I can’t and won’t tell you what to do or what to think, that’d be disrespectful. I say the below because it’s what I experienced over eight years, and I got off pretty lightly compared to others. I will always do my best to provide clarity but with a disclaimer that I might not avoid bias, since I’m still a bit crispy from my time there.
Crap is being applied to the wargame system because it is another over-tuned Thing in a long line of additional over-tuned Things to be rolled out without any real consultation, consideration, or internal testing. This’ll be interesting to the player-base for about a month or so, then GMs will get either bored or frustrated and start doing it their own way.
Then the resultant hostility from Cujo will follow, because now he has been slighted by the ungrateful players that don’t want to use what he worked so hard to create. The issue with this is that he didn’t create it. Hadrix/Reverberate did. It follows his normal pattern of doing nothing until the demands are too loud to ignore.
It’s elicited a mass groan of “oh not again” because over the decade or so that a lot of us experienced AoA, the above happened time and time and time again.
@Lemon-Fox said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
Someone disapproved of someone coming in without starting from the bottom of the ladder, and I was flabbergasted that they would care since the org had very little activity.
…yeah, that happens. You’ve encountered AoA’s tall poppy syndrome. If you try to rise up above the dinosaurs, you will be pulled back down unless you have powerful friends. The fact that you needed staff fiat to start in a position where you can actually play with this new system (which is otherwise locked only to dinosaurs) is both common and unfortunate.
Many players tried many years to inspire positive change only to run headlong into brick walls, to the point where the advice given to GMs was often “run what you want as long as Cujo doesn’t care”. Change must come from the top as well as the bottom to meet half-way, and the majority of the current staff are corrupt and disinterested in little more than their own egos. And that’s not even starting on the sex pest problem, which is the original impetus behind this whole thread in the first place.
I wish you the absolute best on that grid. I really do, and I say it genuinely, without a hint of sarcasm, condescension, or irony. Nobody should be forced to stew in negativity and I pray for your sake and the sake of all the other folk that came after us that you and they are allowed to play the game that you want. Never lose sight of what you want to do and strive to do it with the people you enjoy.
And good luck with Aryn.