Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo
@kalakh Speaking of… this just hit the boards last night.
=========================<* 8: Game Updates - 199 *>=========================
Message: 8/199 Posted: Jan 20 2023 Author: Discordia
Timejump XP Updates (Non-FS)As we approach closer to the timejump, post-time jump XP and Sheet adjustments going forward will be:
For all Non-FS, 1000 XP base award
PLUS 150 per 5 years of a 15 year age-up.Thus:
0 years: 1000xp
5 years: 1150xp
10 years: 1300xp
15 years: 1500xpFS Characters will be handled separately. The goal with the XP award is to allow our Non-FS characters to come to greater parity with their level of skill after a fifteen year increase.
All XP adjustments will be handled by hand and annotated per character so that if a PC is shelved and their XP is rolled into a new PC, it will not include the XP gained by the time jump. Only their normally accrued experience points, as has always been the case.
Any Non-FS who wish to change their decision on whether or not they will be aging up and by how much, please either add a reply to your existing job or submit a new +request if you have not done so yet. Anyone who does not submit a +request will be assumed to be aging the full 15 years.
If you have more than one alt, you may include your decisions for all of them in one +request, just make sure to note each alt and your choice going forward.
------------------------------< +bbread 8/199 >-------------------------------The original ‘awards’ were 0 XP for not aging, 150 for aging five years, 300 for aging 10 years, and the full 500 for aging the full 15 years, just so nobody has to scroll back a mile or two. Quite a difference, don’t you think?
Sound like damage control (to the tune of, ‘Please stay! We’re handing out oodles of goodies!’) to anyone else?
(Note: Edited to fix the message header.)
@CuriousGamer said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
But his behavior really isn’t immature if you think about it. He’s not throwing a fit. He’s making very specific things happen. Bannings, deletions, cover ups, posts. He’s being as methodical as he can. I personally think that’s signs of intent, malice, and forethought instead of immauturity.
Going by my experience with Cujo and his game, you’re exactly right. Cujo does throw fits and rage at players, but some time after that? That’s when very deliberate things happen to the people he’s just been screaming at and about.
@Warlander said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@kalakh Speaking of… this just hit the boards last night.
=========================<* 8: Game Updates - 199 *>=========================
Message: 8/199 Posted: Jan 20 2023 Author: Discordia
Timejump XP Updates (Non-FS)As we approach closer to the timejump, post-time jump XP and Sheet adjustments going forward will be:
For all Non-FS, 1000 XP base award
PLUS 150 per 5 years of a 15 year age-up.Thus:
0 years: 1000xp
5 years: 1150xp
10 years: 1300xp
15 years: 1500xpFS Characters will be handled separately. The goal with the XP award is to allow our Non-FS characters to come to greater parity with their level of skill after a fifteen year increase.
All XP adjustments will be handled by hand and annotated per character so that if a PC is shelved and their XP is rolled into a new PC, it will not include the XP gained by the time jump. Only their normally accrued experience points, as has always been the case.
Any Non-FS who wish to change their decision on whether or not they will be aging up and by how much, please either add a reply to your existing job or submit a new +request if you have not done so yet. Anyone who does not submit a +request will be assumed to be aging the full 15 years.
If you have more than one alt, you may include your decisions for all of them in one +request, just make sure to note each alt and your choice going forward.
------------------------------< +bbread 8/199 >-------------------------------The original ‘awards’ were 0 XP for not aging, 150 for aging five years, 300 for aging 10 years, and the full 500 for aging the full 15 years, just so nobody has to scroll back a mile or two. Quite a difference, don’t you think?
Sound like damage control (to the tune of, ‘Please stay! We’re handing out oodles of goodies!’) to anyone else?
(Note: Edited to fix the message header.)
Oh boy, 1500 xp to stay on a game with Cujo and Hadrix. May as well add another zero or two at the end since those two are never gonna give up their bullshit.
With all the bannings, secret deletions, etc. Paired with the fact people can’t even talk much less post about what’s happening on this board over there. There has got to be a few perfect ‘These are not the droids/rumors you are looking for’ meme. This is a callout to the community. I know you won’t disappoint me.
Now get 2X to 3X the XP to stay on the mu* and ignore everything outside the game that’s happening! I read that as - But wait, there’s more! You get 150XP for aging 5 years in something that players don’t want and have been quashed under boot to stop complaining about on bboards.
Some of the best memes about AoA come from AoA itself. Sure take this one in different context eh?
@Warlander This was probably also done to maintain some parity between Force Users as they are getting the ability to add 2 skills in each tier, except for the final tier, up to 100.
For those that are not familiar with the way the Force works on AoA, there are 6 tiers of abilities. Since this advancement is allowed up to and including tier 5, this is a boost of 1850 experience. Force users also get the age related XP for a grand total of 2350 XP.
There are other wrinkles to consider though outside of this:
- You may only put 35 points in to Force skills each month. If you put 35 points in to a single skill, and have access to a Holocron, you get 45 points. The additional 10 points are not free from an XP perspective but it does save you time.
- To advance to the next tier, you must have a minimum of 4 skills at a minimum of 75. This means that it is 8 months minimum per tier of advancement.
- The bonuses being handed out for the time jump are allowed to violate the minimum skill requirement.
The TLDR is that Force users that take advantage of the time skip will be granted an approximately 25 month (5 months per tier) head start over their peers plus the advantage of having access to high tier abilities long before they would under ordinary circumstances.
@Istus In short, the gap between tadpoles and dinosaurs is about to get even wider. Again.
@Warlander said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@kalakh Speaking of… this just hit the boards last night.
=========================<* 8: Game Updates - 199 *>=========================
Message: 8/199 Posted: Jan 20 2023 Author: Discordia
Timejump XP Updates (Non-FS)As we approach closer to the timejump, post-time jump XP and Sheet adjustments going forward will be:
For all Non-FS, 1000 XP base award
PLUS 150 per 5 years of a 15 year age-up.Thus:
0 years: 1000xp
5 years: 1150xp
10 years: 1300xp
15 years: 1500xpFS Characters will be handled separately. The goal with the XP award is to allow our Non-FS characters to come to greater parity with their level of skill after a fifteen year increase.
All XP adjustments will be handled by hand and annotated per character so that if a PC is shelved and their XP is rolled into a new PC, it will not include the XP gained by the time jump. Only their normally accrued experience points, as has always been the case.
Any Non-FS who wish to change their decision on whether or not they will be aging up and by how much, please either add a reply to your existing job or submit a new +request if you have not done so yet. Anyone who does not submit a +request will be assumed to be aging the full 15 years.
If you have more than one alt, you may include your decisions for all of them in one +request, just make sure to note each alt and your choice going forward.
------------------------------< +bbread 8/199 >-------------------------------The original ‘awards’ were 0 XP for not aging, 150 for aging five years, 300 for aging 10 years, and the full 500 for aging the full 15 years, just so nobody has to scroll back a mile or two. Quite a difference, don’t you think?
Sound like damage control (to the tune of, ‘Please stay! We’re handing out oodles of goodies!’) to anyone else?
(Note: Edited to fix the message header.)
@CuriousGamer said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
With all the bannings, secret deletions, etc. Paired with the fact people can’t even talk much less post about what’s happening on this board over there. There has got to be a few perfect ‘These are not the droids/rumors you are looking for’ meme. This is a callout to the community. I know you won’t disappoint me.
@Warlander This is still super paltry though, when you think about it.
For players unfamiliar with Age of Kora, XP is earned via +noms. For each nom you receive you get three XP, and for each nom you give you get one XP. So FOUR XP per ‘interaction with a player.’
1500 divided by four, means you get the equivalent of 375 votes over FIFTEEN YEARS. This translates to less than a single nom every two weeks.
And that’s just the XP. The average Smuggler makes something like 10,000 credits per week. Over fifteen years that should be 7,800,000 credits, not including compound interest from putting it in a bank account.
Of course, most players on AoK spend two to four hours EVERY day playing the boring coded freight mini game for 5000-6500 credits per day. So over 15 years, the AVERAGE player would earn 43,290,000 credits. And about 15,600 XP.
The staff just imperiously announced ‘We’re skipping ahead fifteen years so that Rey and Ben Solo can have lots of babies! If you don’t like it, leave!’
And now lots of people are, for one reason or another.
@SpilledBeanz said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@BloodAngel said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@SpilledBeanz ![What?]
Yeah, my thought when I first learned. It’s not very visible, and from what I was told the usual suspects (and not talking Hadrix here because I never heard his name connected with this, but the known sex pests on the game) were the “clients”, but it was there. Also Nar Shaddaa is the drop-off point for almost all noobs, so the sex pests kind of congregate there to intercept new female characters and see if they can maneuver them towards their ships and eventual nakedness. It’s a Sex Panther thing for them, “60% of the time, it works every time!”So, yes, this is a thing. There are characters who operate as active sex workers on grid; at least there’s explicit consent there. At least I fucking hope there is - but nothing here ceases to surprise me. There is literally a club called Twi’licks for this purpose. I’ve wandered into one of the clubs and asked someone to scene and they’ve told me they’re working and looking for that kind of rp.
Which, again, with consent? Knock yourself out. I have no issue with it, even if it’s not my cup of tea (notably the characters who play enslaved sex workers).
However, it’s clear that there IS a massive fucking issue of consent on this game. Whether or not it exists in those specific rings of play, I can’t say.This is a game. It’s a hobby. No one should feel sexually pressured, harassed, or unsafe - there’s enough of that in the real world. The issue at hand is that when STAFF are the perpetrators, judges, and executioners and you wind up with massive “not-bannings” of players that had the GALL to say “yeah maybe sexual harassment is a bad thing”, were friends with people who said that, or even worse for saying “I’ve been a victim of a sexual offense on this game”.
While the game has many faults, I think that the conversation at hand is more about this and player safety than it is about xp.
ETA: poor word choice and clarity
@Drowsy said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
There are characters who operate as active sex workers on grid; it’s grody
You’re gonna want to ease up on making judgement calls on sex workers 'round here.
That was the wrong choice of word on my part. I didn’t mean to impart judgement on RL sex workers. The current conversation on the player base causes pause on the in-game institution, especially when people are playing out fantasies of being enslaved and put into sex work or interacting with characters who have. It’s Star Wars canon, but so is the word “shit” and we’re not allowed to say that on AoA.
But, again, if there’s consent? Idgaf. It’s fair to worry that that isn’t the case with the AoA IC sex workers, but I have not seen otherwise in my time on the grid.
I apologize for my earlier wording, that was not the message I was trying to convey.
ETA: clarity
If people want to play sex workers on a game, and it’s allowable (it’s not on a lot of games) and there’s a place that it can be done so that people seeking to RP in that environment (which doesn’t need to involve explicit TS, or at all, honestly) can go to place where they know it is a welcome area of RP, it’s hard for me to understand why people have a problem with that. Or point it out as some sort of indicator of horrible stuff. Or even the idea that RP that’s allowable could be used to generate IC credits. I wonder, is it also gross to pay a smuggler or mercenary to do their jobs as part of RP too? Or just those icky whores.
If you don’t feel comfortable with that sort of RP existing at all on a place you play, then I 100 percent support that, but then you need to go to a place that has that as a banned category. It won’t be perfect because people always want to get around rules, but if you report it if the staff is serious then they’ll keep an eye on it or remove the PC (I’ve seen that happen on games that don’t allow prostitution or references to prostitution in play).
I understand the discomfort. And I’m sure maybe people are going to feel like this is “square shaming” or whatever we’re calling it these days, but like…I dunno. It’s just tireseome, when something is an allowable thing to play (regardless of what it is, sexy or not) to have people act like the players who choose to play that allowable thing are less than or abusing a system. They’re not. And if you don’t like that RP anyway you’re not missing out by not partaking and neither are they, so it seems like that should be an everyone wins.
But I still wouldn’t play on a game ESPECIALLY in that area, with staff who are incapable of taking harassment seriously. I can understand why others might make different choices, if they felt that was the one place that was open to that sphere of play. It’s no worse a motivator than someone who stays and plays on a shitshow of a WoD mush beause it’s the only one that offers the sphere they like. But neglectful staff is just not something I’m interested in as a player anymore. Even if Cujo and Company screamed from the rooftops that sexual RP was not something that they even wanted to see on their game, it still wouldn’t change the problems and concerns I would have over the behaviors involved. Harassing creeps go on all sorts of games. Outlawing certain kinds of sexual theme RP does not deter people from pressing people for sexual or relationship RP that they don’t want. That will happen on every game, I’m convinced. When staff shows you that they don’t really give a shit about ooc boundary crossing, believe 'em. That’s a big problem, and no matter what content it involved, I would want to walk.
@mietze said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
It’s no worse a motivator than someone who stays and plays on a shitshow of a WoD mush beause it’s the only one that offers the sphere they like.
Why is everyone looking at me?
@Jumpscare Not a bit. I think both apply here. Handily.
@DarthSmegma said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
The staff just imperiously announced ‘We’re skipping ahead fifteen years so that Rey and Ben Solo can have lots of babies! If you don’t like it, leave!’
Actually, it’s Rey and Poe’s babies on Age of Kora. Poe, played by Sumi’s player.
@SqeakyClean said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@DarthSmegma said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
The staff just imperiously announced ‘We’re skipping ahead fifteen years so that Rey and Ben Solo can have lots of babies! If you don’t like it, leave!’
Actually, it’s Rey and Poe’s babies on Age of Kora. Poe, played by Sumi’s player.
Still a better match IMHO.
@Pavel said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@SqeakyClean said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@DarthSmegma said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
The staff just imperiously announced ‘We’re skipping ahead fifteen years so that Rey and Ben Solo can have lots of babies! If you don’t like it, leave!’
Actually, it’s Rey and Poe’s babies on Age of Kora. Poe, played by Sumi’s player.
Still a better match IMHO.
@Jennkryst said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@Pavel said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@SqeakyClean said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@DarthSmegma said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
The staff just imperiously announced ‘We’re skipping ahead fifteen years so that Rey and Ben Solo can have lots of babies! If you don’t like it, leave!’
Actually, it’s Rey and Poe’s babies on Age of Kora. Poe, played by Sumi’s player.
Still a better match IMHO.
@SqeakyClean Shows what I know. Excuse me while I clean up this unrelated pile of vomit.