Good things in Mushing
@tsar It’s as true now as it was then…
When you’ve got your brain-weasels going full-bore, and then someone reaches out about RP, and those nasty scratchy bitey things quiet down for a little bit.
Mention porn. Reading your char getting talked about in the logs of other folks. Love.
@Roadspike said in Good things in Mushing:
When you’ve got your brain-weasels going full-bore, and then someone reaches out about RP, and those nasty scratchy bitey things quiet down for a little bit.
Some of my friends are enabling me to use my law-adjacent knowledge to have a character with a fake lawyer persona in a setting that doesn’t even follow the US law system and it’s delightful mayhem.
I sometimes think that, for better or worse, I can’t possibly encounter people I’ve NEVER RP’d with anymore or shared game-space with. But sometimes I do, and not only are they new, they’re WONDERFUL, and that’s real nice.
Having people reach out to make background connections, and then seeing those background connections actually build and grow through the RP into story. I love it. 10/10 would recommend.
@Panic I realize we’re talking about totally different games but YES. I got some damn fine backstory angst~
@Panic said in Good things in Mushing:
Having people reach out to make background connections, and then seeing those background connections actually build and grow through the RP into story. I love it. 10/10 would recommend.
I had a couple people reach out to me to make connections with my character on LA2043.
I was stupidly flattered by this.
1-click Ares Digital Ocean droplet. This is the the first time I have gone from nothing to being able to log into my own bit with nobody else intervening. I’ve ALWAYS flailed and decided I couldn’t do it before, and one of the very patient people in my world helped me. I did it this time though.
Those directions are so good! I wanted to fuss around with it a little bit, and now I can!
@IoleRae -
Ooo I have a question about that as Digital Ocean was confusing me.
That cost is just $4 or like $4 a month plus some hour thing? I’ve not seen the per-hour displayed before.
@Whisky $4 a month is $0.0054757015742642 an hour. So it’s the same thing.
@Pavel - Well that’s what I thought but also displaying the per hour rate was throwing me off. Especially as it didn’t cover it in the FAQs.
@Pavel Ahhh that is what that meant! Thank you
Presumably, there’s something about high-intensity processes equalling more ‘hours’ on your bill… otherwise, how can you use your droplet for more hours than there are in a month?
That’s kind of where I got confused. If it was a hard cap, or if after you hit the cap performance takes a big it. Or it just goes down.
@Whisky said in Good things in Mushing:
That’s kind of where I got confused. If it was a hard cap, or if after you hit the cap performance takes a big it. Or it just goes down.
Many kinds of web applications on DO are on-demand, so they don’t need to be running for the whole month. You spin up a droplet, do some work, then delete it.
A MUSH needs to be running 24/7 so it’s easier just to think about it using the monthly rate.
FYI - for AresMUSH (and for most websites/wikis) you need the 2GB droplet, which is $12/month. That baby $4 droplet is good for advertising but can’t do much.
@Faraday Thank you very much and appreciate it. Was trying to find an ARES FAQ thread here and should have just made one to ask
@Faraday said in Good things in Mushing:
A MUSH needs to be running 24/7
Well. Not necessarily. I still remember the bad old days of having to hit evenings EST when a game would be up.
Am I old?