@De-Villefort huh? weird statement to make as there have been many changeling only and vampire only games that do very well focusing on a single sphere. Werewolf too.
It is true though that there are elements of being able to change form in vampire and changeling if you set up the right build. But nobody needs any particular sphere. I’m glad that was realized because I do think for a long while esp in the era of almost every wod game having to be massively multisphere even if staff was only grudgingly so, there’s less pressure for staff to open anything except what they have interest in running and they can safely ignore the obnoxious folk who are like “No true WoD place doesn’t have this thing i want so I won’t play if you don’t have it.” One of my favorite things about this era of mushing (aside from a community less tolerant of harassment, creepiness, and abusive behavior–no more 3 free incidents!) is all the times I’ve seen staff take in someone’s obnoxious whining about how the game isn’t going to be good because they don’t like that it doesn’t have/has something they think should be different and then they boot their ass out. Politely even.