Good things in Mushing
When something happens that gives you a buttload of reasons to reach out to people and make connections.
Thrilled at the idea that both players and staff are getting ideas to want to stretch out their creativity. And I’m more than happy to help with that.
And yes, it’s dumb, but after opening the game, there’s been a little bit of interest. It may not last long or may, but regardless, both things do make me happy to see.
Had to kill my first PC. The player was a very good sport.
Playing with a new to me person who turns out to be fantastic.
When a plan comes together by making meth!
@BloodAngel said in Good things in Mushing:
When a plan comes together by making meth!
It’s probably weird that I can say, ‘Oh, yeah, I’ve seen that happen IRL, too…’
@eye8urcake Depends on where you live!
@Herja and her storytelling abilities. She is someone I aspire to. Her attention to detail, how she finds all these points of intersection and overlap, like it’s a giant tapestry and she knows what it’s supposed to look like when all the bits are connected together.
I love the wealth of stories that already exist out there in the universe, and the way that this hobby often inspires me to find them over the course of background research for my own characters and projects.
Like this. I was trying to brainstorm meaningful names for a fictional ship, and came across a fascinating one from Chilean mythology, which I otherwise know less than nothing about.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who can attribute many novel real world experiences to inspiration from the hobby, either. Characters I’ve played have led me to pick up new skills, sample new cuisines and even travel.
Let it never be said that fiction doesn’t benefit the non.
I was excited to see new Ares plugins that included support for another RPG system (Pendragon)! I think it’s really awesome to see people doing what must be a ton of work to help make even more RPG systems usable on Ares. GOOD JOB, @Lyanna! (I’ve only ever played Pendragon for like two seconds so I don’t even know but IDK IT’S JUST EXCITING TO SEE.)
Oooooooo this looks really neat, and opens up some more options for people who want to play with social skills in RP. -
@Roz Another system in Ares???
runs off to go look at it
Thank you to @Roadspike @Faraday and @Tat for talking to me today regarding Seven Nations combat. Did a lot of mock combat testing and I’d say it went really well. Road even dropped by to observe and give feedback.
The combat has come much farther than I had initially suspected. And the players that helped had a good time figuring out how combat works and learning commands.
All told, good day all around. Thank you for listening to me trying to figure this out. I think it’ll work out pretty well.
When you run your first official combat on your game. And while it might’ve been hilariously too easy(need to tweak bows and enemy armor to not be made of balsa wood), everyone still had a great time and felt included in what was happening. Even if the event was really just an opener for ‘Bad Things Are Afoot’.
I’m trying this new thing out where I play the L&L game like a slice-of-wartorn-life and civil war strife L&L game and forget about metaplot for a while and it’s aaaaaaalmost working.
Really fantastic IC siblings.
That magical moment when you meet someone new and your brains just click. That’s a joy that never, ever gets old.