@Testament said in Bannings:
@Kestrel I will agree that on the Venn diagram of MUDers and MUSHers, there is a very small overlap of people who probably fall into both categories. Between two large circles, one labels ‘Hate RP’ and ‘Love RP’
Not sure I agree with that. There’s a lot of stylistic differences between people that really love RP and still would have a lot of trouble jumping formats, because the way RP is initiated and the approach to it can be very, very different. Imo it is a lot easier to go from like google docs rp or forum rp to MUSH than it is to go from MUD to MUSH-like RP for a lot of people. A mountain of MUD people have tried Arx and I’d say the retention rate on them is far and away the lowest of anyone, significantly worse than people that have never played a MU before at all, and I know I’d have to change massive amounts of stuff for them to find it accessible.
@Meg let’s don’t worry about that right now
Also, no one needs to post anything on Derp’s Echo Chamber. Post it here. They’re all reading.
The difference being they CAN come here and defend themselves, just choose not to. I don’t have the option of reminding them that they banned me after I broke no rule, posted no profanity-laced flame, just made Gany irritated by posting in a topic she chose to leave unlocked. Not to say I didn’t set out to get banned, but it was remarkably easy to get Gany to violate her own rules and start blindly swinging the banhammer.
Must have ruffled some feathers reminding people their ringleader is a misogynistic victim-blamer.
Guess getting lumped into a collective based on where you post is only fair when they do it. DEVREX is a free and independent thinker. WE are a hive mind, though, and no convincing the embarrassingly myopic Devrex otherwise.
I’m so sorry they feel that way lololol
@Meg i will buy you something pretty later to take your mind off it
@Apos I’ll admit I’m generalizing for the sake of my own experience on the matter. The conversations I’ve had with a MUD players have stated that RP on their game is either a non-issue or very low priorities on the reasons they play. While I’m not sure if I should liken MUDs to basically MMOs via text, that’s the best analogue I can think of at the moment.
And the people that do RP on MUDs, it’s a distinctly different brand of RP of from my observations. Pose length and style is rather different than what one expects from a heavier, more intensive RP MUSH. When I think about it, it’s always seemed more like different mindsets than anything else.
I typed up a whole reply to that thread about how to repair the community, as measured as I could manage, looked it over, and then promptly trashed it, just to get it out of my system. It’s a bit cathartic, if time wasting. I was never going to post it, because in all honesty what would be the point?
The OP is the most sealion of sealions, and I have never witnessed him engage in a conversation in good faith. That post is no different. It is a topic worth discussing, but there’s no interest from the people asking the questions in hearing answers contrary to “just keep doing what you’re doing”, in that or any other thread. The solution offered by the OP to the perceived problem is to just do the exact same thing, but to the “right” people (or, excuse me, “cull them”, that’s a fucking yikes, my dude, it can go on the shelf alongside all the other yikes gathered by that equivalence between bullies and genuine predators).
In general, nothing I’ve seen since this whole thing shook out has given me any confidence that MSB can achieve what it claims it wants, in part because I do not believe that is actually what the administration there wants, as evidenced by…basically every response to substantial criticism or pushback, but also by their blatant lying.
Actually, y’all lurking here anyway, here’s the version where I’m too tired to care about moderating myself. You’re lying. You’re lying out your lying lie holes, and anyone who goes and reads the relevant posts/threads can see it. The bans had nothing to do with the Hog Pit. The issues that sparked the firestorm that led to the bannings had nothing to do with the Hog Pit. Most of the people banned were banned over what was effectively a cease and desist as regards posting at all, not because they were super toxic baby-eating ultra bullies subsisting on the tears of the undeserving. And I note that basically everyone spreading this lie is someone who enthusiastically engaged in the Hog Pit. Yes, that means you, and you, and you. All people have to do is look at your posting history. I guess you’re just banking on folks not doing that, but here’s the thing, here’s the big glaring fifty foot neon flashing sign of Painfully Obvious Projection:
If you meant what you keep saying, you would not be lying about what happened and why. There is literally no reason for it other than you’re looking for easy excuses and convenient scapegoats. You banned a bunch of people and declared it good, so why, exactly, do you feel the need to make up reasons to further justify it? The reasons are right there! Anyone can read it! You’re clattering on about bringing the receipts while posting on a forum chock-full of them.
The way you’re behaving toward anyone offering any substantial criticism is fucking absurd (do forgive me, I used the bad no-no word). You’re aggressive as all hell straight out the gate, and when posters get fed up with that behavior and start caring less about trying to engage with you in good faith (as you offer absolutely none), you take it as proof you were right to be paranoid assholes. MSB cannot and will not get past this until you’re willing to actually check yourselves, but as checking yourselves seems to be a nigh herculean task, I doubt you’re up to it.
But that’s okay. You’ve got your little corner of the internet, and you’re welcome to it, and whatever enjoyment you get from it. You don’t actually have to pretend that you want to do better. I imagine most people would prefer you not, in fact. But if you do? Then you need to put in serious effort to fix your shit. And you’re going to have to reckon with the fact that there are people you are supporting and allowing into your corner that have no interest in changing and thrive off of the kind of environment you’re providing, By that, I don’t mean the pretense toward civility or tightened standards on what’s acceptable to post, I mean the absolute sub-zero chilling effect your actual behavior has had on the likelihood of anyone not in your immediate in-group calling out or reporting them.
I have the bad habit of getting bogged down in slapfights. You’re a nuclear warhead, and I mean that with all of my love.
Also, no one needs to post anything on Derp’s Echo Chamber. Post it here. They’re all reading.
I feel a weird combination of amusement and pity that hobos is still on about me calling him a creep who doesn’t think other people are real. It doesn’t seem to have occurred to him that maybe I’ve had life experiences, plural, that cause me to interpret his behavior as a series of bright red flags from the kind of guys who are so self-righteous they can’t see the difference between red and green. He only knows that from his perspective, he is innocent of whatever he thinks I accused him of, and his perspective is the only one that matters. After all, it’s only possible for other people to be wrong or self-deluded, not him.
So since my perspective has no value in his consideration of what criticisms I have for him, I would like to post a few accusations for hobos to screenshot as proof that I am out to get him despite having to double check the other forum just to be sure I remembered the name of the dude I’m talking about.
hobos is a serial killer who keeps four small children chained in his basement. Every night, he dresses up in the costume of a French chevalier and picks one by chanting Eeny Meeny Miney Moe in a bad French accent. He uses a hacksaw to remove two inches from the legs of his chosen victim. No one has caught him because when his victims die, he cooks their meat in chili which he donates to homeless people, which local monster hunters have not realized is the cause for the sudden steep increase in the local wendigo population.
hobos once broke into his local news channel with a gun and a live endangered African white rhino. He took the camera crew hostage and forced them to live broadcast him beheading the rhino with a chainsaw, then wearing its head as a codpiece. The videos are on YouTube, but hidden behind age gates due to the graphic content.
hobos is not human. He is the result of Argentinean Nazi scientists cloning Hitler’s brain into the bodies of thirteen stray cats, who are now piled together inside a complicated human suit to masquerade as a man until it is time for them to rule at the head of the Meowth Reich.
hobos is personally responsible for all global warming. If we can just find and eliminate hobos, CO2 emissions will fall every year and the ozone layer will replenish itself. It is every human’s moral responsibility to hunt hobos, for the sake of all life on this planet.
This is mostly why I don’t read MSB. I refuse to allow those people to live rent-free in my head. I don’t like giving people that kind of satisfaction.
Because clearly they can’t or won’t show that same level of restraint.
OK but at this point I’m a little of jealous of hobos, and I think it’s unfair that he got rewarded with a badass backstory for his bad behaviour. Where do I sign up to get custom lore?
I am seriously going to stop poking at this but I’m on vacation right now so here’s the illustrated guide to the remaining “community” on Derp’s echo chamber. An X means they either haven’t posted since the dust-up or just posted their “peace out” message and left.
Out of the top-24 most liked - not most prolific, but most agreed with posters - only five remain who weren’t banned at some point. And four of them are either current or former board admin.
Do with that info what you will. To me, it lays bare the fact that this was never about the health of the community.
I am seriously going to stop poking at this but I’m on vacation right now so here’s the illustrated guide to the remaining “community” on Derp’s echo chamber. An X means they either haven’t posted since the dust-up or just posted their “peace out” message and left.
Out of the top-24 most liked - not most prolific, but most agreed with posters - only five remain who weren’t banned at some point. And four of them are either current or former board admin.
Do with that info what you will. To me, it lays bare the fact that this was never about the health of the community.
Pyre was banned??
I am seriously going to stop poking at this but I’m on vacation right now so here’s the illustrated guide to the remaining “community” on Derp’s echo chamber. An X means they either haven’t posted since the dust-up or just posted their “peace out” message and left.
Out of the top-24 most liked - not most prolific, but most agreed with posters - only five remain who weren’t banned at some point. And four of them are either current or former board admin.
Do with that info what you will. To me, it lays bare the fact that this was never about the health of the community.
Same energy.
@tsar oh nope, i got happy with the banned text. very skillfully edited the image so no one will be the wiser (even though you quoted it)
@KarmaBum lol I was like MAN how did I miss that because that of all bans would have been the most baffling of them all
@Kestrel was genetically engineered in a laboratory to be the world’s greatest warrior, but was raised in England as part of a social experiment to see if the nation’s “what would the neighbors think” culture could override her genetic programming. It has not occurred yet to the scientists that neither is the case; that Kestrel might have chosen a life of peace of her own free will and morality.
Kestrel once saved four babies from a burning orphanage. She didn’t rush into the fire or anything silly like that. Rather, she rebuked the fire sharply to stop being such a little attention-seeker, and the flame, humiliated, slinked off into a river to think about what it had done.
Kestrel posts so rarely on this board because she spends most of her time in outer space, visiting the sun. She has discovered the sun is actual a titanic labyrinth made of plasma, which she has been mapping off and on for the last three years. Many alien species are assisting her efforts in exchange for access to her data and to her music recommendations, which they seem to consider a form of currency.
Once per year, Kestrel may summon an army of gerbils to do her bidding. She does not know where, when, or how she acquired this power, but the gerbils know, and they refuse to speak of it.
Kestrel refuses to watch “white savior” movies because it reminds her of the time she personally unified China thousands of years ago. In retrospect, she wishes she’d let them unify themselves, but it’s too late to fix that now. All she can do is try to avoid the embarrassment.
I am seriously going to stop poking at this but I’m on vacation right now so here’s the illustrated guide to the remaining “community” on Derp’s echo chamber. An X means they either haven’t posted since the dust-up or just posted their “peace out” message and left.
Out of the top-24 most liked - not most prolific, but most agreed with posters - only five remain who weren’t banned at some point. And four of them are either current or former board admin.
Do with that info what you will. To me, it lays bare the fact that this was never about the health of the community.
Hm, I do think some of those red X’s hadn’t posted quite a bit before the dust up, too. Can I make a request that maybe they be grey X’s, if they hadn’t posted in a while before the dust up?