An Arx Peeve Thread
@Herja In regards to the Cardia piece, couldn’t a second / sub grid be added for cardia? Even if its just the Arx Embassy distract in some cardian capitol?
add some story elements to help drive story over there and suddenly you can both have your cake and eat it too
People will always flock to where story is, and if staff wants to explore and introduce new concepts and places like that, i think players would very much be open to the idea. Make a quick story teller Primer for story tellers in Cardia prps and you could start the story and adventures in Cardia in Arx.
The poor staff seems to be hanging in by the skin of their teeth with just the one continent right now. Their poor brains having to have two distinct branches.
Clearly, what Arx needs is . . . an entire second grid for staff to maintain???
Lol, are you high
That’s…one of the ideas I’ve heard today.
I agree with what @junipersky said about destroying the continent
@helvetica I initially read that as destroy the internet, and frankly it didn’t seem that bad.
@m2abrams15 just expressed a thought. Idk what the coarseness in these replies is about.
I apologize if I came across corse! That wasn’t my intention. Just the thought of putting more on staff made me feel a visceral empathetic
And it must have come out in my words.
Incredibly tone deaf suggestion. Staff on this game has been struggling with a playerbase far too large for it with far too many moving parts and story elements since the initial beta open if not before. Expanding the story to an entire second grid just demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the staff work involved in developing a viable second story “front.” And as far as equipping storytellers adequately to run Cardia… idk, I’m a storyteller and I’ve seen storyteller plots run absolutely off the rails even just running in the Arvum we ostensibly already know the theme of. Adding more layers of complexity to the pot is the last thing this game needs. Sandboxing is enough of a problem as it is.
Particularly while staff is busily trying to recreate 3 weeks of catastrophic data loss, but also just generally.
Sorry but I’m not sorry for calling a dumb idea a dumb idea.
Sounds like some legitimate competition to Arx would be just what Arx could use too, if they are struggling with the size of the game.
@m2abrams15 My thoughts about creating a grid for Cardia would be less something happening concurrently with the Arx timeline and more either a slight leap forward or a larger leap backward. It’s mostly just a pipe dream because I cannot run two separate games at the same time and what I would want to do with Cardia is not something that lends itself to player GMing at all since there is a very specific story I want to tell rather than just having the more open world that Arx has. Also, I am still having a hell of a lot of fun with Arx as it is, too! We have a lot of fun things planned that we are laying the groundwork for now. I’m definitely not bored or looking for a new setting so much as just daydreaming because Cardia is cool.
I’m not sure what calling people’s responses course is for, nobody was particularly that way. Somebody posted an idea, yep. Other people posted their thoughts about their idea. Nobody was nasty. Disagreement isn’t an insult. “Are you high” isn’t KIND, but it’s also not bad enough to be pearlclutching about either. Wtf.
I can say for myself it would be lovely if there was another game out there like Arx. There have been some Ares games that have had solid runs, but none have the same sparkle that leads people to stay with Arx long term.
I couldn’t even begin to tell you what the special sauce(s) are, but they are good!
@shit-piss-love said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
Sounds like some legitimate competition to Arx would be just what Arx could use too, if they are struggling with the size of the game.
The size of the game has always been a struggle. It comes up a LOT. Competition would have been really helpful YEARS ago; at this point a lot of the adaptations have already been made for the size though. “Run two parallel games” wouldn’t be easier even if competition opened up, though. While it wouldn’t exactly double the work, it would create enough extra work that even if the size were normal and reasonable, it wouldn’t be appropriate to ask.
“Oh just run two games instead of 1” would be unreasonable even if they had a normal player base.
On the one hand, an ArxLike that I can jump on early so I know all the +clues and what not, would be neat. And maybe like… with systems I don’t forget exist or how they work every time I look away, and whatnot.
Like, my only critique of Arx is ‘oh fuck, there is so much to do, I cannot decide what to focus on’. Which is not that bad of a problem to have.
But also, on the other hand, I enjoy the (super limited) RP I have had on characters there, so nobody leave meeeeee.
I wanted to put Atharia on Arxcode but it was too hard for me to figure out what does what on staff side and to make the changes it needed far more knowledge about the code to do. I wanted to remove the votes and make it auto-XP or similar to Ithir where X number of poses got X amount in tiers. ATM, we’re going to switch to Ares because it has things many players desire these days. My coder and my players all seem to like it or are willing to try it.
I brought this up because Atharia is in a similar vein as Arx but lacks all the code stuff.
@icanbeyourmuse Yeah, digging through the public ArxCode to try and learn STUFF for my Star Wars THING (that definitely didn’t stall at all, nope, why do you ask?) is… a lot. But it also reminded me of even more commands I learned and then forgot again, so that’s neat!
@shit-piss-love Or they could get more staff. Easier said than done, most of the time.
What happened to this place? Used to be poppin’ 24/7