An Arx Peeve Thread
@Jennkryst the longstanding plaint of the IC lawyers is that there’s not enough stuff to do but if you do law stuff they roster or idle out so it’s a lot like being a real lawyer in that working sucks but if you don’t work that sucks too.
@sao This just makes me want to draft the Arx version of Legally Blonde.
I think the casual sexism that drives the Legally Blonde story probably would make it hard to adapt, wouldn’t it?
@IoleRae Lords and Ladies game, replace sexism with classicm.
@IoleRae I was mostly joking but I like the classicism idea.
STILL MOSTLY JOKING, I have enough pots and pies atm
@crawfish now I want pot pie
@crawfish now i want pie pot
@crawfish Well I HAD decided to not pick up that one Lawyer in favor of a crafter, but now I am not so sure.
Also ‘lawyers are bored’ makes me want to start breaking minor laws to give them things to do.
If the rest of this season of the metaplot had a theme song:
so excited
@Herja said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
If the rest of this season of the metaplot had a theme song:
Is it ironic that when I click the link the next suggest of music is titled “Traitor”
Yes. ‘Ironic.’ Not purposeful at all.
My loyalty can be bought with sweet eldritch power and copious amounts of XP.
If you are a prodigal, you had to accept the Faith of the Pantheon in order to bend the knee, it was a condition of you and your people not getting brutally killed.
That means that publicly professing that you don’t understand the religion is probably not a great idea politically since it’s the only thing separating you from being a dirty shav.
@sao Also don’t say you don’t believe in the Pantheon. Saying you don’t believe in the Pantheon is saying you don’t believe in the concept of fidelity, etc. For most people it’s literally just virtues not actual beings.
“I don’t believe in the Pantheon gods.” “You don’t believe in HONOR???”
@farfalla I once played with someone who played a rather high level character within the nobility that stated that the character was ‘an atheist’ because so far, the concept of honor and fidelity only seemed to be followed by the peerage only when it was convenient for them.
At the time, and if I recall, this was literal years ago, that it was some kind of observation or dig at Christianity only being followed by it’s believers when again, doctrine lined up with their opinions to allow them to do so.
I understood the sentiment, even if I don’t think it was rather appropriate for the theme of the game.
I turned my rabble rabble into a temporary spurt of during-illness productivity and posted the FAQ we made, at least.
@sao Thank you for that guide!
@BloodAngel thank @Narson and @Roz and whoever else worked on it when it was a gdoc! I had it floating out there for a bit.
@sao Thank you to all those that helped. It is a great resource for quick reference!