Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo
@Trashcan nice, that does answer my question. thank you.
@Meg The panty flashing was pervasive, constant, made people uncomfortable, was never relevant to and derailed scenes, was complained about routinely, and whether or not it rises to the level of other complaints it was unwanted, voiced to be unwanted, yet never stopped. I was in several scenes where this player lost their pants where the scene immediately died. It was notorious behavior in that this player had a reputation for it. Bringing your kinks to the public-facing grid is not usually healthy, and it contributes to the sort of community rot that makes the writing experience less fun for those not into it.
@SpilledBeanz sorry, i have to admit i am probably not the target audience to get worked up about this. sorry that happened to you and all, but it just sounds silly to me, and that may be because i am-- 4 years out from any RP?
but when you have a culture of rot, then is more rot really contributing to it when it starts at the top?
@Meg said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
but when you have a culture of rot, then is more rot really contributing to it when it starts at the top?
Yes. I’d say any rot deserves to be pointed out from the top all the way down.
I think it needs to be emphasized here that isn’t people being being squeamish about seeing underwear a couple of times. It was clearly a fetish for the player, and it was one that they forced people to be a participant in. Over and over. Consent didn’t matter, stating outright that you do not consent didn’t matter, public, private, event? It didn’t matter. If she was in the scene, you were likely going to be subject to her pants magically coming off and oh my god isn’t this so embarrassing. It isn’t an exaggeration to say that it probably happened on a hundred occasions or more.
If that’s your thing, fine, but these “accidental” scenarios need to happen with people who actively consent OOC to being a participant in it. Most did not, and that did not stop her. Telling her not to do it anymore didn’t stop her. She didn’t care. That was the problem. That deserves to be highlighted.
@Meg I assure you it was not “silly” when it derailed meaningful RP, due to people simply leaving out of frustration and exasperation. Was it NC-17? No. But it was someone’s personal kink thrown in people’s faces on an at least a weekly (and sometimes daily) basis. If you were active on any grids I’m sure you can see how disruptive that is, even if you personally wouldn’t have minded someone losing their pants in every scene.
AoA is not billed as an ERP game. Most players didn’t play for that reason (at least then, not sure about now tbh). And don’t overlook the fact mentioned above, that this player was banned for the behavior on a game not exactly known for taking these sorts of things seriously.
This post is deleted! -
@Meg said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@SpilledBeanz sorry, i have to admit i am probably not the target audience to get worked up about this. sorry that happened to you and all, but it just sounds silly to me, and that may be because i am-- 4 years out from any RP?
but when you have a culture of rot, then is more rot really contributing to it when it starts at the top?
It doesn’t really matter how the offense sounds to you as staff; whether you would personally be offended or upset by it, etc. What matters is that behavior is making players uncomfortable enough to complain about it, and the behavior continues despite being told to stop it.
@Third-Eye As a circle-backer, I can say I was mostly just feeling a creative pull to return to Star Wars and I genuinely do enjoy the coded systems / GM tools they have for storytellers on that game. Though it’s pretty clumsily-implemented, I actually think the space flight / cargo system COULD be really cool to help drive plots. You get to fly around to a bunch of diverse settings, after all.
Though I’ll say the playerbase now has definitely gotten quite small. You can still sort of fly around and if you can find some of the active folks who are fun writers (there are some!) I bet you could get some good small-scale, crew-based stories going. My own efforts to draw folks into little scuffles and Star Wars dust-ups have been met with mixed success, but then, that’s most of telling stories for folks. Sometimes they resonate, sometimes they don’t.
It’s also some of the same morbid curiosity that keeps me checking this thread. This newest revelation that someone might be the infamous panty-poser (I never got to witness this myself) is actually posting IN THIS THREAD is sadly only making me want to come back for more.
do this game got baba yagart in it?
@scvm actually yes
@Noraaa said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@Third-Eye As a circle-backer, I can say I was mostly just feeling a creative pull to return to Star Wars and I genuinely do enjoy the coded systems / GM tools they have for storytellers on that game. Though it’s pretty clumsily-implemented, I actually think the space flight / cargo system COULD be really cool to help drive plots. You get to fly around to a bunch of diverse settings, after all.
I can’t say I disagree. For all of AoA’s numerous faults, the large amount of automation made GMing easier than any other place I went to. It was easy to jump with an idea without having to consult page 305 about dodging mechanics.
Though I’ll say the playerbase now has definitely gotten quite small. You can still sort of fly around and if you can find some of the active folks who are fun writers (there are some!) I bet you could get some good small-scale, crew-based stories going.
Quite small is a way to put it. Atrophied. Sure, some folks might be active, but the good writers mostly left. Some remained, sure, but most of it is gone. Hex is gone, and he was amazing. Kasia is gone, Adhar is gone. Rheisa, who made Togruta, is gone. Most of the strange elements seem to have departed with their writers.
And as an aside, I think last time the Sith Leaders were on last year. Not sure. My passwords got changed forcibly yesterday.
Ah. And Ship Repair stations linked to an FC now get a discount. Not related to you, but AoA staff wants to make FCs more interesting. Sl, Parmac gets a discount due to Qi’Ra, the Rebellion due to Ray…
@Ashkuri oh, I could have. I suppose morbid curiosity kept me logging on.
What I mean to say, I kinda wish I had that strength, rather than some Nostalgia having kept me coming back.
@Zephyr yeah this kind of got old and from someone who had taken a joke too far and got told about it… I stopped. But this just kept going on. It was nearly constant… Despite how good her other characters were. She had a lot of hate for the admin and game systems even when I first started as Devii.
You mentioned the day to day rp a while back. I remember when I made Sajin and Oriana had left, that period where the game died the first time for a bit… That was the only thing that kept it alive was the bar rp. That’s where I got my writing chops, describing messily eating food and so on and so forth. Mopping the hanger floor. Arguing with my droid. I remember that more fondly than any of the other grandiose crap. Or the switch to Liz and his ridiculous excentricities.
I considered myself pretty introverted and ‘hateful’ of people but from an admin perspective I can’t see how that’s why they did what they did… Because I don’t like people and yet I wouldn’t do that to them in a playtime environment.
I would only ever return to AoA to troll. Please @Jax stop giving me ideas.
@SqeakyClean Taking Jax? Go for it. I want logs.
Cujo now wants suggestions from people!
======================<* 7: Game Announcements - 183 *>======================
Message: 7/183 Posted Author
What do YOU want? Nov 21 2024 CujoAre there any major events you have dreamt of having happen in the galaxy? I am curious to know what, where, and how you think they would go down. What would you like to see happen to the galactic map? What would you like to see happen to the Rebellion? What would you like to see happen to the Sith Empire? What major events, of any ilk, have you thought the game needed to have happen, but you thought the Staff would never go for it?
Send me an @mail, and let me know. I might actually go for it.
One of the things I’ve noticed, when I overhear other people talking about this game, is that it can be challenging to alter the grid, or make impactful changes to the galaxy, and I want people to know that is not my intention with the place. Not at all. I want everyone to effect it as much as they desire, but it has to make IC sense within the believability of our setting, and the rules of the Star Wars galaxy.
But if you have an idea for something? Let me know in an @mail. Idealy, I’d like it to be events that you, or someone would GM. But really, I just want to hear what you guys want to do, but you think the Staff would never go for.
Because we just might actually go for it.
------------------------------< +bbread 7/183 >-------------------------------It “might” happen, they “might” go for it. Plus heaven forbid they run the events people want to see happen! Nope! In the unlikely event it gets rubber stamped, you have to do the heavy lifting yourself to change the grid!
@ThisGuy Funny how things change, yet remain the same. Cujo and his dodgy fave staff still want the biggest Star Wars MUSH around, but still don’t want to run plots, preferring to foist that duty off on players and minor staffers while they bicker about coded junk that doesn’t begin to promote RP.
In one way, though, they’ve actually gotten their wish for having the biggest game evar! But not in any way they wanted…
======================<* 7: Game Announcements - 46 *>=======================
Message: 7/46 Posted Author
XP Inheritance Aug 15 2018 CujoAre you tired of your character but you like the xp that you earned on them? Well… here’s the thing, we’re going to let you take a character on your account and let them get killed off or disappear… whatever you want to do, and you can make a new one and retain the xp you earned on that role.
Why? This is to let people have a chance to drop characters they’ve had for a long time that they’re just not that into anymore. It can also setup the potential for some IC dramatic deaths of long-standing roles, something that is woefully lacking on this ‘Wars’ game.
So if you have over 100 +noms earned, and you’d like to let your character cash in their chips and then pass that experience off to a new role who’s stepping up into the spotlight for their time to shine? We’re going to give you that xp to build a new role with.
You can just contact someone on Staff to arrange it all.
Note: +nom levels do not transfer, money doesn’t transfer, material possessions does not transfer. Only the xp that role had earned in totality. And… you cannot cash in more than one character at a time to stack xp onto the single new role.
- Cujo
===================< Comment 1 - Added Oct 22 11:43PM GMT >===================
Cujo Commented:
None of your personal possessions transfer, to anyone, other players included.
===================< Comment 2 - Added Oct 23 06:19PM GMT >===================
Cujo Commented:
Limited item inheritance will be included with this system going forward in this form.
Having 100 +noms means you can pass 1 item on to another person.
Having 200 +noms means you can pass 2 items along.
So forth. The more noms you have when you cash your character in, the more you can pass along to others.
“Why not everything?”
Every, single, day, this game’s database is getting larger. Every day players buy more, build more, ask for more. The database is growing. Recycling items is the only real way to stop this. We have to find ways to cut the fat.
Idle players have forever lost their inventory. We’ve never let people claim the inventories/property of idle players. This goes for players who die too. We cannot allow troves of treasure to keep getting passed along when people die.
This will be worked out when a player approaches Staff about cashing their character in for xp toward a new role.
===================< Comment 3 - Added Jan 14 11:13PM GMT >===================
Cujo Commented:- We are lowering the 100 +nom requirement for rollover, down to 50 +noms.
-------------------------------< +bbread 7/46 >-------------------------------
There it is in black and white, folks… the database bloat is real, and it gets worse every day. Or so Cujo says. They just might have the most bloated Star Wars MUSH database out there! So you can’t pass along more than a few heirlooms if you’re lucky, you greedy, naughty twinkie-eating munchkins! Shame on you and your materialism!
But the real question here is about just why such restrictions even exist. Even the greenest rookie MUSHer can see that this problem is entirely self-inflicted. Just why does the grid need so much sheer STUFF to play a pretendy funtime game IN SPACE? Let’s not forget that the game was vastly overcoded BEFORE it reopened, and the volume of coded stuff almost tripled when the blasters got nerfed and needed mods to be useful again, different kinds of coded powerpacks were suddenly needed for different coded weapons, bacta tanks became a thing, and then suddenly needed coded bacta or kolto to work, coded workbenches and other things are needed to modify weapons and ships, there are functional smartphones in the form of datapads in a cassette futurism setting, etc., etc., effing etc.
Does any of this stuff actually facilitate RP? The short answer is no. The long answer is also no, possibly with a lot more o’s tacked on. Most of it’s there to suck up credits, 'cause, as any senior staffer will tell you, ‘OMG, thar iz 2 much mon33 on mah gridz!!1!11!!!’
Let’s not forget that this stuff is also constantly being tweaked and tuned for ‘balance’, or at least that’s what they tell us. We already know that DSS has almost zero transparency unless you’re a coder, and is very easy to rig behind the scenes to cause unfavorable outcomes to anyone Cujo and his cronies don’t happen to like. Not to mention all this code breaks down sometimes, and only does so more often when there’s more of it to break. But I suppose it gives them a reason to say they don’t have time to run plots, right?
In theory, if this game were trying to be a Star Wars simulator, this makes logical sense. Cujo and company have been bashing away at a coded space combat system for literally years, one that is meant to be compatible with the space flight system used on the game. And after not less than three years, they may have actually gotten it working, though work-arounds are still in heavy use, and I can’t recall seeing many actual coded space battles that happened on actual coded ships in the last year or so.
But they can code until the sky falls down and still never get an authentic Star Wars experience. I don’t recall Han Solo and Chewbacca flying the Millennium Falcon by inputting text commands and watching endless static displays of text, and I doubt I’ll ever meet anyone who does. So I guess the operative question is… why? There are Star Wars games out there that have as good of an experience or better, and have done so with much, much less code. And they don’t suffer from database bloat to boot.
TL;DR AoA has rules in place to try to mitigate a self-inflicted database bloat issue. Why does this game have so much unnecessary code in general, and so much coded STUFF in particular, when none of it adds to the RP experience, and often actually impedes RP? Ask Cujo. Just don’t expect a meaningful answer.
- Cujo
@Warlander It’s the next closest thing to them admitting the game is dying. And it IS dying. Most of the log-ins are triplicate alts.
The hoops newer players are still expected to jump through is staggering.
None of the above promotes RP. 50 Noms may as well be 500.
Essentially None (not all) of their so called Feature Characters foster RP. They have such a bloated feature characters list that is essentially pointless. They are not really held to a standard, and still steer their events towards their friends and not the public.
@Krautistanian I agree, to a point. I keep logging on out of a sense of morbid curiosity, too. Possibly for the same sort of deep-down reasons that people (meaning non-pyros, just to be clear) like to watch fires.
At this point, the whole structure is engulfed from foundation to forty feet above the roofline, but has somehow managed not to collapse. The evacuation is still ongoing.