Fort Bloodshed
I played there. I’m curious who @tsar was. If I even remember the names, but I don’t remember pose length drama. To be fair, I don’t remember yesterday half the time - so take that as one will.
@Rathenhope PRECISELY. lol cry
@Roz tbh I’m not recovered and it’s been many years lolol
My character was a preacher, hers was a “soiled dove” (which seems to be the western mu term for sex workers) and the admin were like “no, we hate this,” and warned me via page that they didn’t want there to be any kind of relationship. They said it didn’t fit my character. But it wasn’t a roster, I wrote the guy.
There wasn’t any TS and I had told my friend there wouldn’t be any TS, as that’s not really RP I do and particularly not back then. There was no coercion or squicky stuff, it was all pretty innocent. Friendship, flirting, that was it.
Basically the admin decided it wasn’t the vibe of their game for someone of my character’s occupation to give the time of day to a character of her occupation, I guess. I also think they didn’t like her, as she’d had run-ins with the staff prior to the Incident with the Bear.
Again, I ignored their warning, so clearly the only possible solution was Divine Ursine.
We did not stop RPing, we did stop flirting, and in every scene thereafter we experienced low key anxiety.
@imstillhere said in Fort Bloodshed:
@tsar Do you remember how all ooc chat was disabled because admin didn’t want players communicating easily ooc, lol
Every group scene you had to freaking page everybody in order to say you’re going afk
I don’t remember talking on that game OOCly at all. Which… maybe is because they had the OOC turned off? I was like 16 or 17 at a the time, and was around a year or so before you were.
I remember aimlessly wandering a mostly empty grid. One time I was in a bar and people did pose at me. But they were single one line poses to my five or so lines. And sometimes they would pose, there was a pause, I was typing to reply to them, and they’d pose again, lol.
I thought I was going to change their world by introducing them to longer poses!! I would impress them with my CLEVER WAYS. Instead, I just horribly annoyed everyone, and my friends also annoyed them. Because we were annoying, and clearly this game culture was not for us.
And when we all wandered off, we were the subject of talk on some forum they had on their website where they in detail discussed the pros and cons of one-liners in a truly baffled way.
@imstillhere said in Fort Bloodshed:
I can’t wait to GM this for you someday.
@imstillhere said in Fort Bloodshed:
They said it didn’t fit my character. But it wasn’t a roster, I wrote the guy.
lol wtf
@imstillhere omg you couldn’t touch mouths because she was I M P U R E
this is like. peak MU story. this is my new favorite. i’m obsessed. DIVINE URSINE INTERVENTION!!!
@tsar said in Fort Bloodshed:
I can’t wait to GM this for you someday.
Make sure there’s no way to deal with the bear, you just have to flee in IC and OOC shock. There is also no explanation for the bear before or after. It just SHOWS UP, RUINS YOUR IMPURE DATE, AND VANISHES
@Roz said in Fort Bloodshed:
this is like. peek MU story. this is my new favorite.
This is why I had to ask if anyone has been on the game because all these years later I’m like “Sometimes I think that place was too insane to be real”
They had a million rules there to give an authentic experience. A lot of do’s and do not’s. Staff was full of drama. It was like a lot of games at that time I think.
@imstillhere In your shoes, I would have paged staff and told them that you and your friend had already become one flesh, and just quoted Biblical verse for coitus at them. That the bear literally brought you two together later.
I blame all of you that I just went into my old gmail account and pulled up my gtalk (yeah I know) to see if they referenced any of this with staff or anything. Then it became a time sink.
I vaguely recall logging into Fort Bloodshed a few weeks before it closed and logging off about 20 minutes later after poking around and discovering that there wasn’t much life in it. That was back when I wouldn’t even consider applying to a game with less than 70 bits logged in. Now I kind of actually prefer smaller populations.
I’m going to shoehorn divine bears in barns for my next major plot. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I’ll do it.
And as an aside, so taking a shot in the dark, I feel like one of staffer’s was potential issues was that they were probably religious and was offended at the idea of preacher flirting with a sex worker. I dunno, that was my first thought.
@Testament said in Fort Bloodshed:
I’m going to shoehorn divine bears in barns for my next major plot. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I’ll do it.
testament pls
And as an aside, so taking a shot in the dark, I feel like one of staffer’s was potential issues was that they were probably religious and was offended at the idea of preacher flirting with a sex worker. I dunno, that was my first thought.
They weren’t religious so much as “historical” and control freaks. They simply felt it wouldn’t happen, should not happen, and that they wanted a fire and brimstone preacher not one that would have any interest in a “dove” beyond soul saving.
That same staff guy asked me to make an English Lord character coming to town because he felt it would be good story. I did and then first scene out the gates the admin brought his character out to roast the shit out of me for minutiae surrounding England’s support of the South in the American Civil War, stuff I absolutely didn’t know ooc.
It was just a crazy place!
Oh but wait… there’s more.
The main staff was comprised of three people. Only it was really two people with one of them pretending to be another staff member.
Also none of them were hyper religious. They just wanted a certain view of their game and behaviors set forth.
No, I was not staff. I just played the game for a bit of time. Also, it was the first game that the actions of people OOC shook me to the core and made me realize that the MU* could be a toxic place.
Yet, at the same time, there were people there that I enjoyed crafting stories with. One of those times that ignorance really was bliss I guess.
@RightMeow said in Fort Bloodshed:
Oh but wait… there’s more.
The main staff was comprised of three people. Only it was really two people with one of them pretending to be another staff member.
I forgot about this but you are right, lol, that was a thing.
Man this sounds like an early 90s game, not an early 00s game. These are like “back when we were 13 year old mush staffers” stories.
aren’t they? please say yes.
Everyone at the time were in their late 20’s or older on the admin side of this.
@RightMeow said in Fort Bloodshed:
The main staff was comprised of three people. Only it was really two people with one of them pretending to be another staff member.
@tsar sounds like something a long-poser would say