MU Peeves Thread
Okay, as the game runner in question, I totally want to spill some tea.
The guy in question contacts me out of the blue on Discord to tell me that he won’t play my game if Cobalt staffs there. I don’t really remember this guy at all, and what’s in our chat history is that he remembers me fondly from Arx before he got banned from there.
So he’s not going to play my game because of one of my longtime friends, so I’m like, “Okay, cool.”
He continues to message me that my game will fail because he and all of his friends won’t play because Cobalt bans people, and I’m like, “Nice. I’m enjoying my small game with its awesome community.”
He ceaselessly insists that the game won’t last more than a month (it’s already lasted years, if in a somewhat dormant state), that I’ve doomed myself by hiring her, that he cannot play because if she sees his IP she’ll ban him as a matter of course, and that he’s just so sad because the game looks great and has such potential but a full third of Ares players simply won’t play a place where Cobalt has a staff bit because she’ll power game.
So this is how I learned that @Cobalt is like a ward against creepers.
Also, I asked my players if they wanted to have open sheets, and they were kind of mixed. Not a big deal to them. We’re not very crunchy. But it’s Ares. That’s something I can do in a moment if my game community so desired.
@Tributary said in MU Peeves Thread:
he won’t play my game if Cobalt staffs there
I mean, same. I want to be the best and prettiest.
@Tributary said in MU Peeves Thread:
and has such potential but a full third of Ares players
Something something 80% of statistics are made up on the spot
Me trawling the Bannings board on the Arx site wondering which of them has control of ONE THIRD of ALL ARES PLAYERS.
@Roz Well, we know that one Vincenzo has lots of friends…
@Roz said in MU Peeves Thread:
which of them has control of ONE THIRD of ALL ARES PLAYERS.
idk if you meant it this way, but I read this as like one player actually having all those alts.
Like, one crazy person is actually sock-puppeting a third of all this: -
Ankh-Morpork is closed and I’m still so sad about it.
Having to pause a scene because the other person is tired, having to delay past the work week, and then having to decline an unpause because I’m tired, and meanwhile the frozen time is becoming more and more nonsensical because of advancements in the metaplot that limit what can actually happen in the scene rrrrg.
Why must sleep and work exist?
@Roz I mean, me either, really. But apparently he’s been banned from other games my friends play, which suggests to me that the plan to let @Cobalt personally ban him should he ever show up on Under The Stars is a good one.
Really, I’m tempted to post the screenshots from the whole Discord conversation, because it’s just kind of crazypants.
@Tributary said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Roz I mean, me either, really. But apparently he’s been banned from other games my friends play, which suggests to me that the plan to let @Cobalt personally ban him should he ever show up on Under The Stars is a good one.
Really, I’m tempted to post the screenshots from the whole Discord conversation, because it’s just kind of crazypants.
That’s Yossarian/Cannibal…something/Daire/OtherAssembledIdiots.
He’s a shirt-talking dumbass who thinks he’s hot shit and his usual M.O. is to tell you if you don’t cater to him he’ll ruin you through his vast network of contacts.
I have yet to see this vast network.
@Roz Currently goes by Yossarian on discord. It is a guy I kicked off of The Pack, and apparently got banned from Bessarion’s game, because:
Step one: Kept talking about gun violence on public channel. (From the perspective of him being a badass LEO who was engaging in gun battles on Florida highways with criminals.)
Step two: When I asked him to stop talking about it, he moved to discord to tell me he was sorry but he just had to vent sometimes about his job in an anti gang task force in Miami.
Step three: The above led me to tell him not to contact me in discord again and only talk to me in game when he needed something.
Step four: I joined Bessarion’s game and as soon as I set my ares handle, he messaged me on discord to tell me if I wanted to RP sometime he was up for it! But meanwhile, he was just trying to be transparent that he was there! (While never actually telling me who he played.)
Step five: I reported the incident to Bess and she said “I’ll keep an eye on it”. And he immediately started blowing up on a third party about me until that person complained to Bess and he was removed from the game for bringing other people’s drama to her game instead of leaving it alone.
Step Six: I guess now will be telling everyone everywhere I am a terrible horrible person?
I don’t believe myself to be some pristine and beloved person of the hobby. I know I’ve had my fair share of blow ups where I was in the wrong and there’s plenty who don’t want anything to do with me and that’s fine— I try to avoid them out of respect.
But I just still find it hilarious he tried to tell someone who has known me all my adult life and has, I do not lie, helped shape the course of my life over the past 8ish years, that I would kill her game and she would be dragged down for knowing me.
Like, sir, she knows full well I have a short fuse and run off half cocked sometimes and am a massive flake.
@Tributary said in MU Peeves Thread:
Really, I’m tempted to post the screenshots from the whole Discord conversation, because it’s just kind of crazypants.
@Tributary Ah ha! The painting stalker. (stalked people via paintings it was weird).
@Cobalt said in MU Peeves Thread:
But I just still find it hilarious he tried to tell someone who has known me all my adult life and has, I do not lie, helped shape the course of my life over the past 8ish years, that I would kill her game and she would be dragged down for knowing me.
Like, sir, she knows full well I have a short fuse and run off half cocked sometimes and am a massive flake.
When I asked you to come tell stories for me, it was because I knew I could mitigate all of these issues. If you need to flake, okay. We have other people who can keep telling stories while you get your shit together. I also know that I’m a calming influence who can usually mediate the issues that tend to make you blow a fuse. It’s also less stressful for you to not be in charge, and it’s not like my game co-runner Nhan is going to ever be like, “That’s not a good idea.” No, no. He’ll be like, “Wackadoodle batshit crazypants weirdness? I LOVE IT!” (And I’ll be like, “Can both of you tone it down a notch?”)
Man I must have missed somewhere where Cobalt was a villain. I’ve been around them on and off in different incarnations over the last couple of decades I think and never once even when we’ve staffed on the same games had an issue.
But, meh. That’s me.
@Tributary This dude is just a little obsessed.