This shouldn’t surprise anyone, but it looks like anyone that wanted to play Mage without Polk’s presence or influence now has an opportunity to do so. App up.
RE: Ascension Sojourns
RE: Ascension Sojourns
Message: 1/5 Author: Sphinx Fri Nov 17 2023
Brian’s Player removed 19:26:18Brian’s player (Polk) has been removed from the game. When I confronted him about information I received, he showed his true colors and resorted to name-calling, gaslighting, and berating staff. This is not tolerated and is strictly against game code of conduct.
ETA: This was a message from the game’s board from the head wiz. I didn’t format it properly, but wanted to be clear on that part.
RE: Pax Republica - Discussion
These do not seem to be people that are familiar with MU*s or the community in general, which is probably why there was such a glaring reluctance to understand things that had become obvious years ago.
They converted an existing game system into a custom system, as is obvious from the missed entries that had not been entirely rewritten, but their custom system isn’t really complete. Especially when it comes to combat. They just have some loose guidelines. And in SW, that’s… well… wishful thinking.
They also still nitpick backgrounds which are almost guaranteed never to come up again and have you spend days and days rewriting things that won’t ever matter. I’ve heard they ask you to justify every single stat you take, even if there’s only a point in it. Who wants to be tortured like that just to get a character approved?
All in all its a pretty amateur operation, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Every place can improve. But all the lessons of MU*ing over all the decades seem to need to be learned all over again from scratch for this place.
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Pan said in Liberation MUSH:
@mietze said in Liberation MUSH:
Perhaps the person posting stuff that was obviously from Sundance’s screen that was shared probably in confidence (also an unwise move that real friends should have warned about) thought better of it (hopefully) or was asked by someone else to knock it off?
I hope that’s a lesson learned too, should be easy to figure out who broke confidence.
Oh Roz says its still up, so apparently no to realizing that was a not great thing to do.
She (Sundance) openly shared it all and discussed it all in the game for transparency.
“Transparency.” Sundance takes action and suddenly the logs are free flowing.
Of course they are. This was the one time she actually held him to account, so why not expose his bad behavior? I’d love to see a log of all the times where he did all the other abusive, manipulative, and unethical shit and see the logs of her explaining over and over why she’s doing nothing at all. That would be real transparency.
Because it wasn’t just this one incident that caused this. Even she said that. So exposing the logs of this one incident isn’t really the whole story. Its just a snippet of a narrative that looks good for her: “Polk flips. I call him on his stuff. He freaks. I stand tough. He flips the table. The game goes down, but only for a short while because I already had brilliant backup plans in place thanks to my great wisdom and foresight.”
But that’s not the whole story. So it isn’t “transparency” so much as a slightly dipped down opacity of one part of one day amidst years of shit that happens to cast her as the stalwart hero in this one curated moment.
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Warma-Sheen said in Liberation MUSH:
But realistically, I don’t think Sundance forgot about me. Or my contribution. Or why I left. I think she made a calculated choice to do what she thought would be in the best interest of the game and people’s enjoyment of it. So she just straight up lied. The end goal was to protect the experience of the people who were still there from being tainted by the question of whether they had ever been screwed over by Polk and just never known it, with perception being more important than the facts.
As other people have said, she is consistent. She’ll do what she thinks she needs to do to keep her game going. If some people/ideas/values/integrity need to be sacrificed to make that happen, then so be it. And I know that sounds harsh, but I really don’t mean it to be. Sometimes there are no good choices, but choices still have to be made. I can both recognize that and be annoyed by it.
I’ll casually disagree. I think she lied because if people knew the true, full extent of how much shit she overlooked from him, they’d lose all respect and faith in her. I think we’ve seen over the years that most people won’t leave a game just because bad shit has happened there. Especially when the person behind it has been fired/left.
I think she’s embarrassed, and rightly so, by how much she left him get away with and how many people were abused and exploited by him so that she could keep her game running. She was an enabler and a co-participant in his exploitation of the people he fucked over, but she can’t bring herself to admit the truth: “I knew the shit he was doing and I let it happen because it was only happening to a few people at a time and keeping the game up was more important and we both knew it. So he kept doing it and I kept letting him.”
Using your case specifically, once you got booted out of the mage sphere, no one wanted anything to do with you. Not because of you, but because at that point everyone knew Polk didn’t want you there and no one wanted to be associated with you or they’d also be targeted along with you. Because everyone knew he played favorites and anyone associated with you would also get the shit end of all sticks. It didn’t matter that Sundance put you back in. You were finished. Your experience there was a dead end. And whether you stayed or not, whether Sundance put you back in the sphere or not, he got exactly what he wanted and not even Sundance could do anything about it.
@Warma-Sheen said in Liberation MUSH:
Sundance(sun) pages: There’s two elements to this. The first element is 1) Polk should absolutely not have disapproved you on his own initiative. He knew that the moment he did it, and he already apologized to me in page about it, before I sat down. I had him immediately re-approve you, since I’m the only one who can carry out OOC discipline here.
Notice how he apparently immediately apologized to her for his unethical move? Pure, predatory manipulation. But did he apologize to you? I know he did not. I doubt he’s apologized since then, cause… its Polk.
But he still got what he wanted, didn’t he? And how many people/players has he exploited/manipulated/abused like this or in other ways over the years? How many people told Sundance, who did nothing? This particular incident happened almost two years ago. She can’t say she didn’t know. She knew exactly. And she knew each and every time someone said something since then that it was true. Because she had already seen who he was and what he would do. She just didn’t care as much as she did about keeping her game open.
So, no, I disagree. I don’t think she was making hard choices. I think she was making selfish ones to protect herself and pretend like she didn’t know what was really happening. Pretend she didn’t know he was being unethical, like she would have done something if she had known. She did know. She knew full well. She just won’t own it.
RE: Comic Games Are Fun!
@Polk said in Comic Games Are Fun!:
So I wish there was a very, very gentle way to suggest that a person quit a game, that doesn’t come off cold and a little condescending. Because I’ve done that, and I hate how I sound when I say it.
Polk pages: Don’t contact me in nay way. GEt out of my life.
If only there were a better way. /sarcasm
You giant, performative, insincere phony.
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Mourne said in Liberation MUSH:
@Warma-Sheen shrugs The entire ‘problem’ was the completely arbitrary nature of how things happened.
Being respectful of all the players hasn’t really been a high priority for Liberation. There are a few players that matter and the rest are just background noise to fill the atmosphere. Like extras in a movie. So not a lot of care or concern goes into things like consistency and fairness.
But if you’re willing to kiss up and do a little ‘slap and tickle’ you can benefit greatly from the complete lack of fairness you’re talkin about. The more important you make yourself, the more of an edge you can get over the other players. Fairness, shmairness.
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Warma-Sheen said in Liberation MUSH:
it doesn’t take away from the potential the game has if/when it is being done correctly.
I think it does. If you make a character on a game you wanna know that you’re not gonna be kicked off in the middle of your stories for no good reason. You wanna know that if someone on staff is shady and unethical and will break the rules that the head staff will hold them accountable so that you haven’t wasted your time and energy building stories that just disappear on a whim.
@Polk proved that you can’t count on either of those things at Liberation. The rules don’t apply to him and Sundance is fine with it cause she needs his help so he can do whatever shady shit he wants to do. That’s what that place is. People should know. All their pretentious running off at the mouth and 5 pillars of ethics bullshit doesn’t mean anything. Cause even before he went and started booting people without reason Sundance was being told about how shady @Polk was being in his sphere and she just blew it off. And even after he tore past the line of sketchiness into outright despotism, when she did step into the situation she had the gall to blame you for speaking up.
Here’s from their website:
We will never ban you, or threaten to ban you for disagreeing with us about most things. Threatening players out of one’s own insecurity has an immensely corrosive effect on a game’s culture. You will not be banned, say, for accusing a Director of cheating. It will be investigated. You will not be banned for speaking up when you witness an injustice. We’re all too committed to this game having a professional reputation to cover for one person’s malfeasance.And yet that’s exactly what happened. You raised concerns about not being dealt with fairly. You did it calmly and respectfully, without ranting or raving. And he booted you. Pretty much everything they say there on their website, they went the opposite of because it suited them, @Polk first and Sundance by giving him a pass on it.
So hell yeah it takes away form the potential of the game. You can’t trust these people to respect their own rules, how are you going to trust them to respect any of their players? @Polk is all about himself and people shouldn’t expect anything else.
Liberation MUSH
@Warma-Sheen Well that’s still at least one story we haven’t heard yet. That one about that guy the @Polk kicked out of the sphere for no specific reason, with no warning - even though @Polk wasn’t authorized to do so by headstaff. Tell that story. About how that guy and all his contributions to the game were shitkicked out the door along with the stories of all the other people, 5 at my last count, that were making changes icly and oocly (all of which were being made to accommodate @Polk ) who all got their stories derailed by @Polk and his temper tantrum.
Or @Polk you can tell the story about abusing your access to the code to boot players without proper permission from the game runner. Please let us know what someone did that was so egregious that he - and any semblance of staff ethics from both @Polk and Sundance who did nothing about the staff abuse - had to be tossed out a window.
@lordbelh You don’t mind making a character and then having it booted out of a sphere because your staffer was having a bad day, do you? No, then proceed.