Liberation MUSH
@Tchotchke said in Liberation MUSH:
I appreciate everyone’s thoughts. Getting that out of my system and finding that a bunch of people with an outside perspective thought it was problematic was cathartic. Thank you.
Dude, my friends and I left that game over way less awful shit than that. And while I sometimes miss my character and regret the amount of setting material I wrote up for a staffer that was very shortly thereafter replaced by a hypercontrolling weirdo…
That policy (? bbpost? whatever it is?) is so beyond the pale that no amount of nostalgia would be worth going back. I suggest taking Roz’s advice and noping the fuck out of there.
@Tez said in Liberation MUSH:
@shit-piss-love I’LL TAKE THE BAIT
I’ll police the shit out of what people say outside the game. If you’re being racist, sexist, whatever via discord or any other avenue then I don’t WANT you on my game.
This is very reasonable.
The trip that sucks is when staff police what people say outside the game and respond to shit like, “This is a stupid house rule, I hate it,” and “Cheaty-Cheaty Bang-Bang learned my PC’s secret OOC and used it IC, and Staff let it slide,” and, “The plot is centered on PCs who sit on it and never RP in public to share it,” by banning or otherwise punishing people for “hurting the game by making it look bad.”
@Sammich said in Liberation MUSH:
turn it into my Everworld knockoff.
I totally read that as ‘Everwood’ and was both super confused and embarrassingly excited for a moment until my brain added the rest of the context.
Would you prefer ‘City of a Thousand Planets by Night’?
This multiple werewolf nipples thing sounds like an old debate that happened when an oWoD storyteller back on Children of the Moon tried to push the idea that male Lupis had upright wolf-parts in Chrinos form and the females had multiple breasts, while homids had a dangly human bits and only 2 breasts.They wanted to make that a rule so that you could tell the breed of the werewolf you were fighting. They argued there should be physical tells that you could exploit once you have the lore.
(Metis would have which ever they wanted because their deformity gave away their breed.)
They claimed it was to give combat and social stratification inside the sphere more depth but I think they just wanted a big lupus to knot their kinfolk alts.
CoM had some strange people on it. I remember one of the kinfolk had a baby that was a telekinetic or possessed by a spirit or something. I don’t recall the details but I remember logging in and hearing about a baby flying itself around the lodge. I avoided that forest Icly. Too full of crazy stuff.
@De-Villefort said in Liberation MUSH:
I think they just wanted a big lupus to knot their kinfolk alts
…what a day to have eyes
It was the old days when most players were horny teenagers. The game had first come out and got promoted big time in comic and game shops.Remember the hard back edition with the claw marks cut into the cover? That was the new thing back then. The writers of the book knew it. They included a little section in the book about how the game isn’t just about sexy werewolves.
The good ole days when Gayrou were frowned on because it was the sacred duty of every werewolf to mate for Gaia.
Yeah, and I think there was a tribe called the Black Furies that were all women who hated men but were also required to breed so they raped and killed men. Real classy stuff.I remember there was an adventure pack from white wolf where you had your pack break into a zoo and “save” captive wolves to make strong blooded kinfolk with them. They didn’t go into detail about what happened to the wolves after you saved them and handed them over to another pack but… yikes!
Many of our hobbies are far more problematic than we know.Most people don’t realize it is cannon in the DC universe that the Amazons from the island Wonder Woman comes from would set sail into the ocean, find a boat full of men, bang them in a drunken orgy, then murder them all. They would keep the girls but gather all the male children that resulted from the orgy and take them to “man’s world” where they would leave them to be adopted or die.
This post is deleted! -
@De-Villefort said in Liberation MUSH:
Most people don’t realize it is cannon in the DC universe that the Amazons from the island Wonder Woman comes from would set sail into the ocean, find a boat full of men, bang them in a drunken orgy, then murder them all. They would keep the girls but gather all the male children that resulted from the orgy and take them to “man’s world” where they would leave them to be adopted or die.
If I remember correctly, this is just word for word Greek mythology. Which doesn’t make it less problematical just not original.
@De-Villefort said in Liberation MUSH:
It was the old days when most players were horny teenagers.
Hah, joke’s on you, we’re all horny adults now, and our tasteless lewds have gotten even weirder
@moth I can just sit and watch that play over and over. So cute.
@De-Villefort said in Liberation MUSH:
Many of our hobbies are far more problematic than we know.Most people don’t realize it is cannon in the DC universe that the Amazons from the island Wonder Woman comes from would set sail into the ocean, find a boat full of men, bang them in a drunken orgy, then murder them all. They would keep the girls but gather all the male children that resulted from the orgy and take them to “man’s world” where they would leave them to be adopted or die.
Not is, was. Don’t get me wrong, you are absolutely right that this storyline absolutely did happen and was canonical for a few years, but eventually even the notoriously thick DC execs realized it was a bad look for one of their Holy Trinity of characters to be from Girl-Boss Date-Rape Infanticide Man-Murder-Island, especially when she had a movie due out the next year.
Prior to Nu52, which debuted in 2011, there was no real need for the Amazons to repopulate because the Amazons on Themyscira/Paradise Island were ageless and only ever aged when they left to Man’s World/Patriarch’s World.
That was the whole reason Diana/Wonder Woman was made from clay, because Hippolyta wanted a child and there were no men to make a baby with. (This was also retconned to make her a demi-god again, which was… not great, because it means her powers were derived from a man, instead of from the Greek Goddesses or her own training and hard work.)
There was another tribe introduced in the 80s (Post Crisis on Infinite Earths) who absolutely did this, minus the ocean, but they were in Egypt, not Themyscira, and didn’t have immortality. Diana wasn’t from this tribe. And yes, they were also problematic for many reasons I won’t get into now because this post is already way too long.
In 2016, with DC Rebirth, they apparently wiped the slate clean of Girlboss Gatekeep Gaslight island and set Wonder Woman back up in a way that more resembled the films.
Last night before bed I was thinking about games I had played on in the past and how they handled problematic players. Oddly enough, the one I remember handling it best was the old, original, Dark Metal.
They didn’t have much in the way of administrators but they had zones where different levels of problematic RP could happen. It was a cyberpunk theme World of Darkness game set in a future where the war between supers had boiled over, mankind knew about and was prepared for werewolves, vampires, and mages.
They had cyborg cops with heavy assault weapons on flying cars that could rip a werewolf to shreds in the bright zones but the further away you moved from the corporate centers the more wild-west it became.
The poor were stuck living with the monsters in poverty zones and anything could happen in those places. Just being there meant you give up your consent to everything. It was ICA=ICC all the way so if a black spiral dancer decided to make a new hole in you to play hide the sausage with and you couldn’t fight him off, that was it for you.
I don’t remember much crazy creepy stuff happening in the bright zones but I do recall horror stories about the things happening in the poverty areas.
There was one area which the public was told never to go to because it was highly irradiated yet the public train ran to it anyway and it was a forest paradise for the Garou and Gaia shifter types.
Again, I think giving them their own zone where they have the OOC protection of consent limited a lot of problematic behavior.
<Side Rant>
It always bugged me that the train ran there though. There should have been a wall around the city with a secret exit to get to the werewolf lands. Otherwise the poor people living under the crushing cruelty of the vampires in the poverty zones would flee to the Garou zones.It’s gotta be hard to convince a populous that outside of the city complex will kill you when it’s idyllic ancient forest full of life and spacious populated suburbs the moment you step off the train at the last stop.
Those werewolves should have been flooded with thousands of poor human immigrants trying to get into their zone every day.
@De-Villefort said in Liberation MUSH:
Yeah, and I think there was a tribe called the Black Furies that were all women who hated men but were also required to breed so they raped and killed men. Real classy stuff.
If there’s one thing in the world that’s funnier to me than men writing women, it’s men writing lesbians. I might give the writers a pass on this because being a rage-filled murdermutt is the whole point of the game, but still.
(Also, I am old enough to remember when the Amazons were the reincarnated souls of women who died to men’s predations, given a new life on Paradise Island by the goddesses of the Greek pantheon as kind of an apology for how bad men screwed up the world and the women who have to live in it.)
@GF That was what they retconned it from in 2011, then back to in 2016. It was a good origin. Perez did good with that. Less good with making the tribe of all brown Amazons rapists and murderers, but nobody’s perfect.
@GF said in Liberation MUSH:
@De-Villefort said in Liberation MUSH:
Yeah, and I think there was a tribe called the Black Furies that were all women who hated men but were also required to breed so they raped and killed men. Real classy stuff.
If there’s one thing in the world that’s funnier to me than men writing women, it’s men writing lesbians. I might give the writers a pass on this because being a rage-filled murdermutt is the whole point of the game, but still.
There’s a whole family in Legend of the Five Ring called the Matsu that aren’t lesbians, but who are matriarchal and – IIRC, it’s been about a decade – only train women to be warriors and blah blah blah. Despite the fact that they’re not written as outright lesbians, they are absolutely cut from the same rage-filled, man-hating cloth.
Y’know, like it’s almost impossible for male writers to consider that there may be a group of women whose interests and desires don’t revolve around dudes. Like, even if they’re matriarchal and outright gay, it is obviously because all of their thoughts, decisions, and actions are motivated by their burning hatred of men instead of… just total indifference or not being especially relevant to this group of people.
I will note that L5R was also written mostly in the '90s, buuuuuuuuuut I don’t think the underlying presumption has changed all that much.