@SpaceKhomeini Bette Midler, from Twitter.

RE: Celebrities We Lost 2024
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
@sao After a dialogue with said staffer, whom I found to be a very helpful and thorough assistant throughout the process, I am certain the oversight will be addressed. The continued hate I’m getting is also speaking a lot about how much, or little, people want any amount of friction generated, which is somewhat coloring my concerns, as well.
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
…yes, because all MU* are rated by Michelin star ratings.
I said “minus one” from its rating, which is five, thus far. It’s a great place. Bad documentation, eh, maybe not such a thrilling attraction. -
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
So, following my link, uh… any “different” outcome, maybe? -
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
CTL-F results of “admin”: 2.
Any mentions made of “required admin powers or roles”? No.Hm.
Sorry, how did I arrive at this link? Let’s examine. -
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
@Pavel The phrase used was “lack of clarity”.
It’s not a case of “you didn’t use form J-11, the orange one” it’s a question of “we use telepathic turtles, not paperwork”. That’s not a lack of clarity. Then someone else adds on that I’m apparently illiterate, saying that the help file I’m looking at is most definitely not saying what they’re seeing - I provide a link to them, suddenly I’m being rude.
Of course, them not citing their source, that’s… uh. Well, let’s focus on six people telling me I’m wrong, so I can be wrong six times in a row, okay?
I said the documentation wasn’t clear. It’s not clear. The documentation I said didn’t contain any mention of admin being required did not make mention of admin being required. Those aren’t opinions. They’re details.
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
@Snackness The intention wasn’t to be rude; it’s to try to make it, if possible, something funny. It’s easier to make it a joke than an insult if I plan to stay, which I do. Weird as it sounds, I like the place. What I don’t like is bad documentation; it’s used to create problems for players much easier than it’s ever addressed - looking at you, The Reach, yes, I am. When players are worth those extra five minutes’ time, we feel we’re more valued. When they’re not, that’s not often a great sign. Hence, a tone of concern was also a feature.
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
Minus one Michelin star for “unclear help file” work.
If a system is supposed to work a specific way, say it is supposed to work that way. If it isn’t, update a file or something, maybe?
RE: City of Glass - Discussion
While I had some stumbling blocks in chargen, that’s mostly on me; it’s a pretty sweet design, although I’m used to very different systems - not being tied intrinsically to the wiki, for example, which I think is pretty damned cool.
So far, after about a two hour, thirty-minute process, I came up with a good concept and was able to touch base with a responsive, friendly, and approachable Staffer (hi, Crow!) and a fellow player whom I am very happy to see again, which is some positive buzz, by my own metrics.
8/10, am considering an alt already.
RE: Good things in Mushing
A few other reasons why smoking is handy for stakeouts:- Nicotine works as a stimulant that’s easier to maintain than coffee, with fewer trips to the bathroom needed
- It works to keep hunger pangs to a minimum, which means even fewer bathroom trips and support mechanics for long hours
- By covering the “cherry” you can cut the visual profile down to nearly nothing, although the smell is sometimes a problem
- Most smokers ignore other smokers unless they need a light
- You can use a cigarette balanced between two fingers lengthwise to keep yourself awake; the cigarette, upon burning down, scorches into the meat of the finger and jolts someone awake
- It’s an easy reason to hang out by loading docks, security doors, and major entryways, while spare-changing will draw unwanted attention
To name a few reasons of the many.
RE: Celebrities We Lost 2024
I don’t post much, I’ll grant, although in this case, it’s about someone whom I admired much. Not a deep nor broad body of work, just a simple actor who was a great friend to the fans, played a lovable goofball in one of his major roles, and did not behave badly. One of my favorite go-to “comfort movies” is now a much less strong place for that loss. My heart grieves with his family and friends.
RE: Stupid Memes
@Testament I used to think that the frost flavor was the worst one. Nope, not anymore.
RE: Pax Republica - Discussion
@Polk That’s roughly my hot take on this, as well. And, as you said earlier, the theme can be adjusted slightly without any significant disruptions to the canon - simply stating there’s a policy that Padawan are at least eighteen years of age can heave this particular dead badger far down the beach and save some kicking. And even then, Jedi Padawan are basically the only age-themed element in play with the SW mythos, yes? It’s totally workable.
RE: Pax Republica - Discussion
@ThisGuy Yeah, I’m in the same boat, so far. Finding that specific book is also an issue, as there’s some revised stuff already ahead of it. The book(s) to be used definitely need a link via their wiki or a help file.
RE: Pax Republica - Discussion
It says that the game is D20-based. Is there a link to where I can buy a copy of the relevant book?
RE: An Arx Peeve Thread
@Apos Take that joke out behind the chemical shed and shoot it as a warning to the others.
RE: TV series, news, recommendations
@Cobalt The show’s writer, Mike Flanagan, currently owns the
filmtelevision rights to “The Dark Tower”, and had the strongest-possible blessing from King himself on his work for “Gerald’s Game” as a movie.So, y’know, in case you’re curious about cause for excitement in the future.
Edited to reflect reality
RE: TV series, news, recommendations
@Cobalt 10/10. Loved the series, contained many references to Poe works, did enjoy greatly. Cat-based trauma scene notwithstanding, good times to be had.