I’m so not as deep as everybody else answering here, but I’ll throw two cents in because I care to…
I’d quit the old board a little under a year ago because of Really Fucking Bad real life shit slapping me across the face with the idea that the time, energy and care I was wasting engaging with toxic, obsessed people dragging my name into shit on said board from a game I hadn’t touched in a year could best be spent on literally anything else with a far better return on investment.
I found out about this board because things calmed down enough for me to want to see what games were poppin’ and I checked that board to find out it was basically turning into a pre-Reddit-purge incel sub at lightspeed. While some of the personae engaging in doing that were absolutely zero surprise to me, what did surprise me was who ended up deputized to deal with that and the attitude the deputizers took about it. That blew me the fuck away.
I’m not sure who said ‘believe people when they tell you who they are’, but it’s a pretty solid statement, and updating myself on ‘the state of the community’ before finding this place was really just me watching a few people - with shiny new ‘Admin’ tags - screaming out who they are at the top of their lungs. Not only this, but their actions were speaking even louder even than those words - bannings, unbannings, weird ‘mobbing’ of people who dared question or disagree with that screaming in groups with other new people sporting shiny new ‘Admin’ badges - something I think is actually still going on there, to be honest.
I guess I’m using a shitton of words to say simply if the moderators of the community start shouting from the community’s rooftops that they have no respect for a majority of the community, in between spitting at and sniping members of that same majority of said community that they personally detest because the powers of their shiny ‘Admin’ badges make them feel empowered to do so, people are going to tap out again.
I have no idea how WORA or whatever you guys called it was, but I really didn’t think MSB was such a horrible place. I mostly lurked after initially engaging in the thread that brought me there and motivated me to register in the first place, with little spates of shooting my virtual ‘mouth’ off when I felt a situation warranted my input, but by and large I participated because I didn’t think it was a terrible place where terrible people were allowed to engage in terrible behavior unrestrained, because terrible people weren’t running it.
Even the Hog Pit wasn’t so much ‘gloves off’ as I feel like some people have tried to portray it in the past few months, nor do I feel that its existence is why that community fractured - I think it’s merely a convenient scapegoat so (primarily) the people running the show and (secondarily) the people still participating can feel good about themselves even though their sandbox is basically empty now. In their whole Moral Panic
about The Clique
, they’re now just a little clique, and that’s fine, they’re happy like that and the people who aren’t have moved on.
TL;DR is really the fact that just the existence of this thread, without ‘Admin’-tagged people packing up to loom over every post with an ‘ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO SAY THAT??’ attitude more or less proves that this community was created to be and likely will be quite healthy and open to myriad viewpoints, because the people running it and participating in it are making that a priority.