@Roz said in WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?:
@catzilla One splat, or a VERY limited selection of splats. Basically I think that your whole staff should always be able and willing to handle all splats that you make available, or else you’re going to run into the inevitable issue of how you continue support when someone needs to dip.
Depends on how in-depth you want the knowledge of other spheres. Enough to handle scenes? Great! In-depth knowledge of all rotes or something?
You can always just ask the players to explain shit, with the caveat that more knowledgeable staff will be double-checking, and if they’re cheating or something, CONSEQUENCES.
@Roz said in WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?:
Also, an uncomfortable thing that I’ve witnessed on kitchen sink games: abusive or predatory people get left in charge of shit because there’s no one else around to run the sphere.
Beat them up.
@MisterBoring said in WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?:
While I’m thinking about it, one thing I really dislike with multi-sphere WoD games is where there’s just an arbitrary “binding ultimate magick ritual 9000” that prevents any sort of conflict, and also permanently makes it night time in the entire grid and lets anyone go into the Umbra and all manner of nonsense.
At that point, it’s just goth supers.
The ultimate binding magick is more to prevent infighting for people who want to ignore theme/approach games with the default ‘must genocide all other spheres’ mentality that oWoD books were originally written with. I do think we need some day zones, to counter the night zones. Instead of something that stops it, something to undo fuckery if/when folks show up to troll could be an alternative.
Non-sphere cultural ties are another way for things. TR and FC had families, maybe something like that… but with a way for players to potentially form their own? I dunno, I’m just the ideas girl.