MU Peeves Thread
@YetiBeard said in MU Peeves Thread:
“I have a very good reputation” - Clearly someone trustworthy of good repute.
To be fair, I only said that because he was like, “She’ll ruin your reputation!” and I was like, “Whatever. My reputation’s fine. I expect people to judge me for me. You cannot make me paranoid about this. Why can’t you just accept that I don’t care and go away?”
Except I was on my phone at the time and didn’t want to be bothered with typing all that.
I mean maybe I should have pointed out his reputation not being so stellar, but that seemed like effort and he certainly would have told me about how he’s friends with everyone who’s ever played Ares ever and how he was doing me a favor warning me. Or something.
Clearly dude did not want to just go away.
@Kestrel Oh! It’s exactly who I thought it was. Sounds about right for him.
@Tributary said in MU Peeves Thread:
@YetiBeard said in MU Peeves Thread:
“I have a very good reputation” - Clearly someone trustworthy of good repute.
To be fair, I only said that because he was like, “She’ll ruin your reputation!” and I was like, “Whatever. My reputation’s fine. I expect people to judge me for me. You cannot make me paranoid about this. Why can’t you just accept that I don’t care and go away?”
Except I was on my phone at the time and didn’t want to be bothered with typing all that.
I mean maybe I should have pointed out his reputation not being so stellar, but that seemed like effort and he certainly would have told me about how he’s friends with everyone who’s ever played Ares ever and how he was doing me a favor warning me. Or something.
Clearly dude did not want to just go away.
Yeah, in any other context I’d laugh at the person delivering that line, but in response to a jackass attempting social intimidation tactics, it’s an excellent fuck off.
I match the good faith I’m given. The correct response to blackmail is always to turn into an apathetic sociopath, for the 5 minutes it takes them to get the message there isn’t anything here for them.
On the phone or not, he deserved none of your time or effort.
@Tributary I think my favorite response of yours was “There is literally nothing to abuse.” It’s a good way to run a game.
@junipersky said in MU Peeves Thread:
Ankh-Morpork is closed and I’m still so sad about it.
We did have some fun scenes there. You should come back and play with me on Keys.
Maybe over the summer? I make no promises. I’m too scattered these days for slow-multi-day scenes. So it would have to be in your time zone.
@junipersky said in MU Peeves Thread:
Maybe over the summer? I make no promises. I’m too scattered these days for slow-multi-day scenes. So it would have to be in your time zone.
I know that feeling well. I’m struggling a lot with it as well at the time being, due to an upcoming family event that I really wish I could dodge. We’ll make it work – and if we don’t manage to make it work, at least you know that you’re wanted around!
I don’t like it when I’m meeting a new character and their way of engaging with me is that they will magically solve all of my IC problems. Like I see you are doing a task? I will do the task for you right now. You mention you can’t find a Whatever lately? I happen to have three Whatevers right here with me at this moment.
It’s not the worst trait. I just don’t like it.
Feeling like you have become the bad guy and enemy of fun because your RL has gotten uber busy so you can’t RP as much as you used to (or really at all), and causing a ripple effect on someone else because of it.
I mean, I’m sorry, but as much as I enjoy happy fun pretend time, my RL life comes first. Always will. I’m sorry that your character is tied to mine and my lack of being able to log in has caused you grief, but what is the alternative?
It just sucks.
@imstillhere major back up on this peeve. I mean sometimes the struggle is part of the concept at least for me.
@Alamias said in MU Peeves Thread:
I’m sorry that your character is tied to mine and my lack of being able to log in has caused you grief, but what is the alternative?
I’ve seen this happen often, and I feel for you. I encourage people to create characters that won’t stop functioning when the player of a character they’re tied to has to disappear for a while.
@Jumpscare That’s the thing. On paper to my knowledge, this shouldn’t be the case. The person in question should be able to go off and do their own thing regardless of me being around or not so I am not sure how or why this became an issue that got laid down at my feet.
Trust me, it sucks just as much if not more for me that I can’t get on to RP as it does them, but at least they have the ability to get on and RP at all, so I don’t know why I became the bad guy in this particular instance.
It baffles me and makes me sad. I don’t know if it is the depression talking (probably) but it’s enough to make me just toss my hands up and retire the character even when my schedule does get more manageable.
@Alamias said in MU Peeves Thread:
Trust me, it sucks just as much if not more for me that I can’t get on to RP as it does them, but at least they have the ability to get on and RP at all, so I don’t know why I became the bad guy in this particular instance.
This does not actually sound like you are at all the problem for this person in this situation, but it’s a lot easier to look for people to blame than do self-interrogation sometimes (most of the time).
@Alamias This shouldn’t be on you at all. Everyone in this hobby should have respect for others’ real lives, especially now that most of us are adults with children and other responsibilities. It’s not okay for this person to be guilting you for putting your RL over your internet hobby fun time.
This is as much an “elsewhere” peeve as it is a MU peeve but… AI art of big breasted wasp waisted highly sexualized photo real anime girls whose faces look like they were made using Toddlers and Tiaras photos to train the AI being used for your character on an ordinary MU.
I know not everyone wants to use real photos, or to pay someone to make good art of your character, but I shouldn’t feel like I’m on a government watchlist from glancing at your character’s profile.
@Snackness I never gave him grief over his RL. That’s utter bull. I told him repeatedly I understood his RL had priority, but after going on 7 months of steady decline in seeing him around at all, coupled with the fact his nearly 2 year old pc has made no IC progress I was no longer having fun. Nice to see this made the forum though.
Do you want to tell your side of the conversation?
@junipersky OOC his RL ate him, it happens. I waited and waited for it to get better, it has in fact taken more of his time. That’s life. There is no end in sight, and with Summer coming up I expect it’s going to be more RL as it should. It’s sounding like I should have just waited in perpetuity? I’m not blaming him for needing to do RL, wanting to do RL or enjoying his RL. I’m saying I want to move on. That makes me a villain apparently.
I think that depends on what you said? If it was along the lines of, “Hey, I am going to move on to other things and would like to handwave breaking off whatever IC connection we had,” then yeah, totally fine.
If it involved things along the lines of, “I don’t have fun any more because of your absence,” then not so fine.