An Arx Peeve Thread
@dvoraen IT’S A FRUIT
@sao said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
I hate unthematic sexism because first someone rps about something unthematically sexist and then other people rp about how terrible the first unthematically sexist thing was but the fact is NONE OF THAT SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE STOP MAKING ME TRY TO SQUARE THE TOTAL NONSENSE OF MISOGYNY WITH THEMATIC RP AHHHH
I wish I were out there on the grid stopping this in its tracks whenever it appears like a goddamn animated paperclip
@IoleRae said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
I can’t tell if we’re talking about food or sex.
Don’t make me get the lewd cookie book!
@dvoraen said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
Why not heart eyes instead of upvotes?! Grrr.
Also this
@crawfish said in An Arx Peeve Thread:And this
@dvoraen said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
@IoleRae said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
I can’t tell if we’re talking about food or sex.
This has basically been my entire RP experience with Desiree. Not even sure how it happened and I don’t even know if she’s talking about food or sex at this point.
I blame Tanith. 🧁
@IoleRae said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
I can’t tell if we’re talking about food or sex.
OH GOD. I don’t need my brain to go down this rabbit hole again.
Can’t… resist… any more…
@Jennkryst Welp, now I know what I am making Desiree for her birthday.
ETA: Thought it was a joke. Googled it. It’s real. They also have a cookie cutter. I’m dead
I can’t stop giggling after a bad day. Thank you, all of you.
Less a peeve with Arx, and more a peeve with this guy I know…
THIS GUY I KNOW graduated from his Law School in 2.5 years instead of the usual 3 because he’s insane, and despite this fact, he was the only graduate from his school that passed the bar exam for that session.
And I’ve been trying to get him into MUSHing for a while, and my latest attempt has been to point him at Arx and say ‘you cannot be The Wizard Lawyer YET, but you might be able to be a Lawyer whomst learns majikz at some point in the future.’
The Wizard Lawyer - Lawyer who is also a Wizard, but nobody can actually prove definitively if he is or not. Defends a vampire in court because they’re on trial for eating a baby, and the defense is ‘No, your honor, I did not eat THAT baby’. Of course they eventually win because Habeas Corpus pun (literally means ‘produce the body’), and all of the things involve stalling for time while they search for proof the baby is still alive (including ‘the defendant is an ancient vampire, he must be tried by a jury of his peers!’ and ‘I am a wizard, you must have a neutral wizard to oversee the trial to make sure that I do not cast spells to sway the court’s opinion!’ and all sorts of zany shit.)
… I’m not sure how the other lawyers (IC or OOC) on Arx would respond, but it’d be hilarious to watch the chaos play out. BUT IT LIKELY NEVER WILL, AND THAT ANNOYS ME.
@Jennkryst Paging @Herja as to whether exactly this happens in Cardia or not.
@Jennkryst the longstanding plaint of the IC lawyers is that there’s not enough stuff to do but if you do law stuff they roster or idle out so it’s a lot like being a real lawyer in that working sucks but if you don’t work that sucks too.
@sao This just makes me want to draft the Arx version of Legally Blonde.
I think the casual sexism that drives the Legally Blonde story probably would make it hard to adapt, wouldn’t it?
@IoleRae Lords and Ladies game, replace sexism with classicm.
@IoleRae I was mostly joking but I like the classicism idea.
STILL MOSTLY JOKING, I have enough pots and pies atm