RE: MU Peeves Thread
But just imagine how good the TS is! They both know exactly what the other wants!
RE: How dangerous is VASpider?
Not to derail the thread, but Data was still pretty unique. His brain was physical and positronic and completely mimicked the way humans operate, whereas the holograms still had adaptive programs with much more limited resources, at least if we’re to believe Voyager and the massive memory purge they had to do to the Doctor.
But that’s a story for a different thread.
RE: Elysium /MUSH
It’s not even a dog whistle. It’s a bullhorn. It’s right there on their website, written out plain as day, using excessive scare quotes and capitalizing things like “Age Laws,” and explaining how and why they don’t exist. No, for real.
Yes, I went there. You’re welcome.
RE: Elysium /MUSH
@Meg said in Elysium /MUSH:
No one ages unless they want, then they can de-age. They never really get hurt or die. They all exist everywhere?
RE: MU Peeves Thread
Yeah, because it’s not pizza. It’s soup in a bread bowl.
RE: Royal Paynes
@Artemis It’s really pretty much all the context you need, to be honest. You already get it.
RE: Stupid Memes
It’s not a cue ball.
It’s a trailer hitch.
Just gonna leave that there.
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
I was actually wondering what sparked the rule change to 21+. I’m glad I read this thread!
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
As someone who also sleeps next to someone with chronic insomnia, I feel for you. It’s so exhausting.
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
@Tez Up the alt limit and I’ll accept that challenge!
RE: Elysium /MUSH
It’s the bad writing. Not a single glistening orb anywhere in the entire theme description of Naughty Goddess Girl.
RE: How dangerous is VASpider?
Yeah. I still worry about playing characters that don’t match my RL gender because people make so many assumptions behind the keyboard, and those assumptions being challenged can really affect the OOC vibe you have with other players. It’s an unfortunate reality in 2024 but unconscious bias is a real thing.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I do wish there were a way to tag people in Ares so it gives them a channel notification.
RE: Pose Sizes
I try to stick to one or two spoken sentences and some descriptions of actions or expressions, that way you can write something sufficiently meaty to read while also not just steamrollering the actual conversation. More than a paragraph or two is probably too much.
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
I think staff on the game has been pretty reasonable, so the piecemeal changes don’t really bother me. I’d probably have made the same decision. 95% of the things that I’ve seen on the game have been just fine, and everything seems to be running smoothly. Would recommend this game to friends.
The few things that fall into the other 5% are relatively minor all things considered, and fall more under the umbrella of ‘peeves’. Either things I disagree are or should be an actual issue on an adult game, inconsistent behavior and answers from the staff, or weird rules that have carried over from other games because they’re traditions but don’t have any actual support in the theme or text.
But overall I’d say that things are pretty good, and really it’s one of the better implementations of a World of Darkness game. Ares makes for a ton of grace, too.