Don’t forget we moved!
RL Peeves
Insomnia has been an absolute pain in my ass lately. I couldn’t sleep last night, was stuck staring at my ceiling for hours and had to slog my way through a hot day of feeling like shit from exhaustion then I had the first of my Grief and Loss counselling classes. It wasn’t heavy, but it was very ice-breaker heavy, which is tedious and anxiety-inducing.
It’s now three am. I’ve had three hours of restless sleep, and I have to get to school by eight (on the train by six-thirty).
I just want to be able to sleep.
Being told I’m a virtue signaler, by hating Hogwarts Legacy. Saying you should not buy it.
I called it Hatewarts Legacy, and figured I should share that!
@BloodAngel said in RL Peeves:
Being told I’m a virtue signaler, by hating Hogwarts Legacy.
Periodic reminder that accusing someone of virtue signalling is itself virtue signalling, because by doing it you’re signalling that you’re too virtuous to ever virtue signal.
Their accusation is a confession, is what I’m saying.
If you were told last week by stakeholders that a communication to 7,000 employees needs to go out by February 7th…
Then maybe you should’ve told me that last fucking week, instead of messaging me and one of my peers at 11 a.m. on February 6th to tell us that this piece needs to be written, reviewed, approved, built out on our intranet, and added to our email digest. Acting like you’re somehow being magnamimous when you say that you’re so very understanding if we can’t get it done by tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. but need it to happen ASAP is not helping your cause, either, jackass.
When I’m minding my own business playing my Sudoku app and one of the products they decide to hawk is a really shitty gossip site with headlines like “Do you remember how how Cote de Pablo was? Try not to throw up when you see her now!”
I’ve been converted to a thing I was originally against, and now the rest of the staff is in the "against this thing’ while I’m on the train.
Feeling like you’re getting sick, but you’re not sure how sick. Is this gonna be a thing or is it just going to be an irritation, but not debilitating. Which prevents planning accordingly if you need to stay home or not.
My father is a genuinely good person. He fights bis Bipolar disorder to be there for the family. If someone needs help a single call to my father and he is there. (Example: at my little sister’s wedding I locked myself out of my car. I called a locksmith but before one could arrive another commity member arrived and unlocked my car. I tried to pay them and they refused with the explanation (not exact quote) “I’ve called your father so many times and he had always been there. I’m glad to do something for him.”
But damn if he doesn’t have blind spots. Last night I was talking to myself in my classroom and went “Yeah, he really went off the reservation,” and it hit me that the phrase could be offensive. As any good millennial would I Googled the phrase and yup, offensive. I posted the link on FB.
My father went on a couple sentence rant about how we treat people is more important than a phrase no one remembers the origin of. He isn’t wrong… but also we can do ~both~. Both is better! Treat people well AND once we know better avoid hurtful phrases that can bring up cultural trauma for people.
Just shaking my head at this particular blindspot. Even the best people are at least somewhat racist.
Forgetting to research exactly what I need when I order computer hardware. I did not order the screws needed to seat this SSD that just came in, so I have nothing to mount it with.
Sounds like your problems are… mounting.
At the HOA budget meeting and most of us are on the same page but one person keeps derailing us off the topic of “how do we want to spend our money.”
Someone please convince me that the TA will (probably) not give me an extension on my mid-term if the excuse I give him is “Currently in jail for trying to strangle the professor over his incessant bullshit.”
There is so much media I want to enjoy. It’s released faster than I can consume it. And it’s so frustrating to know I’ll never be able to catch up.
It also means I end up like multi-tasking on stuff; like listening to a TV or youtube series or whatever while simultaneously playing a video game. Although that means I can’t really focus properly on either, which harms my enjoyment. But I also know that, so I make sure that I only do that with stuff that I don’t care that much about and don’t mind only giving half my focus to…
…which means I’m specifically avoiding all the best stuff because I want to give that my full attention but that would mean less efficient consumption.
When you finally get a book you’ve wanted to read for a long time and it’s really not that good.