@Lemon-Fox Hey Lemon-Fox, I’m glad you’re having fun on a game. Enjoy yourself tell the stories you want for the people you want to tell. Remember it’s better to ask for forgiveness with Cujo than permission. Have thick skin and no cares you will be fine.
Just be ready for the first time you cross Banshee, Hadrix, or Aryn. The 'not earned it’s for your admiral bit was just a taste.
Banshee once changed the rules for a force power mid scene cause he couldn’t one shot my very powerful dino Jedi. It was infuriating and funny at the same time.
Oh and yes, I talked to Cujo several times. It was hardly ever a directly bad experience. But years of lip service with no real support coupled with finally seeing the light is why I walked.
Oh if you’re a female player or female presenting player, try getting away with being bossy. He’s afraid of you. You really have the same power as Aryn especially if you can generate rp.
The times Cujo got onto me was my ic love interest was not playing well with others. Cujo would talk to me to get her to behave cause he was scared of her.