@Gashlycrumb On the other hand I met you on GoB and you were such a lovely person in my life during a time when few could show understanding. So yes there was lots of pain and stupidity but there was also light and smiles.
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
RE: Pets!
@TNP I will give my kitty many extra hugs and kisses today to honor the love your little one gave you. My heart broke reading all this, just know there’s so much more love and friends waiting for you in this world.
RE: Unspeakables: The Politics Thread 2024
@Kestrel “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” Hunter S. Thompson.
Time to inhabit that energy. Act locally, speak globally, lead with love and stay strong and true.
RE: Game Development: Modern Gothic Storypath System
@Raistlin As a jaded old crum bum, sincerely wishing y’all the best!
RE: Numetal/Retromux
@Mushling-0 The only thing crazier than Polk paying to be tolerated is that he’s done it twice in the 2 years I’ve known about him. The only thing crazier than that is that it worked twice.
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Gasboy Beef Hardpeck! Blast Slabchuck! Brawn Hardcrush! Rock Stonehard! Fist Punchthud!
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
@Roz I once set up my action-PVP MMO keyboard layout such that I only had to use the mouse to click on quest objects. All my movement was on my numkeys.
I felt your post in my bones, fam.
RE: Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
@Solstice On a long enough timeline all cars get an LS. On a long enough timeline, all gun play becomes TF2’s Scout.
RE: Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
Well I’m about 75 hours in. I’m going super slow on the story so I can just relish combat.
My primary attack is charge, dash, ads+time slow, headshot bouses like whoa (just did my first 3K damage headshot yesterday at level 35 hehe). Basically parkour charges my attacks and I whip around a power sniper rifle like a pistol. My hacks are all anti-mech/anti-drone/counterhack.
And I just got air dash. It’s got me all hot and bothered.
The game still has a decent amount of jank and glitches but as someone with like 5K hours in Bethesda games this is tolerable. I’m having a blast.
How’s it coming for y’all?
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Jumpscare Shame they broke up. They deserve each other.
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Warma-Sheen When the truth is subjective in perpetuity, as so well bulwarked by Sun’s gaslight/ignore/insult process of handling problems, then there is no value to being right. If I wanted, “Nothing is real, everything is possible,” I’d read Lavrorv. That shit ain’t cool to do OOC.
But she and Polk use the same playbook to burden and humiliate players for fur on the floor while she’s ignoring the gorilla that’s shedding.
RE: Liberation MUSH
Yeesh. Feel sorry for people barebacking the Lib sites/servers right now.
RE: Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
@sao Get your friend/honey/well-trained house pet to play it for you and tell them what to do haha. I totally make my partner play games for me when they’re ones I can’t/won’t play.
Like jumpscare games. Heck that!
RE: Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
@Tez And it’s STILL a flagship/benchmark. The recovery on this game was impressive, we really thought it was gonna be a bad meme.
RE: Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
@somasatori I recently was gifted the game and I’m trying to get into the mindset of it, mod it to my taste.
Any must-have quality of life mods you’re running?
Hope your playthrough is awesome!
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Pavel I go back and forth on “it’s a just game,” just because so many times the phrase is used to diminish/ignore real issues, but I think you got it just right here.
If one’s choices are, “Hurt people who trust me,” or “Log off until I cool down,” really only one of those responses is right, and it’s right every time.
Sun thought I was upset at Polk’s bigotry. I had noticed it, but it wasn’t why I tried to talk to her about him. I told her expressly I was not interested in that side of the talk; that I had identified complex patterns of deceit and recklessness; that several other players (9 by the end) had given me proofs, some receipts. The end result was a ban for me and my partner. 8 other folks left the game within a week of that.
That’s why I have the signature I do. That’s why I laughed my ass off when Polk tried to throw in with me. Nah, bake on the pavement, wormie.
Sun, if you see this, even if you replace Polk, Wolfe, Mizha, all the troublemakers, the problem is your myopia, your inflexibility and your inability to believe you’re making a mistake until it’s you, not others, paying the price. Your “only complain about harassment/abuse/etc to me” rule was the greatest shield a serial abuser could hope for. You don’t trust us, and without trust nothing will get better.
RE: Liberation MUSH
@Warma-Sheen My favorite part of the lead up to this was when Sun allegedly investigated all the rps of 8 characters with Polk/Ned/Nash going back 15 months…in an hour. “We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.”
And yet the thing I warned her about happened. It’s almost like shielding abusers might be biting her in the ass.