Roz reminded me that we don’t have this piece of history posted on the board yet.

RE: An Arx Peeve Thread
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@sao ay no cap fam that shit bussin’. Respectfully, on god. Drip check – sheeeeeeeesh. Vibe is in retrograde but the fit is GOATed.
RE: Real life happy
I passed my driver’s test and am now certified to be on the road. It’s not much but it’s taken me a long time and I’m pretty jazzed.
RE: Hellfrog never got banned :)
hey dudes is this where the line to the clique starts
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
Therapist told me they’re resigning today. Next month I’ll have had my fourth new therapist in 4 years.
It’s not their fault at all. I just can’t help but feel frustrated at having to rebuild trust from square 1 so many times. And on an irrational level, I worry that going through so many doctors means I’m a problem that keeps failing to be resolved.
I’ll be fine eventually. I just don’t feel okay right now.
RE: Unspeakables: The Politics Thread 2024
I love y’all. Stay safe.
RE: A Constructive Arx Thread
I’ve really dropped off hard in activity the past few months. It’s mostly just a feeling of… not knowing where to go from here?
Like it occurred to me at one point just how many people I’d met over the course of the game that I had really fond memories playing with, felt like they were really connected to my character’s story, and have since left. There’s so few familiar faces and making new connections is always difficult. It’s sad to think about, but it’s nobody’s fault.
I just lost that sense of logging in and being, like, excited to be around. Since a big stretch of the plot got wrapped up, I also have no idea what to get involved in anymore.
Not a dig at anyone specifically, especially not people who still play and enjoy every day. I think I just got burnt, hit a limit and flared out.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
I hate having every reason to RP and never feeling well enough to actually do so without disappointing someone.
RE: A Constructive Arx Thread
Oh heck, the meteors aren’t a joke this time?
In all seriousness; I’ve had some of the most creatively fulfilling times of my life on Arx and met a lot of fantastic people who I hope to be friends with for a long time yet.
I’m really glad I could take the plunge with this as my first MU* experience. I wish I hadn’t been floundering these past few months to the point that I’ve completely lost the plot (HA) but I’m still excited to see where the end of all roads take us.
Looking forward to dipping into the sequel when the day comes, I know a time skip has been chatted about for ages now and seeing it in action has me plenty hyped already.
Dreampipe's stuff
Haha whoops, forgot to ever post one of these, hey cool kids.
City of Glass: Briar
Arx: Victus, Daemon †, Modi
Spirit Lake: Morgan
Wyrdhold: Abigail
RE: Bannings
It’s kinda ironic to think that there were a lot of accusations thrown around of cliqueish behavior when so few of those bans were actually overturned. Especially the more egregious ones – you would expect there to at least be an explanation as to why people are staying banned if they wanna go with more transparency.
But the ‘internal review’ was also done by two people who went open season on people protesting as is, so I mean, I don’t know what I expected.
RE: Bannings
@Roz hi I wanna report bullying and malice in an individual’s heart
RE: Bannings
I feel like any credibility really tanked when they referenced dealing with the complaints of the banned as “negotiating with terrorists”.
RE: Bannings
There are actually a fuckton of literal fascists in this hobby;
There are fascists in a lot of places, alas. Fascists in gaming is an interesting area people are working on, but the far right were early adopters of online spaces (including back in the BBS days). Their methods will only ever get a small percentage of the population, but if you have so many people you can access, you can get to a much greater proportion of that small number and…well.
As someone who is super into history, Norse mythology, Crusader Kings, punk rock, and RPGs, the amount of time I have to spend squinting at people with common interests and going “Okay, but are you a fucking Nazi?” is both alarming and exhausting.
Seconded. I’m a white dude and it’s sometimes really anxiety inducing to talk about those kinds of interests without feeling like, “guys I swear I just like the stories, I’m not a white supremacist”. Double whammy because I also like power metal.
At least a lot of them usually don’t take long to go mask-off. I remember people using SS designs in medieval games like Mordhau or Chivalry. No it’s not a pair of lightning bolts, I know what you are.
RE: An Arx Peeve Thread
@Herja said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
@kalakh These people are gonna fuck around and then find out when I decree that the only way to learn magic is to accept being gifted with extra nipples.
RE: People Doing Things
@hellfrog When I first got started, I was in a very toxic situation with several players who I’d thought had my best interests in mind. I didn’t come to realize these things till Hellfrog messaged me out of the blue and asked if all was good. I attribute the fact that I stuck in this hobby to her, as I don’t think I would’ve been able to pull back without being told in no uncertain terms how much independence I really had.
@Herja Some of my fondest IC relationships have been with Herja’s PCs. Beyond that, her confidence and helpfulness has helped me out in a ton of uncertain situations, and I always feel like I can speak to her comfortably and openly. Which is such a rare quality to find, and I’m very grateful for it.
@Apos Has always been very straightforward and real when I needed help or clarification. Thank you for creating such a vibrant world that has been apart of my life for years.
@Roz and @sao have both been very big inspirations for the whack-ass storylines that I’ve gotten involved in over the years. Likewise, I can pick out scenes we’ve had that stuck with my characters as hugely meaningful for development and high points of fun for myself personally.
@farfalla While I don’t get the chance to play with them much, the few scenes I’ve had with Eleanor on Arx have been fantastic and emotional. They’re things that I think changed my character’s outlook significantly and I cherish that.
@Meg I got invited to her discord server once and when I joined the voice channel everyone was making penis jokes. We played DBD and it was really fun. This was years ago but I still remember it fondly. I was also playing the survivor named Meg and immediately blundered the second I was in a chase with the killer.
@tieflinguist I’m not sure there’s anyone I can describe more as ‘ride or die’ in character. They’ve always been a joy to talk to and their characters are some of the most fun just to observe.
@Tori Their ascii work is incredible, but I’m sure everyone knows that by now. They’ve also always been very chill and very pleasant both ICly and OOCly. I can’t recommend playing with them enough.
@Snackness Thena was one of my favorite characters, and I loved my brief stint in the org she ran. Perpetual grump is a mood.
@crawfish I have my Victus-cat framed in my room and sometimes I look at it and go ‘hehehe’