@KarmaBum i almost made a game like this. Basically it was going to involve that they were VR worlds and the idea was most all the play took place in the Virtualscape with more like defining scenes happening in the Real World periodically and it was going to use some form of the Kids on Bikes system.
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
RE: Mobile Mud Client
@Kassien thank you for this! Downloaded it last night, trying it this morning and it’s great so far
RE: The Lost Realms Discussion
Genuinely curious question. I’m not extremely familiar with Hobbit/LotR lore and I know it’s not D&D soI can understand on some level why your policies say to keep romantic rp between the same species but is this primarily aimed at the physical aspect?
Or is this just across the board because it’s not thing at all in the lore? (Again, I can see other reasoning for wanting to keep things separated on the physical aspect)
RE: Real life happy
Yeah Four months I think is about how long it’s been! Good to know that’s like the average it seems. I’ll have to let him know.
RE: Real life happy
My husband is finishing his degree this Spring and a while back he applied to his ideal job but it’s government thing so they’re very slow moving. He’s been agonizing over this for a while but yesterday he got the news that he’s been selected! It was a tentative job offer, but he did the intake stuff and is now waiting for the official word.
So he’s excited and I’m excited because this opens up a bunch of opportunities for us if he does get it (which I am confident that he will)!
RE: Testament's Testimonial
City of Glass is pretty fun so far if you’re into WoD!
RE: Song of Avaria
@Snackness I never really played on Arx. I did pick up a roster for like…a day but then never came back because I was too overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information because the game had already been around for so long. So I’m not sure if I can really make a fair comparison.
Part of me is inclined to say it might be a little more involved than Arx? But that’s just going off gut instinct and not knowing what all Arx has code wise.
Part of why I wanted to give Song of Avaria a try is because it reminded me a bit of an Arx but like the ‘getting in on the ground floor’ version which, for me, is easier to wrap my head around than coming in several years later.
RE: Song of Avaria
Registration is currently closed while they deal with the influx from opening day.
I’m still wrapping my brain around a lot of it. It’s more code and lore heavy than any games I’ve played before but definitely interesting
RE: A Constructive Arx Thread
I don’t play on Arx so I’m not sure if anything different has been stated on the game itself but this is from this post on the Arx game ad thread:
Come Feb 1st, requests turn off, and that’ll be it for the current characters canonical story save for one shots I or others might GM to test systems. And then, a bit down the road, Arx relaunches as a very different game, which I am extremely excited about. But just not yet. Time to go all in on a story first.
RE: Deep Shadows MUSH
@Kassien There is! I think they might have initially been shown in Run Faster, but then there’s some others that are in other supplements.
i just found found this list:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0tl0dveny7buro7/SR5 TOOL Life Modules.pdf?dl=0
ETA: I am also a sucker for a lifepath system even though I only used the SR5E one once
RE: Discussion - Excelsior
I’ll just add my two cents here that even though I’ve unfortunately had to just accept I like the idea of playing comic book character instead of actually playing them, all the times I’ve tried Excelsior out the staff has been great and they’ve really taken a lot of time and care with the backgrounds they’ve put together and trying to weave interesting character connections.
I’m really glad to see they’re still going strong.
RE: Blue Sky Invites
I would be interested in one whenever one becomes available!
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
Why is there a Vehicle Registration Fee that’s separate from Vehicle Registration Renewal? I paid my shit in August thinking I was ahead of the game. Still hadn’t gotten my tags but also my driver’s license had apparently expired in May so I renewed that. Got pulled over this weekend for unrelated reasons and they said my registration was expired.
Called the city this morning and they were like ‘that’s separate, you have to go through the dmv’, which you think I’d know by now because I’ve had to do this a hundred times but it’s too much to keep track of x.x
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
I’ve noticed that too.
I think a lot of Gen Zers didn’t actually grow up on computers like we did. They grew up largely with ipads/tablets and smart phones. So they’re more familiar with the touch screens rather than traditional computers and so didn’t really learn the short cuts and stuff that come with frequent computer use.
RE: Fat Bear Week 2023
First time participating in Fat Bear Week! It’s been fun. Grazer 100%