This week I went to show a Harper’s Tale dragon to two friends and was reminded @KarmaBum and @Cornpopped wrote it. And also to get there my browser is still pointing somehow YEARS LATER to a parody write up @Snackness did on the site.
Amusing/sappy MUSH memory submissions accepted here.
@tsar the other day I rped a snowball fight and all I could think about was a time on Firan that i rped a snowball fight with two characters who were completely not started to be competent with thrown weapons. It was one of the most joyful memories of my entire time on that game, and halfway through the scene @Tez messaged me asking if I remembered our other snowball fight.
Oddly, or perhaps not so oddly, @Cornpopped is also involved in a good RP memory I have. From a scene we were both in together some years ago. Our characters played off each other really well and during a scene where he was just there as an observer in case things got dicey, they indeed got dicey. And in the end her character made a veiled threat implying mine. And it was just a great chemistry that day, so I also remember that scene very fondly as one of my favorites.
There was another series of long and invovled RP some time ago that I had with @Solstice and there was weird silent crush between our characters, to which neither had said anything about it. Until, something happened that started as an argument between said characters in a public space. I can just recall them yelling at each other until one of them says something along the lines, “WELL MAYBE I’D ASK YOU OUT IF YOU’D JUST SHUT UP.” Those two were fun, and I have soft spot for them.
@farfalla Yes, I think so
@Tat lmao I love this