@Tez Absolutely. Anybody publicly sharing IP addresses around is not a friend to any community of any kind. I may disagree with @Prospero over the identity of someone, but I’m glad he’s not handing IP addresses around willy-nilly.
Don’t forget we moved!
RE: Neitherlands
RE: Neitherlands
@Prospero That Shjade and idreamofflying are the same person is not a question nor even guesswork. I was there. I saw the staff bit when it was created. I saw that its handle was originally Shjade on the game’s web site. I saw that it switched to idreamofflying. I saw the continuity of posts from said staff bit when that changed happen. Shjade is idreamofflying.
Shjade/idreamofflying being chookitypok is not something I’ve personally witnessed, but people who knew the same person under both names across multiple games are flat-out stating she is. Given the enormous trust deficit she has accrued, her denials (which I note she relied on someone else to provide) ring very, very, very faint.
RE: Neitherlands
@Warma-Sheen (The subtext in my reply is “this probably didn’t happen”.)
RE: Neitherlands
Just to keep things fun, it should be noted that chookitypok is also idreamofflying under which you’ll see she was Xayide@Brakebills (the first non-wizard staffer of the game she later stole most of the material from to make her own). But wait! It doesn’t stop there! She was also Lane@Brakebills who was linked to Shjade (source: the Xayide bit, when first announced as a storyteller, used to be linked to the Shjade handle before it got moved to the new idreamofflying handle). Shjade, you will note, was one of the staffers at that sex pest-run game Elseverse.
This is a pattern she does: she burns a bunch of bridges under one ID, she makes a new ID, she does the same stuff under that ID and then wonders how people KNOW!? I’m certain I’ve missed other IDs of her because she changes handles more often than some people change their underwear.
RE: Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread
@CuriousGamer said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
@Cobalt I’m not sure if it’s an actual medical or mental condition - but I’ve never, ever seen Macha actually admit actual fault (not without a ‘but’ or redirection of blame). I’ve never heard of her taking a ownership mentality. Has anyone else?
She uses her purported “Oppositional Defiance Disorder” as a shield. You can’t be upset with her being a bitch because she has a condition!
RE: Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread
@Adora I am genuinely, no lie, sorry that this … thing … and you are even this peripherally related in anybody’s thoughts anywhere.
I’m tracking down a third alt I have even vaguer memories of. Maybe it will have a code name that will ruin someone else’s life. Here’s hoping!
RE: Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread
@Jax OK, it took me some time, largely because I semi-misremembered the name, but she’s also Amara@Comic Adventures.
Interesting story behind the misremembered name. Interesting to me, at any rate. To @Adora I’m sure it’s horrifying…
See, I’d remembered the name as this twee thing with “adore” in it, so searching around for a character with a name containing “adore” just wasn’t working. It turns out that “Adora” is her character’s code name. So she’s Amara Matthewson, the slender redhead, who’s also a firefighter (?) and has the code name “Adora”.
Insert the appropriate eye rolling meme here.
I’m pretty sure she’s got another alt there, but I’m not going to waste my time surfing the site’s wiki to find all the “original” characters using red-headed women as played-bys.
RE: Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread
@CuriousGamer Sabrielle@Comic Adventures is Macha. She has at least one other character there, but I’ve long since forgotten that name.