Until you get bored of playing them.

RE: Big Line (Stonks, Options, Crypto, etc)
Today I sold my Disney puts that I got on the 9th for a 27% profit.
Big Line (Stonks, Options, Crypto, etc)
ITT we post our progress with regards to Big Line.
RE: The Rings of Power - Discussion
Removed racist content.
Deseret Woes (Mage: the Awakening 2e, Discord, play-by-post)
Game System: Mage: the Awakening, Second Edition (with Errata and some house rules)
When: Play-By-Post
How: Discord (https://discord.gg/FQycTh73dZ)Before the beginning, after the Great War between Heaven and Hell, God created the Earth, and gave dominion over it to the crafty ape he called man. And to each generation, were born creatures of light and creatures of darkness, who would clash by night in the ancient war of good and evil. There was magic then, nobility, and unimaginable cruelty. And so it was, until the day a false sun exploded over the desert,and man forever traded away wonder for reason.
RE: Bannings
Okay so seriously, why is Ganymede having this “Burn Them All”-tier ban-fest? Am I missing something here? I don’t get it.
RE: Bannings
I’ve been a pretty long-time lurker on MSB, logging in occasionally just to see if a new game got advertised (increasingly rare), and I must say that it’s a good thing you had a split. Also the people who make new games tend to get run off for various reasons. Not sure how much of a fan I am of that.
This is something that has concerned me, as well. If I have any ‘hopes’ for this board, it involves the Helping Hands subforum, and that there will be room for people to talk about interesting ideas without having those ideas instantly shot down by people who have very specific ideas of how MU*s ‘should’ work and are all too gleeful to talk about how trying anything else is doomed, DOOMED and will never survive.
It’s something that I’ve heard game designers and potential game designers talk about for years and when people are already considering putting hours and hours of work into something, having a bunch of people all too ready to pour buckets of cold water on any idea that isn’t exactly like five hundred games that have gone before is very discouraging.
I’ve done some pretty wacky stuff, like run a Werewolf: the Forsaken 2e game over the fediverse. So I’m definitely in agreement, people get way too attached to their ideas about how things ought to be especially with respect to pretendy fun time elfgames on the computer.
RE: Bannings
Not only is it for an Internet forum and therefore they don’t have any power, it’s for an objectively dying sub-segment of a hobby we know as “roleplaying.” Roleplay is actually gaining a lot of popularity, but it’s not on these command line Telnet games; that’s going bye bye.
I was with you right up until this. It’s not objectively dying. It’s not as popular as it once was, but it’s fine. New people still find us, we’re still having fun, it’s fine.
That’s fine. It’s not like I have some kind of animus for MU*'s; it’s just that almost all of the RPing I see online now is done by voice chat, by web forums, and by other things like Discord with Tupperbox. I trawl these boards for new MUSHes and stuff and let me tell you, I see fewer and fewer of those.
RE: Bannings
@Snackness said in Bannings:
@Testament They’re consolidating power. But it’s okay because it’s an internet forum and they don’t actually have any power.
Not only is it for an Internet forum and therefore they don’t have any power, it’s for an objectively dying sub-segment of a hobby we know as “roleplaying.” Roleplay is actually gaining a lot of popularity, but it’s not on these command line Telnet games; that’s going bye bye.
You and I are part of the lunatic fringe just by dint of being on either of these forums in the first place.
RE: Bannings
I’ve been a pretty long-time lurker on MSB, logging in occasionally just to see if a new game got advertised (increasingly rare), and I must say that it’s a good thing you had a split. Also the people who make new games tend to get run off for various reasons. Not sure how much of a fan I am of that.