Glitch Discussion
@KarmaBum let me feed someone into a bowling lane so basically 10/10 rating from me.
@KarmaBum let me ‘kill’ my character horribly in a fish pond to get out of a scene because my aunt had shown up and wouldn’t shut up so I could keep playing. 10/10.
@tsar That sounds incredibly awesome for letting out some pent up aggression!
@KarmaBum also ‘killed’ my character in a manner that I was able to refer to later as ‘treated like a capri sun’, 12/10
@Snackness That was a good boss fight. Your toon was wrecking shop till then.
@KarmaBum killed my character before I even entered chargen. 15/10
(Did I do it right?)
@KarmaBum is letting me play Janitor: The MUSH on Glitch so 15/10 rating for me.