Other ways people RP
@Third-Eye So much this. I’ve been in Asynch scenes that people just aren’t into and it drags on for literally months with people occasionally posing and it is just like those dinner parties where you want to stab yourself in the leg just so you have an excuse to leave.
@Narson said in Other ways people RP:
@Third-Eye So much this. I’ve been in Asynch scenes that people just aren’t into and it drags on for literally months with people occasionally posing and it is just like those dinner parties where you want to stab yourself in the leg just so you have an excuse to leave.
Most of my scenes are asyncs and the ones I GM certainly are. If I’ve learned one thing from that – it’s to enforce time limits. Hard.
Yes, people will bitch if you skip them. But if you made it clear up front that you’ll move the scene on after 24 hours unless somebody contacts you asking for time because real life reasons, then they can bitch. They were told on sign-up.
The problem is that a lot of people think they can do asyncs and then lose focus. Or they think that async means ‘whenever, if ever I feel like it’ and fail to consider the rest of the group who are left hanging.
A 24 hour limit on poses is not unreasonable. I’ll give more time if people get in touch and tell me that something is up. But if I hear nothing I’m going to assume that they lost interest, got distracted, or otherwise fell off the radar. In that case, it’s the people who’re sticking with the scene I want to take good care of, not the ones who bailed.
I’m curious whether folks RPing in Discord and Amino (and working on this app) are doing async RP, or if they’re doing something closer to synchronous or (in Ares terms) distracted RP.
I was really struck, looking at the screenshot for the app the article discusses, by how much it looks like the unified play screen on Ares - just with fewer bells and whistles.
Those of you who’ve dabbled in Discord RP, did you find cultural differences beyond the pace of play? What WAS the pace of play? Was it uniform, or varied?
@Tat In stretches between games run by friends, I search for RP servers in Discord via Disboard. I’m in a few major RP server advertisement hubs. I would say about 90% of the RP I find on Discord centers around async RP. To me it’s rare to find live/active RP, mostly because a lot of these are run by younger folk who believe the pose length indicates literacy and quality of RP, so people feel pressure to make massive posts padded with meaningless thought meta and fluff.
So much of the RP on Discord is async that threads die out contantly. Story seldom moves forward unless you find pockets of very active, very speedy RPers.
When I say async I’m talking about days between poses. Which either works for people or doesn’t, but I do think MUSHes gear towards quicker, 2-3 hour scenes as opposed to week/month-long scenes. I had to dip on a Discord RP recently because one person took a solid month to pose.
@Yam said in Other ways people RP:
I had to dip on a Discord RP recently because one person took a solid month to pose.
I can’t do asynch at all, so my opinion on this is essentially irrelevant, but I don’t know how you gdocs people are doing it. I would rather die than let someone see my pose-in-progress.
I absolutely need the feel of a time crunch and the live/active posing in order to stay engaged in a scene. I’ve done some GDocs scenes that were live/active enough that I could finish them, but the failure rate I have for those is much, much higher. Same with forum-style RP.
I don’t know that all RPers (or even most? I’m thinking forum and Discord and the like) will find the MU* format comfortable; it’s not just creative writing, but it’s creative writing with a smidge of pressure to produce something relatively quickly.
It’s just that, as @Yam said, some people believe that pose length equates to literacy and quality of RP and that doesn’t really mesh well with MU*-style RP. It can, if a person is both quick in terms of typing and doesn’t spend hours (or days) crafting ‘the perfect pose’, but I’m not sure how common that is.
@farfalla said in Other ways people RP:
I can’t do asynch at all, so my opinion on this is essentially irrelevant, but I don’t know how you gdocs people are doing it. I would rather die than let someone see my pose-in-progress.
When I did Gdocs I would literally write my pose in a different window, lol
Tell them to clear off while you craft your masterpiece. Then nudge them when done.
I wasn’t fond of Gdoc RP because it put me in more a writer’s mindset. I wanted to write paragraphs and be more narrative, and that’s not what I want from RP.
I’ve done a fair amount of text-based tabletop on Discord, though, and it works very well. I think with threads, it could work even better, and not be as horribly spammy to find things; each scene could be its own thread, which gets archived afterwards, but it’s still there for searching.
@Yam said in Other ways people RP:
Story seldom moves forward unless you find pockets of very active, very speedy RPers.
These are clearly the ones we need to show M*s to
@Roz said in Other ways people RP:
When I did Gdocs I would literally write my pose in a different window, lol
Yuuuuup. Having people watch me live-type a pose (or anything in GDocs) hits me in the same weird place that +watchers did.
Obviously you write and perfect your pose in notepad++ and then just paste it into the gdoc in all its glory
@lucidmaus said in Other ways people RP:
I don’t know that all RPers (or even most? I’m thinking forum and Discord and the like) will find the MU* format comfortable; it’s not just creative writing, but it’s creative writing with a smidge of pressure to produce something relatively quickly.
There would definitely be some who likely would love and thrive in a MU* style. I staffed on a game that did a lot of outreach to Tumblr RPers because our theme had a large fandom there, and we gained multiple people new to MU*s who had a lot of fun. People RPing on non-ideal platforms like Tumblr, Discord, etc., don’t necessarily know there are other options. People who prefer a forum style – longer poses, slower pace – may not, but I think, in general, people underestimate the potential interest you could convert.
@Roz wow i didn’t realize that was you until I hit reply – and i even recognize that avatar. Yeah! Arx actually ended up with more than a few people from forum/other types of RP. It just takes outreach
AKA HANDHOLDING. If you have the time/motivation for it, it is definitely doable and you will catch interest.
@hellfrog said in Other ways people RP:
@Roz wow i didn’t realize that was you until I hit reply – and i even recognize that avatar.
I’m trying to be nice to the people who hate animated avatars!
Yeah! Arx actually ended up with more than a few people from forum/other types of RP. It just takes outreach
AKA HANDHOLDING. If you have the time/motivation for it, it is definitely doable and you will catch interest.
Yeah, I think we ended up writing a big guide to MU* RP, how clients work, terminology, etc.
@Roz yeah you wrote some good guide. asspats in order
*probably maybe some other people also wrote good guide, i’m not trying to deny them asspats
@Roz What did your outreach look like?
What were the biggest hurdles for them? Do you think they’d be different on an Ares or Evennia game?
@Tat said in Other ways people RP:
@Roz What did your outreach look like?
This was years ago but I mostly remember us doing Tumblr ads on the big active fandom tags. However, I recall @Yam making specific effort to hunt down good Tumblr RPers and inviting them.
What were the biggest hurdles for them? Do you think they’d be different on an Ares or Evennia game?
This is also hard to remember. I recall terminology being weird for them? We have a lot of vocab that we’re all used to (scene, pose, that sort of thing) that is not immediately intuitive. Ares might be an easier sell for people used to RPing on the web in some form. I don’t imagine Evennia would feel hugely different, as its interface still requires a client of some form.
@hellfrog said in Other ways people RP:
Obviously you write and perfect your pose in notepad++ and then just paste it into the gdoc in all its glory
Only if you’re a native speaker. Otherwise you write and perfect it in Grammarly before pasting it in.
Yes, I do that. Grammarly’s Chrome plugin works with Ares’ web portal too.