Descs and MU History
For posterity, I present thus:
Tracy is a man and he is a very hansome and manly man.He likes women a lot and women like him too but men think he is compitishion.He has very long brown shiny hair everywhere and a little blue eyes that are mostly green but very hansome anywya.You can tell a lot of things from his eyes.He has a very big bulge in his jeans where the dick would be and it is not a sock because it makes all women almost orgasm with desire.Behind him is a very firm muscled ass that makes you want to slap it and play with it in lots of ways but only if your a women.If you are a man you will die if you touch it because Tracy is strong and very not Gay.If you are a women he winks and smiles at you and thinks you have a nice personality.If you are a man again he frowns at you and it makes you not hit on him or on any women when hes here.He likes lots of women very much and likes very few men but not as boyfriends.And he has a shitr which is nice and blue.I mean shirt sorry.
Over ten years ago, I had a character application that I rejected on the grounds of … being batshit fucking insane, pretty racist, making no sense, and just, making me cringe into my soul. This is the one and only character app that I will make fun of because normally I won’t do this but – but just read it. Just read it. I’m pretty sure I won’t ever find anything more batshit insane.
If you like a good trainwreck I highly recommend making a Dramatic Reading, reading it out loud like typos pronounced in place as-is.
The Tale Of Albino Voodoo Capoeira Blues Legend Jesus:
Lady Light and Lady Dark. Two great Ladys will catch your fall. For they are the ones who catch us all!
Lost in a world of storm. Alone in a world of such sights. I weep the days as they turn like pages in my life. Where is the struggle where is the light? Pouring over fingers like cool water are these wasted footsteps tormenting the years even as death holds shattered glass in hand; the bloody sand falling from this mad skein of time, drawn deeper into your web… What is this word this Love? how does it go again?
1830’s: Birthdate: Oct-31st-1832
Gallows story begins at the close of the 19th century in a small village on the island of Hati. The French mans missionarys had angered the spirits of the natives and it was said a great white panther with the eyes and tongue of a man ‘the white devil’ stalked the jungle. In this time lived an old crone who lived on the edge of the jungle in squaler the hag was said once to have been a beautifull maiden who had been abused as a child by a french plantation owner and that she had lived withered in seculsion ever sense.Some said she was the devils bride. No matter who said what Everyone Native and French was shocked the day the midwife delivered Eluzia’s child for the woman could not be a day under 80. It was said that the child was get on her by the local preist Father Duvaul. by way of a spell or drug. It was said that the child was the white devils… For when he was born the child bore the features of a haitian negro mixed with a frenchman but his skin and hair where bone white his eyes the gold of a cats…
He was named ‘Thierry Toussaint Valerian’ His mother claimed he was a child of Oshun begot for her through Eluzia to apaise her and the angrey Loa to lead the French men in understanding…
. Some said she was the devils bride. No matter who said what Everyone Native and French was shocked the day the midwife delivered Eluzia’s child for the woman could not be a day under 80. It was said that the child was get on her by the local preist Father Duvaul. by way of a spell or drug. It was said that the child was the white devils… For when he was born the child bore the features of a haitian negro mixed with a frenchman but his skin and hair where bone white his eyes the gold of a cats…
He was named ‘Thierry Toussaint Valerian’ His mother claimed he was a child of Oshun begot for her through Eluzia to apaise her and the angrey Loa to lead the French men in understanding…
Thierry was ostrasized from his birth… All he ever wanted in life was exceptance. to be loved and belong… and yet everwhere he truned he was hated or feared for his freakishness or ostrasized in jealousy for the disturbing grace and beauty that he showed even in childhood. Thierrys mother made him set and learn the lessons of the Voodoun and he chaffed and rebelled at this learning and not belevieing… But he loved his mother for she alone had showed him kindness…
As Thierry grew in age and beauty he began to find his way to the beds of the Frenchmans wives and daughters. using the natural gifts of Oshun even as he neglected his lessons and his mothers warnings…Oshun grew angrey and the storm of the loa’s wraith grew Eluzia tried to warn her idolent child and apaise the angrey Loa… Meanwhile Thierry burned with a sarrow and a cold rage that soon drew the attention of Oya to Oshuns perfect child. Oya began to covet Oshuns prize and there war for him raged around the Unaware thierry. Eluzia fearing for her child tried to save him… but alas she could not
he would not listen…
so she performed ancent rites to try and apease her enraged Rider to sooth her. Oya grew in anger and led the French Preist Duvaul To find the Old woman… She was drug from her home the rite unfinished and burned before the villiage for devil worship. When Thierry found out he was stricken mad with greif While he had despratly sought to find love to fill the void of death in his belly the only one who had ever shown him love died.
Thierry in a rage Oya murrering encoruagingly in his ear went beserk and slew the Preist Father Duvaul still unkowning that he was his father. He called apone the Gifts of Oshun unknowing and seduced the Nun who tuaght the children of the village there lessions. Oshun was horrfied at this miss use of her gifts that she recoiled leaving Thierry in disgust she drew away from her son. And again Thierry felt love he had not known untell it was gone and as it pulled from him his heart broke. His senses coming awake to feel the spirits and the world around him abandoned alone he wept… But Oya was there his cold lover she was in the sarrow the hate the rage and the dead ach of his stomach and she wraped her dark love about him claiming him as her own even as Oshun looked away weeping for the mistakes of her child.
Thierry was found and lynched draged to an old tree at the edge of the jungle He was hung from a noose left to strangle to death. But oya coveted her prize and filling him wraping about him would not alow her lover the rest of death. and in days when the already rotted rope broke and the weak Thierry crawled back to his village he found the wrath of his new lover proceeding him for there every man woman and child had died of a wasting plague. Now calling himself Gallows He performed the rites for the dead and left never to return quickly fleeing Hati…
Durring his attempt to escape Haiti Gallows was pressed into a slave gang and shiped to the America’s where he was sold to a plantation on the Gorgia Coast. Here he traded his Knowlege of Voodoo and potions and Medicine to learn the fighting dances of Capoiera by night working hard in the field by day.It was not long before Oshun turned back to her child lover in forgiveness only as the Loa of love can. Only to find him taken by Oya and so begain again there war over him… Catching Gallows up in it like the light side and dark side of the moon. Soft and searching for love. Dark and full of sarrow and the rage of the dead… as they wared for his nature. Over the years Gallows grew wise in the Ways of the Hogoun searching for peace for Balance The love he has lost when Oshun pulled from him… Seeking to fill the void of death in his belly…"1860 oct 31st embrace date
One night on his birthday after his inication as a full houngon He had a vision and from his lips came these words “Lady light and lady dark… two great ladys will catch your fall. for they are the ones who catch us all” and he could feel them waring about him and through him. When Gallows awoke He was alone with The Shadowman, the vampire explained to Gallows that the Loa had lead Him to Gallows and Baron Samedi himself offered Gallows a way out of the war for his soul between Oshun and Oya… Gallows a fool was all to quick to agree…21:13 Anthony Kazlauskas
He still remembers little of that night other then the ringing of the Shovel and the pain in his head…1860 nov 1st the day of the dead
Slowly he crawled and clawed his way from the cold dead womb of the earth, Baron Samedi was now his Father and Oya had gone from Lover to mother of the still born thing he had become… Oshun in this time turned away though she would come again in the future as lover… the cycle of mystical incest comming full circle Gallows crawled from the dead earth into the waiting embrace of his Sire and his Pack The Circle of Dieing Embers.
1860 - 1880
Gallows spent the next twenty years running with the Circle of Dieing Embers learning from his Sire and Pack and aposing The Camarilla backed Soldiers of the South with the comming of the Civil war. It was in that time that Gallows killed his first of many Camarilla, working up and down the east coast they worked to free slaves and recruit the strongest for the sabbat, fighting slavery at every turn. It was at this time that Gallows established his core values, Loyalty above all else and Freedom was every mans right so long as He was willing to Fight for it!Little did Gallows know in those days that Shadowman was a Bahari and that he was teaching Gallows the ways of the Gardener.
1880- 1900’s
Gallows spent the close of the 1800’s Working on a smuggling and pirate ship working the coastline While is sire was traveling. Gallows spent much of this time developing his own occult abilitiy and begining experimentation with animals. He also developed a love for music enjoying thw jaunty songs of the sailors life.1900’s
The Shadow Man returns and takes Gallows to Miami with the comming of the railroad. Gallows begins establishing himself with the other blacks comming into Miami for work, he establishes himself as a powerful Hougan and a contact for certian smugling operations run off the coast his Mentor takes control of the smuggling enterprise with a partner and they upgrade to steamship power.Galows spend the next twenty years getting established into Miami.
The comming of prohibition is a Godsend for Shadow Man and he directs Gallows in working on building the backbone of a whiskey distribution network smuggling it in from stills in the everglades and running it through miami to several distribution points. At this time Shadow Man is in talks with those string pullers behind various alcholic crime orginizations around the country. Gallows continues to be prominate in the Voodoo and Capoeria cultures as well as the criminal underworld and is becomming something of a local ledgend working hand in hand with Clan Nosferatus spys and scouts.1926
when the hurrican sweeps through it destroies SHadow Man and Gallows infratstructure and shadowman deems the dip in population dosnt bode well. Circle of Dieing Embers splits up and Shadow Man moves there operation to Chicago where Shadowman facilitates Gallows aliance with the leaders of the Latin Kings.1930
Gallows working successfuly with the Latin kings as a consualtant makes a name for himself as The hanged Man, he continues to help the latin kings in Chicago through the time of the depression. He distinguishes himself so much so that he is offered a place within Paricia Elect dispite not having been a full Latin King himself.mid 1930’s / 1940’s
Gallows continues to runs with Paricia’s elect Working his way up the ladder without his sires aid the slow hard way but earning respect at each step and getting there through hardwork reather then relying on his fine skills of manipulation. it is durring this time that Gallows establishes himself as a Blues ledgend, rumour spreads that he was taught how to play the guitar by the devil at the crossroads. He continues to become a powerful Houngan and the ledgend of the Hanged Man grows doing nothing to discourage his reputation of mystery within the musical community of Chicago. Soon its time to move on.
Late 1940’s Early 1950’s
Gallows returns with some of Paricia’s Elect and some of the Latin kings to expand back into Miami… Gallows quickly establishes himself in the local black community as it clashes with the post war Cubans. He is often a calm voice in mediating due to his status with the Latin Kings. He quickly rises to promiance in the Shadows of the Voodon and Capoeria community. Returning to his old role of smuglar and criminal this time in moving drugs and and military surplus. Once again the ledgend of the Hanged Man grows… and the Sabbats criminal enterprises prosper from his contribution it is durring this time that Gallows makes Aces aquaintance and she soon comes to work for him, he once again begins making deals with Clan Nosferatu and forging a closer relationship."1960’s
Gallows hands are greatly tied by the operations of The Settiets most of his resources and time is spent maintaining his Connection to the Voodoo Community and keeping the Settitets out of it, THere clan is a constant thorn in his side and foil his criminal enterprises repetedly its all he can do this decade to hold out… He calls constantly for more sabbat help it is in this time that Gallows first begins using highly trained and ghouled gaurd animals. He begins breeding several blood lines of gaurd dogs and alley cats working closely with Clan nosferatu he gains there respect and a right to squat in the sewers eventualy being trusted with the secret of how to make a spawning pool he uses his alley cats as additional spys and scouts sharing any imformation they garner freely with the nosferatu.1960s
Gallows hands are greatly tied by the operations of The Settiets most of his resources and time is spent maintaining his Connection to the Voodoo Community and keeping the Settitets out of it, THere clan is a constant thorn in his side and foil his criminal enterprises repetedly its all he can do this decade to hold out… He calls constantly for more sabbat help it is in this time that Gallows first begins using highly trained and ghouled gaurd animals. He begins breeding several blood lines of gaurd dogs and alley cats working closely with Clan nosferatu he gains there respect and a right to squat in the sewers eventualy being trusted with the secret of how to make a spawning pool he uses his alley cats as additional spys and scouts sharing any imformation they garner freely with the nosferatu. He meets Cynder and they begin talking about forming a Pack.Shadow Man comes to Gallows and tells him it is his time to join the Loa he gives Gallows his bronze choker and in an elaborate ritual gives his unlife to the fire. Gallows watches in dispair as his sire destroyies himself. It isnt till the next night that He hears the voice of Shadow Man speaking to him. His Mentor had successfuly converted himself to that of Spirit and remains with his Childe to teach and mentor him. Gallows now pays omage to Shadow Man as one of the Loa he worships.
cocain from Columbia is starting to come in and its the 70s drugs are the new economy! Gallows is granted leave to start his own pack and starts recruiting as more sabbat move into the city in the late 70’s The Ledgend of the Hanged Man continues…it is now beleived to be a hereditary Position or the Tittle of a Kingpin being passed down. Gallows and his newly formed pack help the Columbians to know the name and fear it. He begins setting himself up to corner the cocain market in Maiam Ace is recruited to the pack to run muscle and the smuggling infrastructure. They recruit there first Motorcycle clubs at Aces recommendation.
Drugs Drugs Drugs! this is a good decade for Gallows cocain is HOT and Voodoo and Capoeria has caught the media’s eye with a flavour of mystery and fear that Gallows and his pack use to there advantage helping to carve out larger and larger shares of the criminal market expanding into guns and military hardware and weapon smuggling they become the major weapons distributer for many gangs up and down the east coast. The pack working to blight the Setetites eye at every turn.He continues to develop his finess with various animal companions and spending time experimenting with designer drugs and weapons designs. he takes his knowledge of chemistry and begins developing explosives and improvised explosive devices.
this was not the best decade for Gallows and his pack. he turned more inward into the world of Sabbat and Kindred politics and his growing occult influence, he was distracted from worldly concerns… while he wasnt looking the damnd setitties stole the control of the Local Drug scene from him. And he lost his hold on cocain with the shift from the columbians. It was only with a reality check in the late 90’s that he was able to work with his pack to salvage there weapons trade and expand into the explosives and demolitions market they had only toyed with in the past. They expand there occult influence. All the drug trade but a few meth labs are abandoned…the pack keeps a small hand in meth and designer drugs but has definately shiftered there base to weapons.
early two thousands was spent partly nomadic recruiting for his pack to bring in freash young blood with new skills and a new look at old buisness. and expanding contacts and sellers for there growing gun trade. As for drugs he began bringing in his own chemists to try and establish a select niche in the designer drug trade designing now rether then distributing and cashin on the growing popularity of Crystal Meth. Their Continuing drive to build connections for gun smuggling around the country expands to making connections in several more motorcycle clubs.2010 to current
Possing as the lattest succesor to the Tittle of the Hanged Man he is moved more into the background with his pack operating through human and ghoul agents. The Hanged Man tries to touch little directly in the mortal criminal world. Though he remains a prominate and feared Hougan within the Voodoo community known for his possessed animal packs said to be ridden by the Orsha themselves. He spends his current time supporting the Sabbat and helping to strengthen The local Sabbat aginst the infusion of Camarilla and maintain his weapons trade and work with research into new drug development. Currently his chemists are working with a variant of a drug that causes mortals to frenzy and take on the popular traits of horror movie zombies… high pain thresshold flesh craving oral fixated and delusions of canabalisim and dulling of whits while increasing rage… he belives such a drug can be used to cause mass chaos and disaray in camarilla cities. Most if the packs methlabs have been closed down at this point and have been coverted to explosives labs. Smuggling continues with a bent toward religious and occult objects. The Pack specializies in Occult influence, Weapons and Explosive manifacture and distribution, Religious/Occult Artifact smuggling and Hit and Fade Merc tactics for the Sabbat. -
K Kay referenced this topic on
@Pavel Was this an actual desc? 'Cause YE GODS is it hilariously bad! XD
@Warlander This was an actual desc, and the full glory of its legend hath transcended decades.
Holy shiz it just keeps GOING.
@Evilgrayson It’s true, I guess… truth is stranger and more hilarious than fiction.
@LeeRoyBatty I’ve been trying to read this to myself Dramatic Reading-style, but the length has kept me from getting more than a third of the way through it.
That, and I have to stop and catch my breath pretty frequently from saying ‘Holy effing SHIT, is this crazy’…
@Evilgrayson said in Descs and MU History:
@Warlander This was an actual desc, and the full glory of its legend hath transcended decades.
Indeed, and if you remember when this desc first started going around our corner of the internet… how’s your back?
@Pavel said in Descs and MU History:
…how’s your back?
Fucked, thanks, but it’s been that way since the early 90s, so…
Yes, I was around when this desc first started doing the rounds. It’s a treasure.