Here be Olaf. Mr. Barky Pants, Grump, or Fuzzbutt as you prefer.

Best posts made by Cornpopped
RE: Pets!
RE: Pets!
How my dog begs for treats. Infuriatingly adorable, we can’t say no!
RE: Pets!
Please enjoy my crazy dog in a crazy dog costume! I’mma stuff him in this on Halloween so when he barks like a maniac at everything that wanders by, he will look the part
RE: Beware: 'Hella" aka Vulgarkitten aka poMonique@arx
She’s only nice and sweet and inclusive and helpful up until the moment you don’t give her what she wants; then she turns on you. And even when you think her manipulations and spitefulness and outright flaunting of things that should be kept at least discrete is painfully obvious - she will talk people into believing that you’re just out to get her.
Ignoring her attempts at getting under your skin, once she’s turned on you, is the only way to deal with her. That, and keeping as far away from anything she’s doing as possible.
RE: Pets!
We picked Olaf because he was kind of shy and hesitant. And, our daughter decided that meant he was like her, so we should give him a good home.
So we did! He’s definitely not shy or hesitant with us anymore.
RE: Beware: 'Hella" aka Vulgarkitten aka poMonique@arx
@Rhamnious And when everyone thinks she’s so sugar and sweet and nice, how could it /possibly/ be anything but you mixing IC/OOC right? I definitely didn’t have that exact situation, but I feel you
You wonder if you’re totally losing your mind, and whether it IS you, or how else do people not see what’s going on??
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
@RightMeow I feel this. I was often warned off of trying to dig in to reincarnation stuff as Azova. And the last thing I wanted to do was cheese it and try to get an NPC to tell me. I regret not taking that leap, honestly.
Until the very end, it was a pretty pervasive thing it feels like, to discourage people even if it was just IC. Only so many times an avenue of rp is closed off before you give up OOC as well.
Cornpopped's Kernels
Current Places:
Arx: Alis, Azova, Godric (former)
Before the Fall: Cianna
7N: Lynne
Shattered: CorinnePrior:
Harper’s Tale: Arianne, D’cen, O’ell
Dragonsfire: Tia, D’yce
VP: Rivka
StarStones: T’arla
DC - Brave and the Bold: Wonder Girl (Cassie), Catwoman, Zatanna.
SW2: Mreala Zaregan, Leia -
A long time ago (hi everyone, I’m the lurking Arx-Alis-player ), we lived in a small town in the middle of the mountains that was only accessible by dirt road or helicopter.
And we used to be woken up at night from the sound of bears rummaging through the garbage bins outside the military apartment complexes. But ALSO, also!!! … one night I went up to the base cafeteria to pick up some food for my mother who was still working. And on the way back down to the library with her food, I heard a wildcat of some kind howl.
I never ever eeeeever volunteered to go get her food again cause I thought /I/ was gonna be cat food that night.
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
This is such a cool thread!
So, Alis secret: She had one from the beginning, about having nightmares that a den of white dragons was attacked in their sleep by a horde of shavs that were poofed in by a dragon with a black claw. And she realized after hearing what happened at Sanctum while she was training in Arx that she’d dreamt of what happened to the family, and knew it must have been something other than what it seemed.
But, later on I got a much bigger secret through RP. Irony had contacted several people asking for someone to tell her about being a Knight and what it was all about. And Alis being all Oathlands Knighty was like ‘I am not letting letting someone that isn’t a //Valardin// Knight talk about Knighthood without getting a word in about how WE do it. So ofc she volunteered. And when Irony asked to be Alis’ squire she absolutely said yes, and had no idea that Irony was really a dragon. Not until much later, when Tolv came to Alis and was like 'hey, there’s a dragon that’s been trapped in a pit in YOUR LANDS since forever. You might wanna get them out before they’re consumed for Primum. And in the course of the rescue, in the best scene ever, Alis was injured by giant insect things (b/c of course giant insect things) and Irony got BIG MAD. Literally big mad, and turned into a dragon cause someone hurt her human. And that is the story of how Alis became a young dragon’s familiar. Big ol secret to those outside the Red Wardens until endgame.
Azova’s secret, on the other hand, I didn’t ever get to fully explore, which makes me sad. It started with just having the ability in any battlefield or place like the House of Solace, to know who was the most injured and close to death and exactly where to find them so they could be helped.
Found out through my final rfr that she’s the reincarnation of a Caer’alfar era champion of Lagoma. One of the goddess’ aspects of healing in battle.
I didn’t know any of this when I leaned heavily into her being a Mercy and asked for Legendary Mercy as my title for getting Medicine 6. But, it would have been so cool to play on all of that in game.
All in all, I think both characters and their secrets in the end kicked ass
Latest posts made by Cornpopped
RE: My Etsy Shop
@Snackness If you tell me when it is up there, I will buy one! It will be my little work buddy at the office.
RE: My Etsy Shop
@Snackness Do you make baby cthulu’s? Asking for a friend who misses her best eldritch horror dress up buddy. But also cause I wanted to ask before I go buy something else you have up there instead
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Testament One day I will create an alt that has moldy blue cheese ball eyes. ONE DAY.
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
@RightMeow I feel this. I was often warned off of trying to dig in to reincarnation stuff as Azova. And the last thing I wanted to do was cheese it and try to get an NPC to tell me. I regret not taking that leap, honestly.
Until the very end, it was a pretty pervasive thing it feels like, to discourage people even if it was just IC. Only so many times an avenue of rp is closed off before you give up OOC as well.
RE: The Arx Secrets Thread
This is such a cool thread!
So, Alis secret: She had one from the beginning, about having nightmares that a den of white dragons was attacked in their sleep by a horde of shavs that were poofed in by a dragon with a black claw. And she realized after hearing what happened at Sanctum while she was training in Arx that she’d dreamt of what happened to the family, and knew it must have been something other than what it seemed.
But, later on I got a much bigger secret through RP. Irony had contacted several people asking for someone to tell her about being a Knight and what it was all about. And Alis being all Oathlands Knighty was like ‘I am not letting letting someone that isn’t a //Valardin// Knight talk about Knighthood without getting a word in about how WE do it. So ofc she volunteered. And when Irony asked to be Alis’ squire she absolutely said yes, and had no idea that Irony was really a dragon. Not until much later, when Tolv came to Alis and was like 'hey, there’s a dragon that’s been trapped in a pit in YOUR LANDS since forever. You might wanna get them out before they’re consumed for Primum. And in the course of the rescue, in the best scene ever, Alis was injured by giant insect things (b/c of course giant insect things) and Irony got BIG MAD. Literally big mad, and turned into a dragon cause someone hurt her human. And that is the story of how Alis became a young dragon’s familiar. Big ol secret to those outside the Red Wardens until endgame.
Azova’s secret, on the other hand, I didn’t ever get to fully explore, which makes me sad. It started with just having the ability in any battlefield or place like the House of Solace, to know who was the most injured and close to death and exactly where to find them so they could be helped.
Found out through my final rfr that she’s the reincarnation of a Caer’alfar era champion of Lagoma. One of the goddess’ aspects of healing in battle.
I didn’t know any of this when I leaned heavily into her being a Mercy and asked for Legendary Mercy as my title for getting Medicine 6. But, it would have been so cool to play on all of that in game.
All in all, I think both characters and their secrets in the end kicked ass
RE: MU Peeves Thread
When someone asks for volunteers, and so you volunteer. But then they completely ignore your messenger, and don’t even bother with a token ‘sorry, no room for you’ response. So you’re left hanging until you see the scene they needed volunteers for begin.
RE: Pets!
Please enjoy my crazy dog in a crazy dog costume! I’mma stuff him in this on Halloween so when he barks like a maniac at everything that wanders by, he will look the part
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Pink If it helps (I know it might not), there are plenty of us there who are more than happy with a couple of well written lines as poses. Some days I am in an okay mood to be able to write a novel for a pose, but mostly my brain is way too fried for it. I’ve been in scenes on Concordia and elsewhere, where zingy one liners wind up as the end of a scene cause that’s just how we roll.
Kudos to those who manage to consistently feel capable of 1000+ word poses though, and some are lovely roleplayers whom I always enjoy rping with. Even if I feel a little inadequate for my relatively smol poses in comparison