The fact that @Jenn continues to give the SA narrative, after I explicitly told her that wasn’t the case baffles me.
Here are receipts.
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “So… I’m noticing a bit of tension on your part. If you’re uncomfortable with the plot OOCly (for whatever reason), lemme know. We can just have it resolved as quickly as possible if that’s the case.”
<PM> (to Conrad[Web], Leto, Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “I am incredibly uncomfortable with this situation, particularly OOC’ly, but I’ve been doing my best to IC’ly roll with it, because I know you’ve told multiple people who have asked about things that it’s a piece of a huge plot you have planned, and that you don’t intend it to be quickly cured. You said as much to me when it happened, too. The way the bite itself went down was really non-consenty and rail-roaded. I was paged that there was no general access library research to be done, so I didn’t bother adding to your workload to try it. I invited whomever seemed IC’ly reasonable to maybe want to try helping, so that you could spread your plot plans around all of them. When I explained it was only a social scene, not an action scene… You went to someone else to get an invite anyway. Then you let Jack do the exact thing you’d told me I couldn’t accomplish. Research is literally Sophia’s only talent. I feel as if I’m being used as a walking and talking NPC in your plot, not a character. But I’m really trying as hard as I’m able to balance that with the knowledge that you’re in week one of Alpha, and this is a huge learning curve, and you’re well past capacity. So I’m doing my best to make this as easy on you as I can manage. But I feel as if I’m failing to do that at every turn.”
<PM> (to Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “And. Fuck. This is why I need to page name=blah and not default page blah. I am so, so sorry.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “How was it nonconsnety and railroady. There were two zombie bite rolls. You failed the first and beat the second. Hence you only got one bite. Even the decision of who was bitten was randomized. I gave you all numbers and roll dice to see who would get bit.”
<PM> (to Conrad[Web], Leto, Sophia) Wizard says, “For full transparency, I only paged Sophia asking if she was uncomfortable. But since she decided to share with y’all, here was my response to the earlier page: How was it nonconsnety and railroady. There were two zombie bite rolls. You failed the first and beat the second. Hence you only got one bite. Even the decision of who was bitten was randomized. I gave you all numbers and roll dice to see who would get bit.”"
<PM> (to Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “I have a terrible habit of hitting page and forgetting to switch its aim. I have apologized for that already. I’ve also made sure that what I’m saying from here is NOT going elsewhere. Again. Sorry.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “The reason I asked to see what you were doing is because I didn’t want OTHERS to just say they were to by pass wards etc at the school. As I explained to you (and only you prior), if you’re trying to bypass the wards it will need to be an STed scene. I know that Leto and Conrad can get… enthusiastic about things, so that is why I asked to be there.”
<PM> (to Conrad[Web], Sophia, Wizard) Leto says, “Transparency appreciated. Just my two cents addendum, from what I can tell, communication needed improvement from everyone involved (from consent to prefs to storytelling habits) so everyone involved knew what they were getting into (I.e. the curse) and the planned stories you had thought for it to those bitten, just so folks were in the loop. Granted, it’s a very fresh game and we’re all still learning to coexist with each other.
Hence why the RPprefs announcement was a really wise move. And the sharing felt like a mav rather than something intentional. Thems my two (and maybe 1/2) cents
Nobody’s fault, happens everywhere”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “You are not an NPC in this plot. You’re currently the main focus. IF not people wouldn’t have asked me to go out of my way to do things like find a cursebreaker etc. In all honesty, it was never my intention for it to get this big. Your zombie bite was supposed to be a warning of just how powerful the enemies were. However, when you involved almost half the MU* in your IC problems, I had to expand the scope so they wouldn’t potentially feel like it was a waste of their time, so I then went and developed the cursebreaknig stuff, Uncle Edgar, other NPCs, and introduced the city of Satyrine way ahead of schedule.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “So no, this has actually given me a lot more to do than originally planned, so I gave others a piece that they could pursue. If you feel that was unfair, I’m sorry on my end for that.”
<Questions, Healing> Luka (@Scar) has connected.
<PM> (to Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “First. There was an announcement that Sophia was throwing a party, without consulting me to see if there was interest in Sophia throwing a party. Second, it was spoken about as if it were a social thing, not a combat thing. Third, when it WAS clearly a combat thing, I intentionally kept my character over a full city block away from the zombies, while others went straight in. Fourth, despite any of our defenses or magic needing time to prep, the zombies (and their necromancer) managed to cover that entire distance as well as attack all in one singular round. Fifth, we all had the same combat rolls. The zombies all passed their attacks. All of us passed our athletics. Everyone else’s rolls counted to avoid things. Mine did not. There was not reason or explanation for that whatsover. Sixth, I was cursed some pretty awful things. Seventh, I went to Calliope first, and she didn’t show interest in finding out what had happened or why Sophia ran into her dad, despite three times trying to bring that up. To the point that Zayden even called it out IC’ly. Eighth, you got upset when Sophia’s efforts to involve others in this plot, to spread story for your game and the plot you kept telling me and everyone else was too big to manage alone, because I didn’t ask for a social scene that hadn’t needed anyone to roll any skills, much less magic, to be micro-managed. Ninth, you went behind my back to someone else to get into it anyway. Tenth, you then paged that I wasn’t thinking big enough in regards to the curse. Go worse. Despite your bbpost that you wouldn’t dabble in SA, it was STRONGLY implied. Eleventh, well. Here we all are. Inviting you to please join, whenever you are able, because we’re all just trying to end Sophia’s misery without ending your plot. And all that’s happened since is hearing that apparently the ways we’ve offered that invite were not sufficient. I’m at a genuine loss about what to do from here. I’m not trying to complicate things, or make your life harder. But I don’t know what more I can offer to avoid that.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “Calliope is my PC. I know /everything/ behind the scenes, and it is difficult to sometimes separate what I know as a storyteller and what my character knows. I did not want to potentially break that barrier, which is why Calliope was not involved ICly.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “With regards to the party, that is mea culpa. I figured a party would be an open scene and generally be open to the public, since, ICly, the physical kids cottage is known for its parties across campus.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “With regards to the zombies. I am literally looking at the log. You did NOT pass your athletics check to dodge. In fact you were the only failure.”
<PM> (to Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “The party? The party in Manhattan, at Sophia’s home, about which Sophia didn’t even know would be happening?”
<PM> (to Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “I’m OK that you don’t want Callie involved. I’m not ok with being paged that I hurt your feelings by not inviting her, when you’d made it clear you didn’t want Callie involved.”
<PM> (to Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “You seem to be making a LOT of decisions on the fly, and then expecting everyone else to live with those consequences, regardless of it it’s the best choice or not.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “It didn’t hurt my feelings OOCly. Just for clarification.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “I was saying it cause it probably hurt Calliope’s feelings ICly. But that’s neither here nor there. It’s not really important as it doesn’t affect things in the least imho”
<PM> (to Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “You are not correct. <FS3> Sophia rolls Athletics: Success (8 3 3 2)”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “But yes, I do things on the fly. A lot. That’s how I am as a storyteller. I roll with the punches and am like, oh that might be interesting to do.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “If I were to be like: This is preplanned and this is how it happens, then I would be railroady. But I look at what’s going on, and my first thought is: What would be really cool here right now?”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “Look, I had no idea that telling you that your character would suffer nightmares that ended up producing bruises (basically cribbing Freddy Krueger) would be such a horrible thing. I thought it was kinda neat from a perspective of what the villains could do. So here’s what I’ll propose. You don’t need me to ST your dream scene. Just do what you wanna do with Leto and Conrad. They go in, clear you or take the curse upon themselves, and we move forward.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “Also, why would I tell you that I’m planning things out? Why would I also need to OOC ask for your permission to tell a story?”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “I will note that NOTHING happened to Sophia’s home or parents. The zombie attack happened ON THE WAY. I did it as a means to introduce one of the villains that y’all will have.”
<PM> (to Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “Because stories need parties to consent to being told in them or not. And you can say all you want that you didn’t know it would be horrible. But I have the receipts. I kept copies so I would remember what was and wasn’t expected of Sophia IC’ly. You went SUPER over-board.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “I am not the type of ST to prediscuss this is what I plan to do to your character in a plot. To me, that removes the element or surprise/discovery/wonder/horror that I wish to illicit in the storytelling. It comes from, like I said in my latest announcement, me being a WoD player for so long.”
<PM> (to Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “On the way to a party that you didn’t ask if I would have wanted to host or not. On the way to a concert you didn’t ask Conrad if he wanted to pay for or not.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “Again, all this comes from my main experience as a WoD player and storyteller. We never asked, nor did we expect to be asked as players. I think the expectations are different. There was never a policy that said explicitly we are a consent or a nonconsent game. For that I take full responsibility.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “So like I said, do what you want with Leto and Conrad. Finish and conclude your story your way.”
<PM> (to Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “If you are making choices about what a character will or won’t do, and think that as a story-teller that’s cool to just use them how you wish without checking… That’s exactly what I mean by Sophia feels like a walking and talking NPC, not my own to make choices with. Sophia doesn’t party. She drinks with Conrad. She wouldn’t have hosted a pre-game. He lives right next door. IF he’d been in for that plot, he could have hosted the party. But you didn’t seem to think it mattered what either of us would or wouldn’t have done.”
<PM> (to Conrad[Web], Leto, Sophia, Sunset[Web]) Wizard says, “You four or howmany you would like are free to conclude Sophia’s curse story in whatever way she is comfortable with. I come from a WoD background as a player and storyteller. I am used to bad shit happening without consent of players. Sophia comes from a different experience. So you finish the story. I will continue with the other parts that people have stumbled upon in other ways. Thanks.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Wizard says, “I’ve never had to do that on WoD before. Like I said, it’s a different style. It’s something I’m not used to doing, nor is it is something that I’m used to on the receiving end. So, for this, I’ll call it a wash, you guys go about doing things your way and i’ll be more cognizant of yours and Conrad’s style from now on.”
I’m still a terrible person, yada yada. But as someone who has been through an SA IRL, I would NEVER EVER EVER put someone through an SA story. Jesus f christ.