    No call, no shows to stuff. RL comes first, but your GM or RP partner is also a real person.

    posted in Rough and Rowdy
  • RE: MU Peeves Thread

    @Rusalka said in MU Peeves Thread:

    When your PC has a unique ability that helps out with the current major, year-long plot, this is what’s known as an RP hook. People who have their characters ask yours to use their ability are trying to include you in things.

    But, by all means, continue to complain on channel about how nobody wants to play with you (and maybe you’re just a bad writer who should pick another hobby) and are just using your PC for their ability, all the while having said PC sit by themselves, speak in a language most other characters don’t know, and be passive aggressive whenever anyone with IC rank tries to be friendly.

    For some reason this gave me the mental image of a fuming Klingon sitting in the shadowy corner of a medieval tavern. I don’t know why Klingon specifically, but Klingon.

    posted in Rough and Rowdy
  • RE: LF various WoD/CofD people over the years

    @catzilla said in LF various WoD/CofD people over the years:

    Was reading over some old logs and got nostalgic for various people I’ve RP’d with over the years and have lost contact with.

    Are you the player of any of these people? Let me know, I’d love to RP with you again!

    Bliss & Ruin
    Can’t remember the name but a male Mekhet that ghouled my mortal after watching her get beaten up.

    Ordo Nox
    Succubus (ST/Admin handle)
    Anathema (ST/Admin handle)
    Remy the Orpheus character from Ordo Nox

    Fabula Rasa
    Pretty much anyone that was in the following games:
    The Vegas Hunter game
    Maq’s Asheville Mage game
    Maq’s Anchorage Werewolf game

    NOLA (whatever the latest version was)

    Wanton Wicked - Savannah
    Too many people to list, but if you remember Eve Masterson and enjoyed playing with her/me, this is for you!

    Darwin (ST handle)

    Tarnished Reflections
    Anyone from the Vampire or Changeling game!

    Ohh, god. I played on, like, three of them? But it’s been so long since I was on Fabula Rasa and Tarnished Reflections that I barely remember who I played, and there were so many reboots of Wanton Wicked that I’m like, “Okay, but which one?”

    posted in Pals and Playlists
  • LF various WoD/CofD people over the years

    Was reading over some old logs and got nostalgic for various people I’ve RP’d with over the years and have lost contact with.

    Are you the player of any of these people? Let me know, I’d love to RP with you again!

    Bliss & Ruin
    Can’t remember the name but a male Mekhet that ghouled my mortal after watching her get beaten up.

    Ordo Nox
    Succubus (ST/Admin handle)
    Anathema (ST/Admin handle)
    Remy the Orpheus character from Ordo Nox

    Fabula Rasa
    Pretty much anyone that was in the following games:
    The Vegas Hunter game
    Maq’s Asheville Mage game
    Maq’s Anchorage Werewolf game

    NOLA (whatever the latest version was)

    Wanton Wicked - Savannah
    Too many people to list, but if you remember Eve Masterson and enjoyed playing with her/me, this is for you!

    Darwin (ST handle)

    Tarnished Reflections
    Anyone from the Vampire or Changeling game!

    posted in Pals and Playlists
  • RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent


    All the love. I’ve been through this and even if it is expected, it isn’t easy. We are here if you want to talk.

    posted in No Escape from Reality
  • RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent

    @Snackness said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:

    My mom doesn’t remember my name. I knew it was coming, but…still sucks.

    I lost my dad to this sort of thing this year, it’s awful. I am so, so sorry you (and your mom) are having to deal with it.

    posted in No Escape from Reality
  • RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent

    My mom doesn’t remember my name. I knew it was coming, but…still sucks.

    posted in No Escape from Reality
  • RE: Pets! posted in No Escape from Reality
  • RE: MU Peeves Thread

    Jubilee doesn’t do shit except idle in her room and TS Noriko and complain about things involving the X-Men happening and then justifying why she can’t go to these events.

    Heroes Assemble is such a stupid fucking game where half the cool characters should be set open because their players are useless.

    posted in Rough and Rowdy