31 Jan 2023, 16:52

@Krautistanian said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:

Exhibit A, way too late. First time in 5 years they offer anything for running. Flashpoint? Ooops? Two events? Whoever runs first gets the money.

Anything else? Fuck you, pay out of your own pocket. They are desperate

Pulling out all the stops to retain/bring in new players. Even though all these types of rewards were suggested a million times by people such as myself and others. Only to be ignored, brushed aside, or hee-hawed at.

Desperate is an appropriate term.

@CuriousGamer said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:

Also looks like people are choosing to head out rather than deal with the drama/new theme.


I hadn’t logged in since I left and didn’t know these two had stood up. Good on Jax and Ax and I hope they stay far away from this sesspool and get to have fun without the anxiety AoA causes. I knew about Vega, we are friends, and had been discussing all the issues with the time skip for months before this thread hit. I suppose we kind of left together because she made her final choice when I hit my tipping point and told her I was done with Age of Kora.

Now Sumi, Hadrix, and Maelstrom are the only people who host events on the grid. Jax and to some degree myself were driving forces in the Jedi Order, especially Jax who ran plots for the group and its offshoot.

I’m sure Discordia will continue to have an alt in every sphere so she can pad her stats nom farming, having all the feats ever in existence, but never actually doing any story work herself.

Anyways, just wanted to say good on them.