I have no idea how it’d work but I’ve always kind of wanted a game inspired by Ark: Survival Evolved/Ascended

RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
RE: WoD/CofD/Supernatural Games, One Splat or Many?
Basically what Roz said but adding the hopefully obvious side note that there should also be some consideration on how splats are going to mesh together on the player side of things if there’s more than one.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
Are you ever reading a log or something and start thinking to yourself wow I should give up RPing so these amazingly talented individuals need never stumble over my dramatic nonsense ever again? Just me???
Some of you are just like TRULY GIFTED writers and I admire you so much!
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I’ve been FFXIV-ing by my lonesome and I’d probably rather be RPing. Like the game is fun, but I’m terrible at staying invested in single player games and that’s what it feels like I’m playing.
My MU peeve tax is that I’m not sure I’m feeling my fav character lately, but the thought of starting and integrating a new one (even with a concept I’m excited about!) also feels meh.
RE: Stupid Memes
This is a constant battle for me, so I figured other people might benefit from a reminder, too.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
The urge to disappear forever when the Interesting Conflict Dynamic was not actually that. As ever, I am my own biggest peeve.
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
If anyone needs help making a changeling or demon or mortal+, I’m happy to assist! You’re on your own for mage, though.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I really wanted async to work better for me because I can get really anxious about how long it takes me to pose sometimes, which can turn into a horrible feedback loop of anxiety and not posing. But async doesn’t seem to even help, it just gives me new anxieties and also seems to consistently add a layer of giant poses that can be very difficult for me to parse and respond to while also remembering the rest of what’s already happened in the scene, so I’ll go to respond and my brain is like NO I CANNOT WORK LIKE THIS and then I’m just a messy, anxious failure why do I even bother RPing?!
So, uh. Yeah! For some reason live works a little better for me, usually.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@somasatori said in MU Peeves Thread:
with the end result that my ancient reptile brain tells me how awful I am while I’m trying to roleplay a social scene.
My brain never stops doing this. I’ve been trying to just be like fuck it guess I’ll just be awful then! But it’s SO HARD.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
And I’m not ASD, I swear,
This phrase gives me the ick. I’m assuming you don’t intend it negatively, but there is so much stigma around being autistic already that it would be really cool if we didn’t casually add to it.
I tend to greet people more often than not because I hate feeling invisible and I want people to know that they’re seen. That said, I try not to announce myself every time I log in because it sucks when THAT is ignored, and I generally only greet people who do say hi or give some indication that they want to be greeted, because not everyone has the connect/disconnect messages on, and maybe the quiet person doesn’t actually want to be perceived in that way.
Pretty much all of us have some communication baggage.
RE: Pets!
This reminds me I should share a small portion of the damage from Loki’s last trip to the self wash. There were other people there so I was scared to take a wider picture, and one of the employees came in part way through blowing him out to start cleaning, so this is really just what pooled directly around me. So satisfying.
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
@moth said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
I partially tore my rotator cuff so I couldn’t work my last week.
Oh nooo, I’m so sorry!
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Alveraxus said in MU Peeves Thread:
I think we can all agree that the following is horrible and should never be used except on your worst enemies:
You paged: Hi, can we talk?
<silence>Just reading this gave me anxiety
RE: MU Peeves Thread
Okay cool haha I wasn’t already scared to page people
RE: TV series, news, recommendations
Hey robot friends, are you watching Bang Brave Bang Bravern?