I’m glum about a circumstance that I can’t really talk about with anyone and it’s just one of those things where I wish I had some no-judgment RP therapist to vent at. I feel dumb about it, but then also angry and hurt and offended and sad and scared/anxious. The answer is to walk away, but I don’t want to walk away. Meh. I’ll get over it.

Best posts made by Yam
RE: MU Peeves Thread
When I lived in Florida I’d have to cross a bridge across a bay to work and occasionally I would see dolphins. I couldn’t take pictures because I was driving very fast with traffic HOWEVER I have recreated the experience to fully immerse you.
RE: MU* Wishlists
@Livia Lol yes, please. Modern Chronicles of Darkness, and some extra nudging where people get some kind of in-the-know token so not every scene outside your sphere involves tedious tiptoeing around secrets in a collaborative storytelling environment.
RE: Other ways people RP
@Tat In stretches between games run by friends, I search for RP servers in Discord via Disboard. I’m in a few major RP server advertisement hubs. I would say about 90% of the RP I find on Discord centers around async RP. To me it’s rare to find live/active RP, mostly because a lot of these are run by younger folk who believe the pose length indicates literacy and quality of RP, so people feel pressure to make massive posts padded with meaningless thought meta and fluff.
So much of the RP on Discord is async that threads die out contantly. Story seldom moves forward unless you find pockets of very active, very speedy RPers.
When I say async I’m talking about days between poses. Which either works for people or doesn’t, but I do think MUSHes gear towards quicker, 2-3 hour scenes as opposed to week/month-long scenes. I had to dip on a Discord RP recently because one person took a solid month to pose.
RE: What Do You Want Out of a MU?
- Stability
- Stability
- Stability
- Responsive staff
- Access to metaplot is nice but not all that necessary so long as I’m permitted to run my own stuff
- Not a huge fan of secrecy/player occlusion or whatever it’s called, I prefer everyone being on the same page oocly (for important things, anyway)
- My friends also happen to be there
which is not a thing that a MU can control of course, just a factor to keep me around longer
- Solid, interesting theme
- Did I mention stability? I lose motivation real quick when I notice staff starting to fade off
RE: Weirdest Things You've Researched for MU*s
On a WoD game I played a dockhand (or harbormaster? I can’t remember) who was a changing breed oceanborn spinner dolphin. So I heavily researched the area surrounding the fictional town, and made a map of basins and banks.
RE: RP Comedy
@Tez Oh my GOD how dare you compliment me SO STEALTHILY by @ing me
I LOVE YOU ALL im cry ;_;
I love comedy in RP. A lot of my friends are fucking great at it and I am 100% shamelessly biased. My favorite kind of RP comedy is the kind where it’s not just amusing, it’s side-splitting hilarious and it affects YOU as the PLAYER so now you get to channel that mirth AUTHENTICALLY through your character.
There have been multiple times where I’ve posed my character trying to resume the flow of the scene but then having to continue laughing in the middle of it because I was still cracking up. Shout out to @ham @sao and @Pyrephox
Naturally, @Tez is amazing at it too. I haven’t played too much with @tsar but I STILL remember how amused I was when Erik came to patch up Gil’s broken nose. scar has been absolutely killing me.
RE: RP Comedy
@sao I GOT TO RP ABOUT THE STICK!! I think. Maybe. I might’ve just been examining every single object in your room and every object within an object. I feel like I ICly asked about that stick though.
Also how could I forget @Rathenhope who ALWAYS rolls with the punches for comedy. I am particularly fond of a fish-out-of-water character he played in a WoD game with me.
Latest posts made by Yam
RE: Thoughts on pre-planned Time Jumps to Retire Characters and Play Their Descendants
Mostly in agreement with @L-B-Heuschkel’s points, it’s a hard no for me. While I don’t mind a well-placed time jump, I’m not really interested in the end of a character’s story. Takes a lot of work to build stuff up again. That said, this clearly has appeal judging by the results of that poll, so godspeed!
RE: As a PLAYER, how many fellow players would be ideal in a shared game?
@Yam oh my god im missing option 30-45
Guys im so bad at this
As a PLAYER, how many fellow players would be ideal in a shared game?
If you want 30-45 pls just comment.
RE: IC Consequences and OOC Acceptance
@Gashlycrumb said in IC Consequences and OOC Acceptance:
Bridget: “How about I set fire to Abelard’s lawn and he just sat there? But you know, I’m good with anything.”
I feel this in my bones. I SEE YOU, BRIDGET.
RE: As a gamerunner, what is the ideal number of players you aim for?
I voted for (up to) 15. I ran a private game a few years ago for about about 8 players and it was SO MUCH WORK. Granted I was doing a lot of narrative story responses that were pretty personalized. Everyone had stuff going on. A bunch of creative people that you want to give plot attention to.
RE: As a gamerunner, what is the ideal number of players you aim for?
@Yam IT ATE MY DASHES and I can’t edit it. Oh well. Figure it out.
As a gamerunner, what is the ideal number of players you aim for?
I omitted 0 because while the ideal game of course has 0 players, I’m trying to curb joke answers.
RE: What Do You Want Out of a MU?
@Coin Oh yeah, def. Makes sense. It’s a feedback loop thing for sure. I kind of assumed the question was more posed for what players want out of a MU, so that’s the perspective I took.
Games will definitely have dips and lulls in interest/activity. I’m always impressed by the ones that appear to power through. That’s one of the reasons I’d probably struggle to run a public thing. I’d lose all my interest when my buddies inevitably wander off