There still aren’t any original fantasy MU* games to play.
RE: RL Peeves
RE: Real life happy
As of July 23, 2024, I have been free of cancer. That’s when they completed the 2nd leg of my hysterectomy and removed my final ovary along with the 16cm mass that it was tucked inside, along with part of my bowel.
I haven’t said too much about this online, except for a handful of people here and there, because it didn’t seem real. However, the CT scan I had 2 weeks ago confirms that nothing has grown back, and I couldn’t be happier. All I have to do is take a hormone blocker and hope and pray that doesn’t mess anything up due to side effects to keep the cancer at bay and get regular scans for the next several years.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I want to RP so badly but there are no Fantasy based MU’s out there.
RE: RL Peeves
Having had bowel surgery and having to recover from that because your bowel was wrapped around your potentially cancerous tumor and stuck to it, which apparently includes learning how to eat again and training your stomach to accept food. It’s been a rocky, painful, rollercoaster for which I hope that I’m on the other end of.
T-minus 3 days since I last lost the contents of my stomach due to extreme gas and bloat. Hoping to start including more foods again soon. BRAT and chicken are overrated.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I found a game to play, sure I wouldn’t be impeding on anyone’s fun while I dealt with medical issues, went out for cancer surgery, and it had closed. Just sad and disappointed that happened.
RE: Real life happy
I survived an appendectomy, and Cyrto Reduction Surgery with the HIPEC maneuver to help get rid of stage 1A ovarian cancer. Still sore, but home and surrounded by many purring felines. There’s not a lot a person can ask for in recovery but the purring faces of 5 cats.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
With much of the cancer stuff behind me, except for one lingering surgery that I still need to have, I want to help tell stories. . . but I am not playing anywhere to help tell stories because I haven’t had the energy to play games for the last 6 months. Blargh.
I miss GMing.
RE: RL Peeves
@mietze I feel this so hard while on cancer meds. I can only do 5 minutes at a time, but I have strawberries coming up!! And a few onions planted during “semi cold” season. And potatoes!!
It’s a start but not a finish by any means.
RE: RL Peeves
If it’s not cancer treatment stealing away my energy, it’s chemo brain stealing my mind away from me. I’m good. I’m fine. I’m ok. But honestly, I want to be able to join an game again without feeling guilty that I’d be letting folk down if I just didn’t have the energy to play or GM. Hoping to get back to that some time this year. Maybe. Hopefully.
RE: Nynrose's Personas
Arx - Lou, Quenia
Spirit Lake - Maureen
Ithir - Alexandria, DarinelGames of Way, Way Past - Too Many Characters To Remember:
Dimensions MUD
Tales of Ta’veren
AngealMOO II
I’ve currently taken a break from gaming because in November I was told that I have stage 1A cancer, so I’ve been focusing on RL and myself for the time being. I tried out one game, very, very briefly, and didn’t feel I could give it any time or energy with the medical stuff going on. HOWEVER, I finished my last chemo treatment today so that’s some good news. I still have about 3-4 months to go with surgery and another surgery recovery, and who knows after that. Maybe I’m done with chemo, maybe they want another round.
The important part is I’m hanging in there and around, and once I have the energy to do something other than be a couch potato I’ll join the gaming and GMing world again.
RE: Good things in Mushing
I got to GM some rascally giant squirrels and killer plants this past month, after almost a year of a GMing dry spell due to rising health issues. Was very glad that I got to do this. I have missed creating stories for people.
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
This last year has been one medical disaster after another. It started back in April with having issues with dehydration, then in August I was diagnosed with 15 cm cyst on my left ovary concerning for cancer. In October I had a hysterectomy to remove those cysts and get anything concerning out and was told I was cancer free. But at the end November, I was told that I have stage 1A Fallopian Tube Cancer - which they found after they biopsied that part some time after my surgery since that’s not the area they were looking in - and I’m starting chemo next week.
I was already struggling financially with all the medical bills from the emergency room visits and surgery that were piling up; the chemo is going to compound that. To top it off, I’m starting chemo right before Christmas so I’m going to be very immunocompromised and won’t get to see family, again, this year after having COVID at Christmas last year.
I am so, so, so, very tired of year after year of ALL THE BAD THINGS happening.
RE: Real life happy
I’ve been struggling financially for a long time now to the point where I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to pay all of my bills plus gas to get to and from work or buy groceries this week. This is all due to vet bills and car troubles that have piled up over the last year or two. I was informed today that I’m getting a 10% raise and it goes into the next pay check, which is hugely helpful.
My Jeep has been in and out of the shop at least 8 times this year for cylinders misfiring. It’s been to 2 different shops that can’t figure out the issue. It’s gone at a 3rd shop and that shop owner knows my dad, so has just expressed he’s willing to help me out to get the Jeep fixed both in parts and labor and also getting it paid. This is a huge relief.
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
@junipersky said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
I feel like I need to keep up with her energy but it is so hard to be around people right now.
Everyone grieves differently. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Just make sure whatever way you grieve, it suits you. Be kind and gentle on yourself during this process, because, really, you are finding /your/ new normal for yourself after your brother’s passing. That’s not going to be the same as your sister’s new normal.
I say this as someone who lost my mother at age 22 in 1996, where it took nearly 20 years for me to heal, and then my husband in 2019, where it took me 3 years for me to finally feel like I could get back out into the world actively outside of work again; part of that was compounded by the pandemic, but most of it was the grief spirals I’d find myself in. Take the time you need.
RE: TV series, news, recommendations
@dvoraen said in TV series, news, recommendations:
Shadow and Bone S2 is out on Netflix.
I have earned the “Binged” achievement for this already.
RE: A Constructive Arx Thread
Starting a Thrax Civil War plot in November and having nearly weekly gaming sessions to complete 6 separate scenarios, until it finds its way to completion.
I had a lot of fun doing my first long term plot on the game. There were a few scheduling bumps in the road due to RL and other factors, but there was also so much laughter and fun to be had, and so, so much story to tell.
I loved every minute of it.
RE: RL Peeves
@junipersky said in RL Peeves:
My anti-anxiety drugs can be shipped a-okay!
Birth control.
It’s getting super crazy stupid out there.
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
@Testament The lungs filling with fluid is what did my Fussy-cat in on April 1, 2022. I did the same procedure you did to give her a fighting chance, but also had to put her down on the same day, to do the humane thing. I feel for you and am so sorry for your loss. She’s in my daily routine to tell my dogs goodbye when I leave for work, telling her, my husband, and my dog who all passed that I love them all and miss them all very much.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@GF Having been on the receiving end of this behavior multiple times, I think it’s very important to draw your line in the sand from the beginning. Trust your gut about your red flags and decide where you want that line to be and be honest. That’s the best thing you can do, for both yourself and this other person. It’s good to set boundaries and let other people know them, especially if you only have so many spoons in a day to spend on things.