@SqeakyClean said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
Pulling out all the stops to retain/bring in new players. Even though all these types of rewards were suggested a million times by people such as myself and others. Only to be ignored, brushed aside, or hee-hawed at.
Yes. Very much yes. For years now, even suggesting that plot-runners get something for their efforts, or suggesting rewards for players in plots (even just looting the bad guys), has been absolute heresy to Cujo. If you even thought anyone should be running events for anything other than the satisfaction of telling a good story (or just +noms from all attendees, like Aryn/Sumi/Poe and Hadrix/Reverberate), you deserved to be cast out into utter darkness, with all the weeping and gnashing of teeth.
How things change when people start abandoning your game because you actively support sex pests. Well, most sex pests.
@SqeakyClean said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
I was always running up against Hads stuff anyways like you were (which were org specific mind you… except for those select few people they decided to let come on the down-low).
While the sexual harassment thing going public is recent, Reverberate has been on staff for a few years now. One of his first actions as staff was to have some Hutt, who apparently ran the long-dead Hutt faction, ban the Array Consortium from Nar Shaddaa for not supporting the Hutts against their enemies (who were enemies for maybe 30 seconds).
The action was IC, but the IC reasons were pure bullshit. Supposely it was because the AC didn’t fire up their flagship (a Guardian-class light cruiser) and try to fight off an FO Star Destroyer that bombarded and destroyed Corestar Spaceport in the space equivalent of a drive-by shooting (yes, this actually happened: the First Order destroyed a starport to kill one smuggler, and in the end they didn’t even get him). The problems with this are that a) the Hutts were allies with the First Order at the time, despite how little sense that ever made ICly, b) the Hutts themselves never fired a shot at that same Star Destroyer despite having their own warship in orbit at the time, and c) this was years IRL after that ill-considered bombardment.
The real reason: The Array Consortium was competition for the Koras in signing on new PCs fresh out of chargen. New fish wouldn’t know about the Koras’ horrible reputation ICly or OOCly, and would be more likely to sign on with them and give them +noms for bad events (and possibly be harassed by Hadrix). Get the AC off Nar Shaddaa, they’re a lot less of competition.
I ran into Adhar Gann and his group several times, and they struck me as a good bunch. Adhar really gave a damn about his players and their characters and supported their efforts until RL landed on him, hard. Well, that and the vicious gossip Aryn and Hadrix were always spreading about him. OOC (and occasionally IC) backstabbing is something neither one has ever had a problem with, if you’re a bother for them in any way.
@SpilledBeanz said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
This should be more than enough evidence for mu* staff to take this shit seriously. To take people’s desire to play in a healthy sandbox, where they are treated as human beings first, and WHO padding second, seriously.
Evidence or no evidence, AoA’s staff will never take this seriously, aside from banning people who publicly speak up about it. The poisonous staff culture is too deep-set at this point. Even if it wasn’t, Cujo is far too self-absorbed to care what people think about the people who keep his WHO list stable. He’s put 20+ years of ego into AoA and it’s sticking around, no matter how bad it gets.
(EDIT: An adjustment to terminology.)