Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
I am SO GLAD this had a happy ending!!! I remember when Lyra was a little kitten and we were moving this happened. Packing up the truck but could. Not. Find. Her. Searched the neighborhood but didn’t have much hope.
She’d crawled behind some boxes in the closet.
My son’s teacher reached out to me on a conference call with his principal today very concerned. There were some legitimate reasons, but one of their items of evidence of inappropriate behavior was a “drawing of Satan.”
His class was tasked with drawing Nutcrackers after seeing the play, and…
This is the picture, loooooooool.
It’s a goddamn Super Saiyan from Dragon Ball.
Never change, Utah. I am honestly annoyed that they escalated this in particular BUT ALSO I have been cackling like a swamp witch for a good fifteen minutes since she sent it to me. I needed that laugh so bad.
@Wizz said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
My son’s teacher reached out to me on a conference call with his principal today very concerned. There were some legitimate reasons, but one of their items of evidence of inappropriate behavior was a “drawing of Satan.”
His class was tasked with drawing Nutcrackers after seeing the play, and…
This is the picture, loooooooool.
It’s a goddamn Super Saiyan from Dragon Ball.
Never change, Utah. I am honestly annoyed that they escalated this in particular BUT ALSO I have been cackling like a swamp witch for a good fifteen minutes since she sent it to me. I needed that laugh so bad.
Evidence of SATAN, dear lord, lol
I can see how you could look at “SAIAN” and think the I was a T, especially if you had no idea what Dragon Ball is, but like…just take three seconds out of your day and ask if that was his intent?? It looks nothing like Satan or any kind of devil??? (I’d also say “who cares anyway” but, again, Utah.) He is so enthusiastic about the things he enjoys and would gladly have clarified, at great length, haha.
It’s such a legit funny picture too, it kinda makes me a little upset that she got offended! The screaming nutcracker face, “mommy my nutcracker is weird”…I bust a gut every time I look at it again. I think I am going to frame it, loool.
@Wizz You should frame it, it’s fantastic.
@Wizz said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
I can see how you could look at “SAIAN” and think the I was a T, especially if you had no idea what Dragon Ball is, but like…just take three seconds out of your day and ask if that was his intent?? It looks nothing like Satan or any kind of devil??? (I’d also say “who cares anyway” but, again, Utah.) He is so enthusiastic about the things he enjoys and would gladly have clarified, at great length, haha.
It’s such a legit funny picture too, it kinda makes me a little upset that she got offended! The screaming nutcracker face, “mommy my nutcracker is weird”…I bust a gut every time I look at it again. I think I am going to frame it, loool.
lol I didn’t see that he had it labeled too
that makes it even better
@Wizz Omg thank you for reminding me that there are places worse than Texas in some ways. Holy crap Satan?! Like. I’m fully dead this is amazing. Who knew that Satan’s powers were over 9000?!
@Snackness said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
@Wizz You should frame it, it’s fantastic.
^ This. It’s a good picture.
This is why despite being a literal card carrying member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, husband and I will never move to Utah.
Good gravy people.
@junipersky you mean you aren’t reporting children to their parents over super saian nutcracker!?
@Wuff said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
I’d be concerned more about the school faculty being unable to tell a capital I from a T. And went straight to freaking out and so on.
This actually did kind of recast the entire conversation I had with them in a different light. It’s making me take all of her complaints about my kid with a large grain of salt now, especially after talking to him about it and learning that he did try and correct her misunderstanding but she sort of just waved it off and ignored him and remained upset for the rest of the day in class. Just…big yikes.
@Wizz That’s terrible. I’m happy you encouraged your child’s creativity after that, because that kid’s got a lot of it, and it’d be a shame for the system to beat it out of them.
Everything about that picture is top quality.
I’m more concerned about them using ‘gay’ as an insult or vaping in the bathrooms tbh. Almost lost it on the 6/7 class last week when I heard them hurling gay around to make fun of each other. If I had seen who said it rather than just hearing their voices from around the corner of my open doorway we would have had some pointed partent meetings vs a threat of “Whomever says this again will regret it.”
@Wizz said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
learning that he did try and correct her misunderstanding but she sort of just waved it off and ignored him and remained upset for the rest of the day in class. Just…big yikes.
@junipersky said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
I’m more concerned about them using ‘gay’ as an insult
This gave me pause at first when I started hearing it, but it’s all the queer kids doing it here.
Your kid has a ton of creativity!
Yes he does.
He’s just an endless well of it. He’ll spout off these ridiculous and complex hypothetical scenarios and questions all day long, every day of the week, and our apartment is practically wallpapered and carpeted with his sketches and drawings, haha. I love it.