Tossing my hat in here for the next time someone has a extra one.
Don’t forget we moved!
RE: Blue Sky Invites
RE: Liberation MUSH
@MisterBoring I just said I hope, not that it’s a realistic hope. heh. Really, it might be too late. We might be seeing the first death shudders as we have so often in the past. Maybe someone will get this thread back to her. I have no doubt Polk, staff and others are watching this thread.
It’s a hope…
Otherwise, what is really left…COH? That’s basically a corpse that refuses to admit it’s dead.
RE: Liberation MUSH
Sundance does a lot right over on Liberation, but she also does so much wrong. Her focus on house rules that overly complicate and bog down what should be easy systems. Her need to have a fully formed detailed expansive grid, when half the places on the grid are not used and people just jump to various pc owned hangouts. All putting jobs at absolute standstill. Even the big important jobs that should be handled quickly, like sphere changes. Do you know how hard it is to keep motivation and roleplay going when you get changed to another sphere and you just sit as your old sphere for months?
Plots on all spheres is frozen, people are limited to social rp and what little prp there is that really has no overall effect on the game. We get plenty of promises that things will pick up… you know…as soon as she is done with the grid…or because there’s a lack of staff…but she’s working on it.
This actually happens a lot over there, I can count three times where there was multi month freeze on jobs in the past…what two years?
No plot movement, no sheet adjustments (i.e being ghouled but still presenting as mortal, or getting embraced, awakening etc), no xp spends, no grid builds. Just her working on her unnecessary changes and personal grid mapping projects. I don’t even know what the current staff ARE doing over there.
My guess is handling ooc disputes and chatting in their personal channels.
She is level headed most times, willing to take the time to talk to someone, fully able and committed to listening to players ideas and considering them. But the stuff that actually keeps the game alive, the things that keep players INVESTED…not so much. Also, this whole ‘Protecting Polk’ despite his extensive history thing sours a lot of people.
It’s my hope this situation lights a fire and we start seeing movement. Bring on the people you need to handle specific jobs. Sheet changes, approvals, etc without giving them too much power. Encourage directors and producers to actually do stuff with the players, if the current ones are too busy or unable, approach other trusted players to take some of the slack.
With a lack of alternative games, Liberation is really the only active game that has the population and had the plot to keep me interested. I don’t wanna loose the one outlet I have for this hobby as the others are social rp only these days.
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Pan Recently was banned from COH too from what I heard from someone who was there.
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Roz I mean, from what I’ve been told. There have been many complaints over the years. Even if that is false, how can she ignore his public facing bigotry over the years and his banning from most if not all of the other active games recently?
This whole post feels disingenuous. “I’m at fault, but I swear I didn’t know Polk was that bad!”
Except for a large majority of the community who were aware that he was, yes…that bad.
RE: Liberation MUSH
From my phone, so patience please.
I’ve lurked here for a bit but this whole situation has prompted me to make an account. This Polk situation surprises very few long time players. Many of us have brought up our concerns about Polk to Sundance many times. The last time he was demoted I know privately that some players expressed their concern that he “held the keys to the kingdom” and foresaw this exact thing going down.
The fact he has been banned from from pretty much every game out there for his behavior but was so staunchly defended by Sundance is a travesty really. Sundance is great for telling stories, and on a personal one on one level but it’s hard to ignore that they fostered and basically encouraged the behavior of Polk for so long by giving him a pass on his bad behavior. We’ve had many players leave because he was abusive to them in one form or another or leave because Sundance refused to acknowledge his toxicity.
On one hand I’m glad this happened. Polk is out. On the other hand, Im of course sympathetic to the players who use this game to unwind or as an outlet for difficulties in their life.
My hope is that Polk somehow doesn’t worm his way back into the game in any sort of position of power as clearly he simply can’t be trusted to be objective and cool headed.
Still, it looks like the game is recovering fairly soon, although Sundances reputation with some of us is already tarnished by their insistence in the past of standing by Polk regardless of how in the wrong he generally was and basically dismissing player concerns to keep her friend happy.
I’m not sure where the community goes after this. My guess is because of the lack of alternatives out there, most will close their mouths and go on as if nothing happened. We as a community have seen this go down before and chances are we’ll see it in the future. It’s a shitty situation for everyone involved especially the players.