An Arx Peeve Thread
@imstillhere i think its worth reporting tbh. Its very weird and you probably aren’t the only person that has been targeted but I do understand that its uncomfortable to report too.
No, that’s definitely behavior that I would want to see reported to me were I running a game. None of that was “IC”, all of the poor behavior was OOC. The player made the choice to invite you to a scene to which her character was going to react like this, knowing it in advance, and did not tell you.
It was an OOC PVP trap. You were baited into PVP OOCly. That’s not OK. She’s graveyard farming. Report it.
I think this person either got banned or quit actually, as of like right now, lol
It is honestly a bit of a relief.
ETA: banned. Thank goodness
@IoleRae What’s graveyard farming??
CAMPING, I meant camping. Graveyard camping.
It’s from PVP in WoW, sitting on the spawn point before people are prepared and killing them as they spawn/load in. It’s super dishonorable behavior to kill people if they don’t know it’s coming and/or can’t participate fairly OOC.
eta: omg it was on arx – YEAH anything even remotely close to this yes, you report, you report faster than you can even think about reporting, they will nip that sort of shit in the bud. SURPRISE PVP! is not on the menu there.
@IoleRae lol I googled it and everything! The internet was like-- here’s what regular farming is???
@imstillhere I immediately guessed it was him and then was immediately proven right by the ban post, lol. That guy was weird. Picked up Vincenzo multiple times, pretending each time was the first time, and talked a ton about how they were a fashion designer IRL and were just overall – very OOC fixated on system stuff in a certain “I want to win” way.
Which is funny, because I remember the first time they picked up Vincenzo, they got really huffy about having to learn a whole economy in order to be a crafter (untrue) and rostered on the spot. And then came back like the next day to be like “OH MY FRIEND TOLD ME ABOUT THIS GAME AND SPECIFICALLY ABOUT VINCENZO AND HOW MUCH I WOULD LIKE THE CHARACTER VINCENZO.” They tried this more than once that I saw. IT WAS SO ODD.
I’m going to call it that forever from now on, and when you hear it in the wild, you will know that it was me.
If there was ever a moment I logged onto a game to see the cause for someone’s ban out of complete morbid curiosity, this was it.
@IoleRae But what ‘competition’? That’s like the weirdest thing.
All of it was weird, guys. All of it.
@Herja I intimidate.
My enormous ego just can’t take it!
@Testament Nobody knows. That’s what happens when you just flounce off. The story doesn’t continue! so sad.